Ur W33K 1N G33K (October 11-17 NYCC 2012 Edition) 0
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Last weekend was New York Comic Con 2012. Out of all of the news announced, the most exciting might have been that Agent Coulson is not dead, and will be returning for the S.H.I.E.L.D television series. It wasn’t just the TV show that was mentioned; Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson) had a few select words for the crowd:
“Have you heard of a thing called a Life Model Decoy? Have you heard of the Vision?”
Marvel is taking full advantage of its social media with their new campaign for Iron Man 3. They are ready to release the first sneak peak for the movie, but only after the fans “power up Iron Mans core” by likingthe movie’s Facebook page. If you want to see the Iron Man 3 preview a little sooner and approve of this type of social media marketing, make sure you toss them a ‘like’. Iron man 3 is set to release in theaters on May 3, 2013.
The official synopsis for Thor: The Dark World has been released. It promises that in the aftermath of Thor and The Avengers, Thor will traverse the cosmos and the Nine Realms in an attempt to restore order. His battle against an ancient army will bring him back to Earth and reconnect him with Jane Foster. The end of the synopsis says Thor will have to sacrifice everything to save us all. This could mean many things including that he will die or lose his powers and become Donald Blake. Thor: The Dark World hits theaters on November 8, 2013.
The Marvel cinematic universe has just grown to include everyone’s favorite blind superhero. The rights to Daredevil have reverted from FOX back to Marvel. The chances of Marvel rebooting the Daredevil movie into the new Marvel universe are high. Most of the film rights to Marvel’s mainstay superheroes are still owned by other companies so Disney and Marvel are likely to jump on this franchise, especially since the newest run of Daredevil has gained quite a following.
New photos from the set of The Wolverine have been released. They give first looks at the film’s villains. Svetlana Khodchenkova is pictured in her role as Viper. There are also shots of Will Yun Lee who will be playing Silver Samurai in the film. The Wolverine opens in theaters on July 26, 2013.
Another official synopsis has been released, this one for Kick-Ass 2. The antics of Kick-Ass and Hit Girl have stirred a new wave of masked heroes led by Colonel Stars and Stripes, who is played by Jim Carrey. Red Mist seeks revenge and is reborn as the first world’s first super villain, Mother Fucker. When he assembles his own evil league and starts killing masked heroes, only Kick-Ass and Hit Girl can save them. Kick-Ass 2 releases in theaters on June 28, 2013.
The first footage from the Evil Dead remake was screened at NYCC. It inspired a certain sense of déjà vu as we return to the infamous cabin in the woods. A group of kids enter the cabin and a boy in the group comes across the infamous Necronomicon. More clips were shown as well, including someone starting a chainsaw and the return of the raping tree. Evil Dead releases on April 12, 2013.
The Walking Dead has returned with a record breaking premiere. The Season 3 opener had 10.9 million viewers and it was the highest rated episode in the series’ history. The episode now holds the record for biggest telecast for any drama series in basic cable history. Check back next week for our preview of the new Walking Dead Magazine.