by Brandon Perkins
It probably wasn’t the smartest move to get in the ice cream truck and go — especially with the needle nearing “E”— sometimes though waiting just don’t cut it. We may have been safe inside that garage, but that safety only felt temporary: the zombie clowns kept gathering and it was only a matter of time before they found a way in. Once we broke through the garage door, it took approximately 2.5 seconds for us to run over the first of those smiling undead, red-nosed motherfuckers. This one’s hair had sprouted into an orange frizz that splattered on the ice cream truck’s windshield and his stretched-long floppy foot snapped off at the ankle under our back right wheel, steaming a fuscia-colored mist in the rear view mirror. My day had already gotten better.
“They’re everywhere!” my girlfriend screamed. “Do we have enough gas to outrun them? What if we get a flat tire? Can they get in here? Do these doors lock? What happens if they get in here?”
by Ryan Stewart
“Are we the monsters?”
– Gareth Edwards
David Spade once had a stand-up bit about how audiences shouldn’t have to cut a movie slack for having a low budget, since ticket prices are all the same. Monsters, a new indie sci-fi film made for $15,000 – less than Kevin Smith’s Clerks – passes the high-expectations test with flying colors.
By Malloreigh
Pumpkin pie is a peculiarly North American tradition. I spent my October-November in Australia once and found, in the search to soothe my homesickness by making one, that “pumpkin” there means any kind of squash, and canned pumpkin puree simply doesn’t exist. Funnily enough, Halloween (to the degree that we indulge in it) is also a peculiarly North American tradition. Coincidence?
I assumed that pumpkin pie was a Thanksgiving dish – though my family eats it at Christmas too. But the correlation between pumpkin pie and Halloween was too strange for me to ignore this year. Either that, or I wanted an excuse to make a pumpkin pie with a spiderweb on top.
By Malloreigh
The leather dilemma is a contentious one for vegans. Many new vegans, upon “making the switch,” worry whether they’re expected to throw away their pre-vegan leather items – belts, shoes, jackets – and buy vegan alternatives. Many old vegans, myself included, break vegan belt after vegan belt and wonder whether we’re expected to keep buying crappy vinyl each year until the day we die.
Isn’t that wasteful? Doesn’t that go against the spirit of veganism? Yes, probably, and creating more trash is just the cherry on the top of the consumer culture cupcake. Furthermore, vinyl, as a synthetic substance, won’t – common sense informs us – biodegrade as easily as an organic like leather would. So if vegans are such environmentalists, what’s the solution?
by Damon Martin
It’s been announced that 300 and Dawn of the Dead director Zack Snyder will helm the latest installment of the Superman film franchise. The news has been much anticipated after producer Christopher Nolan (Memento, The Dark Knight) met with several major directors including Tony Scott and Darren Aronofsky.
by Suri Suicide

Artist/SG Member Name: Marcus Gregory a.k.a. Tigerwong
Mission Statement: That’s a tough one. I first got inspired to draw by my father when I was 7 or 8. We were on a family vacation and he doodled a cowboy on a napkin. I was amazed. I tried to draw my own little cowboy on my own napkin (it wasn’t very good) and ever since then I’ve loved drawing. I never knew what I wanted to do with it until started animating. Now animation is pretty much my mission in life, though illustration is fun, too.
By Malloreigh
The joke is pretty common – “bacon is vegetarian” or “I’m vegan/Jewish except for bacon.” Bacon – thinly sliced, fatty, fried flesh of pigs – is a force to be reckoned with, and probably, for some vegetarians, a meat that’s very sorely missed. I won’t lie to you and say that the following vegan bacon recipes are exactly like real bacon. However, they may satisfy some bacon-urges, and will complete your brunch plate.