by Tara Diane
I was supposed to go to this dinky little local amusement park tonight, but things didn’t exactly work out. In an effort to hinder my depression, I felt like some fatty fair food was in order. I don’t need your Ferris wheel to enjoy myself, bitches! I remember going to the boardwalk in Santa Cruz when I was in high school. We would usually go down to the caves and take an educational tour of the local vegetation, then go pig out on funnel cakes. So let’s make some fricking funnel cakes!
by AJ Focht
School is back in session and this is your chance to grab that nerdy guy (or geeky girl) that you missed out on last year. But before you rush in head first there are a few things you should know.
While Bob Suicide has been helping all you geeks get down with the right look (and smell!), I thought I would go a step further and offer tips for those of you who are perhaps contemplating dating a nerd for the first time. First of all, bear in mind the rules and rituals of geek bonding are very different from those that apply when you’re dating a member of the general population. Nerds tend to be a bit more, let’s admit it, eccentric than, well, normal people. What makes us nerds so great is that we fully commit ourselves to a project, or video game, or whatever – in the extreme. This can also be a drawback if you are not well versed in the ways of nerdom. Some of our habits, hobbies, and even speech can come off wrong if you are not privy to the way of the nerd.
by Tara Diane
I feel like I need to add a disclaimer to this post, so: Disclaimer: there will be tons of ball jokes in this entry. Also, I promise I’m not playing a joke where I trick you guys into making as many random circle things as possible (this, contact paper, string lamp thing), I am just not that artistic and circles are really freaking easy to make!
Anyways, I came across this tutorial on making cloth pom pom ball shits on Chinese lanterns. I thought they were pretty cool, but decided I needed to jazz it up a little bit and figure out a lazier way of doing it. Our balls are going to be quite a bit larger than theirs. I basically just steal other people’s ideas and make them better most of the time!
by Andrew E. Konietzky
This week I had a great round-table discussion with friends concerning the state of new media and the changing world around us. Being a writer and podcaster, I have long been a supporter of CC. Whoops! I may have to give a bit of a refresher course first: Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that works to increase the amount of creativity (cultural, educational and scientific content) in “the commons” – the body of work that is available to the public for free and legal sharing, uses, re-purposing and remixing. So I sat down to do a bit of research for my benefit and to show I am not created just out of cheesy films, zombies and strange culture. Well, actually I am, but I do have a stake in this changing world of media.
The world is now a hyper-expanding WikiNation, with information flowing back and forth faster than ever before. Plug in your cranial jack and download the info-burst on this documentary from the global networks. Rip: A Remix Manifesto, in which web activist and filmmaker Brett Gaylor explores issues of copyright in the information age, mashing up the media landscape of the 20th century and shattering the wall between users and producers. He is also the web producer of, a web project dedicated to bridging the digital divide and allowing everyone to participate in online culture. Brett is one of Canada’s first video bloggers and has been working with youth and media for over 10 years, and is a founding instructor of the Gulf Islands Film and Television School.
by Tara Diane
I really love this project, contact paper décor, because it’s great if you’re renting or living somewhere short term and want to jazz up the walls. If you’re renting you probably don’t want to paint, since you’ll just have to paint over it when you leave, and probably don’t want to spend a bunch of money on vinyl wall decals that cost a fuck-ton and aren’t reusable. These aren’t reusable either, but they only cost $6 worth of contact paper and an hour of your time. So… on with the tutorial!
by Alana Joy
If you’re an art lover in the greater Portland area, be sure to not miss this amazing art show!
Idealistically Hypocritical:
A mash Up of Art work by Ryuichi Ogino and Over 20 artists

by Tara Diane
So this post is all about making dairy products out of… other dairy products. When I was younger my mom taught my brother and me how to make ice cream in a bag and butter in a jar, so I figured I’d share it with you! I found some great videos on YouTube, much better than I could make myself, so I’m just going to direct you to them (plus I’ve been out of town most of the week).
Oh and then I’ll tell you how to make chocolate whipped cream.