Jan 2011 20

by Jay Hathaway

“The thing you loved as a kid is the thing you should do when you grow up.”
– Paul Pope

Paul Pope has built a reputation as a visionary artist and writer on the strength of some of the most acclaimed graphic novels of the past decade, including Heavy Liquid and 100%. His multiple-Eisner-winning story, Batman: Year 100, immersed the dark knight in the same kind of near-future dystopia that makes his creator-owned work so thrilling. If you saw The Dark Knight this summer, you saw a motorcycle that looks remarkably similar to the one Paul designed for Year 100.


Jan 2011 20

by A.J. Focht

Technology is advancing all around us, and it’s not always easy to be for it when it continually changes so many facets of everyday life. I recently purchased a Kindle, after several days of convincing myself that it was ok. You see, I have complained about them for years, never intending to buy one. The concept of getting rid of my paper books was more than appalling, and the English major inside me died a little every time I saw someone with one.

Then things began to happen that made me reevaluate the idea of a handheld reader. Kindle announced its 3G Wireless model with access to Wikipedia from anywhere (little did I know it was actually full internet access). Soon after this announcement, I moved into my current apartment. It didn’t take me long to realize that I have too much stuff. My book collection takes up its own case as well as three other shelves. As I tried to shove all of my books into the tiny living space, I found myself considering the advantages of a handheld reader for the first time.


Jan 2011 14

by A.J. Focht

Super heroes are in right now. While their popularity has been steadily growing for years, each blockbuster movie released only fuels the fanboy frenzy. Video games, movies, television, and merchandise have never been more adorned with super hero icons. The question though is: Who’s super heroes are they?


Jan 2011 14

by Fred Topel

“I look at porn every morning.”

– Kevin Smith

Actor, writer, director and comic book buff Kevin Smith, whose breakthrough film was 1994’s Clerks, is at his best when he’s just talking. He even figured that out, so in between actual movies, he films his college Q&A tours to release An Evening With Kevin Smith DVDs, the third of which is now in stores. Smith’s movies force him to take break from his raw wit for things like plot and character development. But at least when he makes them, we get to hear some unedited Smith-isms when we interview him.


Jan 2011 13

by Alex Deuben

“If I have three hours, I definitely want to be gaming.”

– Felicia Day

For some of us, Felicia Day will always be Penny from “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog,” but that isn’t because she’s resting on her laurels. She’s an actor who starred in the recent Syfy channel movie Red, guest starred in the “Epitaph One” and “Epitaph Two” episodes of Dollhouse and will be appearing in the second half of the current season of Eureka on the Syfy channel in 2011. She also voiced a character in the recently released video game Fallout: New Vegas.


Jan 2011 10

by Nicole Powers

“The spirit of Tank Girl runs like a wild horse.”

– Alan Martin

Hollywood nearly killed Tank Girl. Dodgy movies have a way of doing that to people. Tank Girl’s creators, writer Alan Martin and artist Jamie Hewlett, would be the first to say the 1995 big screen incarnation of the cult comic strip character, which they had zero control over, wasn’t all that it should have been. Indeed they might even say it was a “shit sandwich” (well, actually, Martin did). Fortunately, Tank Girl’s superhuman, and her fuck you spirit would never allow a bunch of scummy film execs and industry cheese weasels to have the last word. Down but not out, after a hiatus of over a decade, she put her Tank Boots back on, and kicked, screamed and farted her way back from near oblivion, with a little help from Martin.


Jan 2011 05

by Damon Martin

The ball has dropped and the calendar has flipped, and now that we are entering 2011, comic book fans are looking forward to the biggest books and events for this upcoming year. The landscape over the next few months will most likely be shaped by DC Comics juggernaut series Green Lantern, which will feature expansions into a new series, with one mega event wrapping up while another begins, and of course the summer release of the new Green Lantern movie.

The Green Lantern was often thought of by comic book fans as a second tier character to the bigger named heroes like Batman and Superman, but over the last few years current DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns has turned the book into the most popular series for the comic giant.
