Jun 2013 13

by Alexander Hinkley

[GoGo Suicide in The Twelfth]

GoGo is a sexy Italian model that is also into video games. She’s also a movie buff and hardcore Game of Thrones fan, so it’s safe to say that GoGo actually loves all sorts of nerdy things.

Is there a story behind your SG nickname?

There sort of isn’t one. When I first applied for the site I had to pick a nickname and GoGo is what came to mind. It sounded short and cute and easy to remember!

How long have you been modeling?

Since I applied for SuicideGirls in 2004.

You have a ton of really cool tattoos. Is there any special symbolism behind them?

Not really, I mean, besides the name of my dog on my ankle and Rain Dogs across my knuckles over Tom Waits, the rest is just ideas of things that I like / inspire me. I usually just give a rough idea to the artist and let him or her do the rest.

What are some of your favorite video games?

The Silent Hill saga has a special place in my heart. Other than that, I love Diablo 3, LA Noire, and Call of Duty.

Do you play games online much?

I used to be really into Diablo 3 and would play for hours every day. But the servers are so horrible, always down, and always laggy, so eventually I just kinda gradually gave up on it. Call of Duty is a game I like to play sporadically, like when I am really frustrated so I can just shoot some motherfuckers.

Which class do you prefer in Diablo 3?

Wizard all the way! I’m definitely a disintegrate/archon combo wizard.

Ever try to make money on the auction house?

Not real money, only gold to buy more equipment with. I never got that far as wanting to spend hundreds of real dollars for it. Maybe I would have been tempted once or twice if the servers were more reliable, but alas…

What’s your console of choice?

PS3 and desktop 🙂

Do you think the Silent Hill franchise has gotten better or worse over time?

I think it had ups and downs. Some of them were great, some not so great, but overall it’s the universe of it that really gets to you, you know? 1 and 3 are my favorites.

How/when did you first get into playing video games?

Gosh I don’t know. When my parents gave me a Sega Master System for Christmas when I was little, I guess!

Judging by the fact you list “Winterfell” as your hometown, I take it you’re a Game of Thrones fan?

Huge! I wouldn’t know where to begin! Last year I did a tribute shoot that came out super cool. It was the “grown up version” of Arya Stark. You should check it out!

So where did you really grow up?

Italy, books, and the internet 🙂

Which is better, the books or the TV show?

This is a hard question! I LOVE the books and at the same time I LOVE the show. I would instinctively pick the book because there’s just more of everything, and you can spend months reading them and being absorbed in the whole imaginarium –– but they sure are doing a great job with the TV version, too. The TV show has the potential to be on air for a long time, whereas the books are being published too far apart and it’s such a long, painful wait!

Favorite character?

Tyrion and Arya. Bran seems to be heading in a very badass direction too, whereas Jon isn’t really as interesting as he once was. But given the huge cliffhanger of the last book, I expect greater things for him to come. *SPOILER ALERT* (I just don’t want him to really be dead). I have to say since Theon became Reek, he also started to really interest me.

Have you gotten a chance to try the GoT RPG that was released back in May?

I haven’t! I feel like between the books and the TV show I have enough GoT in my life if that makes sense!

I understand you’re also somewhat of a movie buff. If you could make any movie into a video game, what would it be?

I am, that’s another subject I could talk about forever! Let me think… Perhaps an Oldboy inspired game where you wake up in a room you don’t know why and you have to solve the mystery and riddles etc. Hmm that sounds like Silent Hill a bit doesn’t it? 🙂

For more of GoGo find her on Facebook, Twitter and SuicideGirls, and be sure to checkout her Etsy store!


Jun 2013 05

by Laurelin

I still think about him all the time. His name is still often on my lips although we don’t speak much these days. At first every time my cell phone lit up I would imagine his name being in the center of my screen and sometimes it was, and my heart would leap. He doesn’t reach out so much anymore, and I don’t expect it. It was silly, what we had. It wasn’t real; he wasn’t real and neither was I.

He hid things. I pretended not to know things about him and whenever I wanted to ask, I would open my mouth and something different would come out. He often left me speechless, breathless, weak in the knees, yet somehow, I was sure of myself with him until he was gone. With his absence suddenly those feelings turned to powerlessness; I was unsure of the world around me. The world was hazy, veiled.

I wore color contacts; he will never even know the real color of my eyes. Going out with a different guy the other night for drinks I had to laugh, because when I caught him staring at me I felt the words finally bubbling to the surface, a string of the many things I had never said. “Green,” I almost shouted, “my eyes are green.”

“Okay….” The new guy said, and it didn’t matter, but I felt better, almost.

