Nov 2010 25

by Andrew E. Konietzky

I was again asked by the beautiful staff over at SuicideGirls to create a Top 10 Holiday Films list. As with my Horror Film Top 10, it is impossible to list all the applicable films or put them into some definitive order. I must once again post a small disclaimer; we all have our Holiday favorites we visit each year. You may prefer having a drink in Dorry’s Tavern with Mrs. Deagle in Gremlins. Others may want to attend the Christmas party at Nakatomi Plaza in Diehard. And Buddy the Elf, is already calling me a cotton-headed ninny-muggins for not mentioning Bad Santa, Better Off Dead, Dutch, or The Ref. I know I’m going to miss some, but here are 10 of my peppermint and gingerbread sprinkled seasonal faves.


Nov 2010 24

by Damon Martin

Star Wars without George Lucas?

The Godfather without Al Pacino?

Jay and Silent Bob without Kevin Smith?

Any of those scenarios would just seem wrong wouldn’t they? Well, that brings us to Monday’s announcement from Warner Bros. that they will be reviving Buffy the Vampire Slayer in a new film that will have no direct connection with the previous movie or television show – and also no connection whatsoever with character creator and long time Buffy writer Joss Whedon.

You read that correctly: The man who created and guided the Buffy-verse will have nothing to do with the latest incarnation set to hit the big screen as soon as 2011.


Nov 2010 23

by Ryan Stewart

“Donny doesn’t give a fuck.”

-Eli Roth

“Donny doesn’t give a fuck,” is how Eli Roth sums up the bloody-minded motivations of his character in Quentin Tarantino’s delirious new WWII film, Inglourious Basterds. A Boston-bred Jewish kid turned soldier who is fully aware of the existence and breadth of the Holocaust as it’s occurring, and is motivated by inconsolable rage towards Nazis as a result, Donny is one of many carefully-sculpted, subtly modernized characters in a film that is itself a counterfactual kaleidoscope, cut loose from the moorings of history and propelled solely by the emotional impulses of its makers. Donny’’s blind, seething anger,– and the justice he dispenses with a baseball bat – are the secret weapons of the Basterds, an unlikely platoon of Jewish-American soldiers dropped into Nazi-occupied France by the Allies to act as a roving insurgency, capturing and mutilating Nazi stragglers in order to unnerve the German high command. At least, that’s their mission until they become tasked with something even grander – a top-secret assignment to target the Nazi leadership, which is personally shepherded by a cigar-chomping Winston Churchill.


Nov 2010 22

by Fred Topel

“You don’t have to look like me to be considered beautiful and sexy.”

– Brittany Daniel

When the aliens come, the only ones left to fight back will be the good looking Hollywood heroes. Independence Day gave us Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman and Vivica A. Fox. Signs left us in the hands (and basement) of Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix. Now Skyline has strapping male leads Eric Balfour (who plays Jarrod) and Donald Faison (Terry), to keep their girlfriends safe and fight off invaders. Brittany Daniel plays Candice, described as Terry’s self-absorbed socialite girlfriend.


Nov 2010 19

by Ryan Stewart

“If you met yourself in person, would you see only faults?”

-Duncan Jones

If the new film Moon puts you in mind of David Bowie’s lyrical, space-is-a-lonely-place ballad, “Space Oddity,” that’s probably not a total coincidence – it was directed by his 38 year-old son, Duncan Jones, who formerly went under the much less conservative name, Zowie Bowie. After years of directing commercials and trying to move on from what he describes as a youth marked by isolation and periods of self-discovery, Jones has emerged with a new identity as a respected indie filmmaker.


Nov 2010 15

by Nicole Powers

“There’s something inherently scary about kissing a cannibal.”

– Diablo Cody

“I constantly want to feel like I’m in danger,” says author and screenwriter Diablo Cody during our interview. This statement reveals a lot when you consider Cody’s resume. She punctuated a rather mundane series of office jobs by moonlighting as a stripper, phone sex worker, and a peep show girl. While still working for “the man” she documented her experiences in the sex industry in a very public space — a popular blog called Pussy Ranch. Subsequently she penned a full-blown memoir, entitled Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper, which was published by Penguin imprint Gotham Books.


Nov 2010 11

by Fred Topel

“I don’t listen to anyone else.”

– Robert Pattinson

Three years ago, anyone who wanted to talk to Robert Pattinson could have probably just phoned up his agent or publicist and gotten a lunch date with the struggling actor. Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire didnt exactly have groupies, and that was his only really visible role.
