Aug 2010 25

by Desiree Marsau

I get this question a lot in my line of work. Over the past 10 years that I’ve spent buying and re-selling vintage I’ve come up with a very simple answer to this question: Why limit yourself? A wise woman once said, “There are some questions that should be answered with a counter-question.” This is definitely one of those questions.

Why limit yourself to what? A number of things. Why limit yourself to mass produced mall clothing? Why limit yourself to current trends? Why limit yourself to one look? One decade? One style? With vintage clothing, the possibilities are totally endless. My personal closet is as varied as it comes. One day I can be a sweet 70’s flower child, the next a sexy Russian spy. One day I’ll dress 50’s, the next; 20’s. Most often I just go for a sort of modern eclectic look by incorporating vintage pieces in with contemporary ones. Sky’s the limit, innit.


Aug 2010 24

by Dan Tabor

If you thought break-ups were complicated when you were still among the dating, you have absolutely nothing on our digital lovebirds of today. Where once if you got really adventurous you might have some naked-time videotapes and Polaroids to worry about once the relationship ran its course, now with the picture perfect replication of digital technology it’s a much more complicated matter altogether.


Aug 2010 24

by Angelita

As a sex shop employee, I know how difficult it is to pick a sex toy. You finally work up the courage to get into the sex shop and you’re greeted by a giant wall of synthetic dicks. Things aren’t much better shopping online either; how are you supposed to know if you’re going to want to put something on your junk if you can’t even touch it with your hands? To give you a hand — or at least a silicone fist — I’ve created this little tip list to help you find the best sex toy for you!


Aug 2010 24

by Carlovely

I scour the web so you don’t have to!

Your Grandma ain’t got squat on this break dancing granny! Check out the video above to see Grandma Tracy breakdancing at Mad Decent NYC block party, fanny pack and all. It’s safe to say that this 60-something Grandma shows us all that there’s more to aging than prunes and crosswords. YOU GO GRANNY! (via:


Aug 2010 24

Sinnah Suicide in Answered Prayers

[click the header for BIG!]

  • INTO: tattooing, sarcasm, anything tasty and sugary, sushis & jap food, tea, travelling, comics, books, redheads, british humor and humor in general, painting, internet, Akira, art nouveau, restaurants, sleeping, dogs, belgian beers, calm, independance
  • NOT INTO: early mornings, bullying, cold wind, spicy dishes, new year’s eve parties, heat, hardcore feminism, attention whoring, dependance, loud/pretentious/opportunistic/fake people, crowded places
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: tattooing, friends, being busy, music, dogs, trips, sunny but not too hot days, rain, succeeding something, drawing, a good book, new people, christmas when I’m with my family, chocolate, tea
  • MAKES ME SAD: violence, nastiness, no chocolate, being alone when hungover, sundays, this effing northern weather
  • HOBBIES: drawing, baking, cuddling,
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Internet, chocolate, books, beer, food
  • VICES: chocolate, beer, sushi, food in general, tobacco, comics, internet, tea

Get to know Sinnah better over at!

Aug 2010 23

by Tara Diane

So this post is all about making dairy products out of… other dairy products. When I was younger my mom taught my brother and me how to make ice cream in a bag and butter in a jar, so I figured I’d share it with you! I found some great videos on YouTube, much better than I could make myself, so I’m just going to direct you to them (plus I’ve been out of town most of the week).

Oh and then I’ll tell you how to make chocolate whipped cream.


Aug 2010 23

by Nahp Suicide

Have you ever wondered why you feel attracted to some things, products or people? There is a famous quote by Leonardo da Vinci: “Nothing fools us more than our own judgement”. Can this be true? Let’s see…