Going home that night I knew that maybe it was best for me to be by myself for a little while. The cobwebs in my head needed shaking, I needed a reality check, not someone else to lean on.

Still, I think about him all the time. Some people come and go like a summer breeze, and others leave wreckage in their wake, loving and leaving like a storm whipped up off the ocean back home in Rhode Island. The sky turns black as night and flashes with lightning, splintering the sky like cracks in ice just before it breaks. The thunder is so loud you can feel it in your chest; you can breath it in. The storms are over as quickly as they began and when the clouds clear you are acutely aware that while it felt like time stopped, it in fact, did not.

Whoever I was with this guy doesn’t matter now. The clouds have scattered and time has left him only in my memory. The only thing that’s clear after this storm is that going forward from here, I can’t settle for anything less than total devastation.


May 2013 26

by Nahp

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

This week Nahp tells us why she’s into Health & Fitness.

Members: 1,906 / Comments: 10,150

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I love it because since last year I’ve been working really hard to get a healthy lifestyle. I started to eat really good and have been exercising, and since January of this year I’ve started to workout really hard to achieve my goal. In this specific group, I find a lot of advice and tips on healthy food and workouts that are very helpful to me at this time of my life. It’s like a bible!

DISCUSSION TIP: It’s a place to discuss healthy lifestyles. Share experiences, ask questions and discuss anything related to health and fitness.

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: I there’s not a heated discussion thread, but a thread that is really loved for many people is “Anyone up for a challenge?” A lot of people post there every day so you can see how people approach their goals, and how the other members encourage them to achieve them. It’s amazing!

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “’I wanna be this and I wanna be that’ – WELL THEN GRAB FUCKING NUTS AND BE IT!!”

WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Every single person who is interested in achieving their physical and mental goals and/or are interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


May 2013 07

by Alexander Hinkley

[Annasthesia (pictured with Phecda) in Playtime]

This week’s SuicideGirls Gamer Of The Week is Annasthesia Suicide. I spoke to Annathesia about her favorite video games and asked for an insider tip on how guys can find a gamer girlfriend.

What made you choose the nickname “Annasthesia?”

I thought it would be clever to take a word that sounded like it could also have a name in it, and play on that. So “Anna” plus “Anesthesia” equaled “Annasthesia.”

How many tattoos and piercings do you have?

Well, I have the tops of my feet tattooed, the back of my neck, my chest, ribs, left forearm, and the makings of an eventual sleeve on my right arm. As far as piercings I’ve only had my lip, monroe, tongue, and belly button pierced. I temporarily donned a back corset piercing at my first Hell City. I think it was 20 piercings total.

Hell City?

Hell City Tattoo Convention. It’s one of the big events I look forward to each year now.

Which spot is the most painful to get tattooed?

So far my ribs have put every other spot to shame. The tops of the feet weren’t great and my chest has had its less than pleasant moments, but my ribs just sucked.

If you were to get one tattoo from a video game, such as a logo or symbol, what would it be?

I always have and still plan to get some Pokémon themed tattoo. I haven’t decided what yet, but it will happen. I like the idea of an 8-bit Togepi.

What are some of your other favorite games?

I’m the biggest Borderlands fan I know. I could play those into oblivion. Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 are great guilty pleasures. I also love all Zelda games. I replay Ocarina of Time on my 3DS whenever I travel.

Who is your favorite character in Borderlands?

Now it’s Tiny Tina, without a doubt. I adore her, Mushy Snugglebites and Felicia Sexopants. Any girl who spends her spare time filling stuffed animals with high grade explosives is top notch in my book! Before her, it was probably be Claptrap or Scooter, and, though he only got briefly mentioned in the sequel, I have a spot in my heart for Butt Stallion as well.

What about favorite gun?

The one that’s going to do the most damage! I almost always go with a Maliwan. Elemental weapons are the way to go. Melt someone’s face off! And usually long range sniper rifles, unless I’m hunting zombies, then an automatic shotgun.

What is the best Pokémon video game in your opinion?

I think every Pokémon fan is a fan of the originals. So I’d have to say it’s a close tie between Red/Blue and Fire Red/Leaf Green, because seeing the original with all new graphics was just tits.

Where does Pokémon Snap fit into things?

I’m probably in the minority, but I love Pokémon Snap. I still have my copy for my N64 and a copy I downloaded onto my Wii. I still play both. I may have a Poké-problem, haha!

Say you were in charge of developing the very next Pokémon video game. What would you added or do differently?

Well, my biggest issues with the newer games is that they seem to have gotten really lazy with the Pokémon themselves, while focusing on how visually intriguing they can make the new environments. Seriously, Trubbish? The trash bag Pokémon? I want better Pokémon and eviler enemies.

