Feb 2011 28

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Sharyn, Salome, and Rydell

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Sharyn in NYC]

Q: Here’s my problem. Hoping for some advice. I’m 28, been out on my own for a while, and never had much problem talking to women in college, or high school. But now I find myself losing my confidence and having trouble speaking to women in general. It’s only started over the last few years.

I can carry on a conversation for a little while, and then I feel like I panic or have an anxiety attack and have to cut and run. Not sure why this is happening, or what could be causing it, but I’d like to see if anyone has any insight before I decide I need to see a therapist or get some anti-anxiety meds.


Feb 2011 25

by Brad Warner

Zen Master Genpo Roshi has announced that he is disrobing. To “disrobe” as a Buddhist monk means that you formally quit the Buddhist order and give up your status as a priest and/or monk. Ironically, it was disrobing that got him into trouble in the first place. It seems that Genpo, who is married, had an affair with the woman he was grooming to be his successor.

I never even knew or cared about any of Genpo’s sex scandals (this is not his first) until this one broke. But I have been highly critical of a scam he’s been running for a number of years called Big Mind(r).


Feb 2011 23

by Darrah de jour

“Can I just vent for a fucking moment?

I was not allowed to leave my recovery program until I was a “healthy” 120 lbs.

Tonight, the “Biggest Loser” was awarded $250,000 for being 117 lbs.

What the FUCK is wrong with this picture????”
(Anonymous blogger)

With the hypocritical and oppressive ‘beauty machine’ of America in full-swing, girls are getting “thinspiration” off food blogs and Pro-Ana sites; detouring off the deep end instead of finding their way into recovery. Even Portia de Rossi’s memoir Unbearable Lightness and the stick figures of Black Swan can serve as a “how to” for low self esteem. And this begs the question. Women – aren’t we just too dang valuable to level our self-worth by countable ribs?


Feb 2011 21

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Squee and Clio

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Squee in Philosophy]

Q: I have this problem…every time I meet a potential girlfriend I end up in the “Friend Zone” and it sucks, hardcore. Just wanted to know how I can avoid this Twilight Zone friend anomaly thing. Thanks.


Feb 2011 14

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Smythe, Leandra, and Atlea

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Smythe in There Is A Light]

Q: What’s the best way to strike up a conversation with an SG on the site? I really love SuicideGirls and I’ve made a lot of friends since I joined the site. So how do I talk to them on here without coming off like a random loser/stalker?


Feb 2011 14

by Matt Dunbar

Valentine’s Day always wins. No matter how many times we protest the holiday as the sinister conspiracy of the Hallmark-Russel Stover-Pajamagrams industrial complex, or cite its offensively apocryphal origins (St Valentine wasn’t really the patron saint of love, but actually a divorced, sexually incompetent pharmaceutical salesman from New Jersey), Valentine’s Day always comes out on top. At the stroke of midnight on February 15th, we will either be desperately relieved to be lying next to the person we love, or dismayed that the search will require still more time, effort, and Smirnoff.

But while pretty much terrible for everybody involved, Valentine’s Day is especially cruel to one particularly wretched subspecies of the romantically forlorn: the long-distance dater. Convinced for God knows what reason that the only person on Earth they are compatible with requires a TSA patdown to reach, they attempt to defy the basic laws of physics, human behavior, and testicular depression. While their single brethren troll bars and parties for some holiday-induced hookup, those in a long-distance relationship celebrate the 14th by blocking out an extra hour on GChat with their significant other before retiring to their cold, empty and depressingly underutilized twin mattresses.


Feb 2011 11

by Blogbot

There’s been a lot of talk around the SG office about what to get our men for Valentine’s Day. Girls are pretty easy to buy for; flowers, chocolate, Champagne, lingerie, fragrance, candles, and jewelry may lack originality, but that’s not always a bad thing. However shopping for the man in your life is a little harder. Turns out there’s a reason for that: What they really want can’t exactly be bought in a store.
