Nov 2010 02
by Sash Suicide
(pictured with his mistress Milloux Suicide)
- INTO: Sleeping, heat, putting puppies in their place, howling with sirens, and eating.
- NOT INTO: Music, rubber toys, being held like an infant.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Burrowing, pressing my face against boobs, squeaky toys, and blankets.
- MAKES ME SAD: Being alone, puppies taking my attention, blowdryers, baths, being clean in general.
- HOBBIES: Licking my feet, scratching my ears, looking for bugs, eating ladies underwear.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Kibble, blankets to burrow in, a good raw hide, my mom, my squeaky squirrel.
- VICES: Eating panties. I can’t help but eat ladies underwear – I have a problem.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping and distracting mom from her important things to do.
Get to know Siouxsie’s mistress, Milloux Suicide, over at SuicideGirls.com!
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[…] Fraise Suicide, Cheri Suicide, Jensen Suicide, Radeo Suicide, Lorelei Suicide, Scotty Suicide, Milloux Suicide, Psyche Suicide, Scotty Suicide, GoGo Suicide, Rambo Suicide, Sash […]