Is it true that you can’t ignore Gary Oak’s girth?

Very true. It’s undeniable. And, let’s face it, Gary Oak is the silver-haired fox Anderson Cooper of the Pokémon world. Do you even want to deny his girth? The answer is no, no you do not.

What is the longest you have ever played a game in one sitting and which game was it?

Oh, wow! I’d probably have more impressive numbers here if I played MMORPGs, but I know I’ve spent at least 12 straight hours on both Borderlands and Pokémon respectively. I remember the first night I got Borderlands, I played for over eight hours straight before I even looked at the clock less than a foot from my Xbox. But, I think both of those would probably pale in comparison to the freakish hours I’ve put in playing various versions of The Sims over the years. That stuff is unholy addicting.

What is one game that you could beat anybody in?

Beat anyone at, as in competitively? I think I could still destroy anyone in the original Mario Party 64. Now that’s serious.

Many nerds dream about dating a girl that respects their gaming habits or is a gamer herself. What are some insider tips on how a guy can land a girl gamer such as yourself?

Don’t try too hard. We like a little bit of difficulty or we wouldn’t game, lol.


May 2013 06

by Nahp

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

This week Aeterna tells us why she finds comfort in Depression Outlet.

Members: 2,734 / Comments: 28,135

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: Depression Outlet is a place for people to talk about depression and other mental issues. Members are welcome to share their stories, while others are there because they want to draw on their experiences to help others in need. I love the group because I’ve found a comfort there that is sometimes hard to find in real life. I’m feeling just fine, but I absolutely love sharing experiences and helping people, so I keep visiting. It’s a place where you can find support, compassion, and comprehension.

DISCUSSION TIP: It’s important to keep in mind that a lot of the people in this group are putting their hearts out and sharing their stories. It takes a lot of bravery for some of us, and it’s extremely important to keep the confidence of the group. I think I can speak for the rest of the members when I say that respect is the most important rule.

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Right now, I would say the “When going through hell, keep going” thread is one of the most active ones. The title is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a thread that anyone can use to vent and find support around the idea that if you’re going through a hard time, it is important that you go THROUGH it and not around it.

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: There’s a lot of inspiring and helping advice, but one of the quotes I enjoyed most is:

“Acting in a positive direction while the “depression soundtrack” plays in your head is a bloody hard thing to do. Still, over time, action can erode the soundtrack.”

WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone who’s going through depression (or other issues) or has gone through it, or anyone dealing with someone suffering from it. If you’re doing great but have an experience that you could or would like to share and if you love to help others, you’re welcome as well!


May 2013 05

by Laurelin

I’ve never really thought of myself as a tough chick. I don’t know why exactly, because when I think about it, I’ve always wanted to run wild with the boys. In elementary school my best friend Stephen and I would run around the school yard pretending we were Indiana Jones, swinging sticks as whips and tumbling. The girls played hopscotch. I never did.

When I was a little older I remember watching my neighbors Robert and Anthony wrestling on the playground. I said, “hit me!” but no one would. I yelled at Robert until I was blue in the face and all he said was, “My mother says I can’t hit a girl.” I was enraged. The boys could play rough, why couldn’t I? I ran around outside and turned brown in the sun, had skinned knees and collected salamanders from underneath rocks. I played with matchbox cars and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But I was never one of the boys.

This was always my mindset growing up as a tall girl. I wasn’t one of the boys, but I wasn’t one of the girls either. When I was younger, I didn’t notice, but when junior high and high school started people were cruel. Until I developed the confidence to rock my height I was pitifully self-conscious. I tried to hide it, but I cried whenever the girls in the hall in school called me a man. I had never worn make-up or pretty clothes but suddenly I found myself wishing I owned anything besides flannel shirts and baggy jeans; for once I wanted to be girly and it seemed like no matter what happened I couldn’t find my place.

I almost wish now that my parents had pushed me into sports. I was a weird kid with not many friends, and at six feet tall in high school I had the track, volleyball and basketball coaches foaming at the mouth to get me to try out. But the kids at school broke my spirit. I wore black, moped around, and listened to Nirvana and Rage Against the Machine. I didn’t think my height served a purpose being a magnet for other people’s insults and ridicule.


It’s been well over a decade since those days…As I slip into the wrestling ring and square up with my opponent he pushes me off almost immediately. “Do it again, Laurelin,” he says. “You’re taller than almost everyone here and you’re supposed to be scary. Stand strong, stand tall, you’re bigger than me. Do it again.” We square up again and grapple, arms wrapped around one another’s necks and I stand tall and look my opponent in the eye. “Good,” he says. “Again, then hit me.”

