by Aaron Colter
So, last week’s post sucked. You know it, I know it. Let’s move on. This week’s isn’t much better, but it’s still better. A simple list of some cool stuff you should check out.
by Erin Broadley
“I’m pretty sure I have a legitimately sharp edge to my personality”
– El-P
El-P is not a businessman by nature, but rather, by necessity. In a music industry smeared with artistic ultraviolence and held together by cobweb sutures, the Brooklyn, New York-based emcee decided to take matters into his own, deft hands and start an independent hip-hop label in 1999, calling it Definitive Jux Records. It wasn’t long before the label became one of the most legit and dynamic sources for underground hip-hop in the country. “The greatest thing that can ever happen for an artist is to make money off what he does for a living,” El-P says. “One of the worst things that can happen for an artist is to all of a sudden be this little guppy in a fish tank full of piranhas.”
Oro Suicide in Phenomena

- NOT INTO: Humans in general…
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Learning, friends, whiskey, getting inked, adventures, literature, beautiful women, pirates, my bed, old cars and motorcycles, raspberry cheesecake, music, Halloween, multiple orgasms, sunny days, hockey n’ beer, being naked, Buddha, art in all its forms, freedom, good fights, traveling, awesome movies, Mother Nature, respect, camping, being lazy from time to time, black coffee, dirt bikes, people with good souls and values.
- MAKES ME SAD: Biting my tongue, stupidity, Christmas music.
- HOBBIES: Painting, car body working, welding and modeling, among other things.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Art, glasses, iPod, knife pocket, vibrator.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Not answering the phone, losing important stuff, laughing, touching myself, trying to cook something good to eat that won’t get you blind, being clumsy, day dreaming, having FUN…
Get to know Oro better over at!
by Erin Broadley
“I think people are questioning the norm more than they did 15 years ago.”
– Kerry King, Slayer
Back in 1984 Slayer and other metal mainstays Venom and Exodus hit the road on what was dubbed the Combat Tour. According to band legend, one drunken night on the tour bus, Slayer frontman Tom Araya – just a tempestuous twentysomething – stumbled down the hallway looking for a place to take a leak. Venom vocalist Cronos joked that the bathroom was right there, in his mouth. Araya proceeded to whip it out and piss all over Cronos’ hair. Sure, Cronos left Araya with a shiner but it’s all part of what makes Slayer, well, fucking Slayer.
Lolana Suicide in Groucho Marx

- INTO: Writing poetry, airports, hospital food, psychology, getting lost in big cities, books, Greek mythology, going to music festivals on my own, curious girls, divas with great smiles, Canadian lovers, pulling pranks, trying new things, the adrenalin rush I get from being scared half to death, smooth talkers, and success.
- NOT INTO: Burnouts, nobodies, hippies, and dirty hands.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Your smile, finishing my own poetry, the first sip of my morning coffee, Buffalo wings, being single.
- MAKES ME SAD: Rude remarks that I didn’t think of first.
- HOBBIES: Hiking, singing, one night love stands.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: A book, blush, money, human interaction, work.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Thinking too hard and working.
Get to know Lolana better over at!
by Riley St. Clair
“Its like a fairy tale story except that that wasnt necessarily my dream.”
– Mickey Avalon
There are about a million reasons I should not like Mickey Avalon. He is perpetually shirtless, he wears more eyeliner than I do, and he has a single called “My Dick.” Oh yeah, and he used to have sex with dudes for money. In spite of the undeniable sleaze-factor, I cant get his songs out of my head and, well, I rather like him. The embodiment of a rags-to-riches hip-hop fairytale, Avalon has managed to garner the attention of the music press, a bunch of young fans looking to get down and of course, a crapload of teenage girls. In between sound checks and after-parties, I got him on the phone shortly before his Lollapalooza gig.
Read our exclusive interview with Mickey Avalon on
Tweedle Suicide in Wake ‘N’ Bake

- INTO: Oil paints, sex, kitty cats, sharing food with friends, cuddles, fresh ground coffee and fresh fruit smoothies, Disney, geeking out, unbearably hot summer days where your clothes stick to your skin, obsessing, tweezing my eyebrows, spicy food, learning, girls who love John Wayne, daydreaming, passion, snuggly warm blankets, giving, hugging trees, feeling everything to its fullest degree, living and loving life and those that are in it with me, and cuts, holes and ink in my skin.
- NOT INTO: Littering, factory farms and fast food chains, corporate America as a whole, fruit flies, ragweed and allergies, growing up, country music, big crowds, materialism, plastic shopping bags, when jelly gets in my peanut butter, bad drivers, meat, animal cruelty, being underestimated, being coddled and/or belittled, (most) television, modern civilization, pharmaceuticals, being told to “chill,” “calm down,” or “relax”, doing the dishes, snow, pregnancy, trying to walk in high heels, Shrek, big crowds, running out of toilet paper, celery, Denzel Washington, fainting, forgetting things, mornings.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Art, Smokey, loving, giving, pursuing my dreams.
- MAKES ME SAD: Animal cruelty of any sort.
- HOBBIES: Painting, drawing, cooking/uncooking, running, playing with animals!
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Food, water, a dwelling, my health (both mental and physical), self-love.
- VICES: Having my skin stabbed, cut, bitten, burned, etc.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Lost in my own head.
Get to know Tweedle better over at!