Apr 2011 15

by Aaron Colter

Back in my post about Emerald City Comic Con, I highlighted Rexa a monster pornography art book by Jason “JFish” Fischer, and hoped I’d be able to preview some pages from his upcoming work. Well, Fischer was kind enough to send me a couple pages from a book he’s debuting at the Stumptown Comics Festival in Portland this weekend called Junqueland written by Robin Bogert. He says the story is about “a couple of monsters having tasty fun in a bakery.”

So . . . yeah. Check it out. Shit’s crazy, and as far as I can tell, about some dinosaurs fucking, but it’s probably much deeper than that. Or not. Whatever. Who cares, it’s rad.


Apr 2011 12

by Alex Deuben

“People thought we had some political agenda…”
-Elaine Lee

Fans have been yearning for years for a hardcover volume of Starstruck. However their long wait is over, since an IDW published collection will hit stores in April. Writer Elaine Lee has lived with these characters for longer than anyone though, and she isn’t finished with them. Starstruck debuted as a play, and was then published as a comic in the early 1980s. The science fiction story is told in a nonlinear fashion with a vast cast of characters, including multiple female heroines. Starstruck was ahead of its time when it first came out, so reading the book today, it feels very contemporary.


Apr 2011 08

by Aaron Colter

This week I’m featuring artistic shit out of Portland, Oregon – the best city in America, but don’t fucking move here because it rains for eight goddamn months out of the year. Oh, and by the way, I hope you have a master’s degree and several thousands of dollars in savings, because the only thing a bachelor’s will get you in this town is a part-time job in a coffee shop as a barista-back to a thirty-three year old with a villain mustache straight out of a silent film, who has, apparently, been studying the art of java and thrift-store shopping since he was sixteen.

How charming is that shit, Portlandia?!


Apr 2011 01

by Aaron Colter

The last couple of posts have been, let’s say, overtly political. (That sounds better than calling them giant fucking tantrums about those in power and the idiots of the world.) So this week, you lucky bastards, it’s just a list of cool shit reminiscent of my first post.

You’re welcome.


Mar 2011 23

by Alex Dueben

“It’s a book about a bunch of attractive young women kicking ass…”
– Cameron Stewart

Cameron Stewart is a familiar name to comics fans. He has been working in the industry for years, but it was 2004’s Seaguy, a Vertigo miniseries from writer Grant Morrison, that put him on the map. Since then there have been several more of high profile projects including a sequel to Seaguy entitled Seven Soldiers: Guardian, a story arc on Batman and Robin (also written by Grant Morrison), and the Vietnam War miniseries, The Other Side (with Weapon X writer Jason Aaron).


Mar 2011 18

by A.J. Focht

Superman has been slated to return to the silver screen for quite some time now. It’s been nearly six months since Zack Snyder (Watchmen) signed on to direct the Kryptonian’s next blockbuster. There has been a slow trickle of information about the movie, but none of them have been as substantial as the latest news.


Mar 2011 11

by Aaron Colter

Hello folks, and welcome back to another round of Things You Like That I Might Like Too. For those of you that haven’t played before, let me remind you that there are no winners and no prizes. This week’s challenge: Emerald City Comic Con!

There are a lot of comic book conventions in the United States, and if you didn’t already know, let me be the first to tell you – most of them suck. I understand the appeal of San Diego Comic Con, but if you’re willing to pay anywhere from $2,000 to $6,000 just to wait in line for two hours so that you can get inside to wait for three more hours just to see that thing that you like that you’re wearing the t-shirt of . . . you’re doing it wrong.