I hit him, but not hard enough. “Again,” he says, and I hit him once more. “No,” he says. “Like this,” and CRACK, right across my back he hits me. The wind is knocked from my lungs but it doesn’t hurt, exactly. I think of my younger self, screaming at Robert on the playground, “HIT ME!” I don’t flinch and I stand tall, facing my opponent again. I nod and tell him I understand and he takes the hit and I toss him out of the ring. He ducks back in, smiling. “Good,” he says. “Again.”

Waking up the next morning I am so sore I can barely move. I swing my legs out of bed and I stare at them, black and swollen with mat burn. My elbows, purple and scraped, my shoulders and knees, back and hips the same. My cheek is tender from a ring rope snapping back in my face and my upper inner thighs are whipped with rope burn.

I’ll wear these bruises until they fade, badges of honor for finally feeling like I’m able to live up to my height. I don’t play volleyball, I don’t play basketball, I don’t run track. I don’t model. I am the only female in a men’s professional wrestling school, and I don’t get treated any differently because I wear eyeliner in the ring. I stand tall and take hits.

I guess I can be a pretty tough chick after all.


Apr 2013 12

by Laurelin

Throughout my life I have prided myself in being an individual. I know most people think that of themselves and it is true. There are also those who change with their surroundings, chameleons in the light of day who will adapt and like what you like for the sake of being agreeable. These people have a mind of their own, buried somewhere beneath the need to fit in. I tend to scoff at these people, because even with their blending they stand out simply for being… lost. I see myself in these people sometimes, and it makes me want to cry.

In high school Zack rode BMX bikes and my girlfriends and I decided that we wanted to do that too. I saved up $200 and bought a Gary Fischer bike, and we would ride with the boys after school. I wasn’t good at it, but it made him happy and I wanted that. I fell and bruised my tailbone going down a half pipe once, mainly because I had no business even attempting that shit. Zack rode bikes down half pipes, not me.

After him it was John. John loved house and trance music. I didn’t really get it in the beginning, but when he held my hand and kissed me for the first time at Crobar in New York City at a Tiesto show I was hooked. I listened to everything I could get my hands on, and even after he was long gone I still craved that beat, breathing in the music like it was a drug. I’ve got Tiesto lyrics painted in ink and needles on my left ankle, so I never forget that the music was beautiful, the best thing to come out of what John and I had.

John also wore a lot of black. He had spiked black bracelets on his right wrist and black jelly bracelets on his left. He had metal 10-gauged earrings that clinked together when I touched his face, and for years after him I wore the same bracelets. To this day my 10 gauged metal earrings clink when anyone touches my face.

JC and Ryan both played the drums and they were gone I took a few drums lessons. I wore a skirt to my first one and my teacher laughed and laughed. We made it work and as the weeks went on, I realized I couldn’t hold a steady beat to save my life.

Then there was Dave…he loved professional wrestling. We watched Monday Night Raw every week and I would sit with his roommate’s girlfriend staring blankly at the TV, not quite understanding what was going on. As time went on, I started figuring it out. I started recognizing people week to week, learning their entrance music and being able to say, “I like that guy! He does flips.” Dave struggled to get me to like it, and by the end I would admit to only tolerating it mildly.

However, that mild tolerating came in handy when I met a guy who actually does that stuff — I wound up being able to catch a live pro wrestling event while visiting some friends from college in Washington DC and I was hooked. The crowd, the bright lights, I was just captivated. When Dave found out what I was getting into he couldn’t hide his annoyance: “I tried to get you into this for years and you wouldn’t have it: you meet one guy who DOES it and you change your tune?”

In my defense, it’s a lot cooler up close and way more fun when you can cheer for someone you know is a good dude who loves his job.

I also wasn’t aware of how much athleticism is involved, and as someone who is constantly looking for ways to make working out interesting, this fascinated me. This was a whole world I had never even really been open to, but all of a sudden it was all consuming. A local women’s wrestling group took me in almost immediately, saying they had had their eye on me through a friend of a friend for a while and I could just start coming to practice. After my first one, I was hooked.

A few months later I was approached by a local independent men’s wrestling group who wanted to start having women wrestle for them; I was familiar with them and immediately said yes. I start training at their pro-wrestling facility next week. I couldn’t be any more excited, but I can’t help but look back and wonder whose life it belongs to. If you were to have asked me last year if I’d consider taking up wrestling, I would have laughed and called you crazy. Now I’m wearing shiny gold spandex, body slamming and dropping microphones. And I’m not bad at it!

I guess I’ve always been a little wild, a little boy crazy. When these boys leave I have parts of them with me even if I don’t mean to and that’s a hard thing to admit. I wonder if they carry any pieces of me with them. And I wonder if they ever feel lost…
