AnnaLee Suicide in Familiar Dream

- INTO: Living a good life.
- NOT INTO: Cars, television, cigarettes, meat, drinking culture, negativity, superficiality and people with no imaginations or desires.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Reading and collecting books, drinking tea, solitude, ornithology and natural history, listening to the radio, baking cakes, my cat, pockets, mindpower, sleeping, the sea, old-fashioned museums, etymology, entomology, marzipan, walking and cycling, equality, understanding, compassion, passion, good manners, hermit crabs, olives, peace and quiet, the sky and meteorological phenomena, drawing, painting, churches, foxes, nature taking over man-made things, wall paintings, bees, stoicism, cats and dogs, cinema, hot baths, cooking and food (eating is the best!), gardens and wild places, lochs, rivers and anything wet, plants and trees, perfume, cardigans, grey, being a stranger in new cities, unusual encounters with other creatures, marmalade, moths, butterflies, fresh air, bioluminescence, collecting things, adding to the tattooed aviary, being productive, cold climates, wallpaper, mosses, lichens, positivity, sewing, film soundtracks, the changing seasons, red hair, pickles, whiskers and paws and cats purring, cephalopods (especially cuttlefish!). Ah, life is great.
- MAKES ME SAD: When my family are unhappy. How little we care about non-human animals, our planet and each other. People not living life as well as they could do. The fact that work, productivity and consumerism overtake life – I hate the way our society is structured. Wasting time, negativity, physical and mental illness, intolerance, cages, ownership.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: A book, a quiet place, fresh air, hot tea, and of course music.
- VICES: Book buying, but that’s probably not too unhealthy. I am also addicted to expensive chocolate – that is ever so slightly unhealthy.
Get to know AnnaLee better over at!
by Erin Broadley
“Sarcasm is probably the lowest art form.”
-Rob Corddry
Last time we met Harold and Kumar, they journeyed across the state of New Jersey in search of the ultimate White Castle burger to satisfy a case of the munchies. Over the course of one, extremely long night, the pair triumphed over adversity, got their burgers and emerged Americas coolest bong-ripping duo since Cheech and Chong.
Now Harold and Kumar are back with a new adventure, except this time the stakes are higher as they hop a fight to Amsterdam – the weed capital of the world – and find themselves imprisoned as suspected terrorists after trying to sneak a smokeless bong on board.
Nadeshda Suicide in Deathstar

- INTO: Chocolate and guys as sweet as chocolates.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Kissing for hours.
- MAKES ME SAD: Losing friends.
- HOBBIES: Sewing, baking, cooking.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My favorite Star Wars shirt, my roommates, a job, bras, sugar.
- VICES: Stupid guys, but good lovers.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Moving from flat to flat.
Get to know Nadeshda better over at!
by Alex Deuben
“If you never try something how do you know your not good at it?”
-Camilla d’Errico
Camilla d’Errico burst onto the comics scene earlier this decade and doesn’t seem to have slept since. It’s not just that she worked on comics like Burn, Make 5 Wishes, Mightmares and Fairy Tales, The Sky Pirates of Neo Terra, and her own Tanpopo, though that’s certainly a full time career in itself. d’Errico has been an artistic dynamo, moving from one form and one media and one genre to another. Besides comics there’s illustration for a variety of sources, a print done in collaboration with Neil Gaiman, toys, a series of Ride Snowboards, clothing from Hot Topic, not to mention gallery shows around the world.
Archie Suicide in Baroness

- INTO: Peace, love.
- NOT INTO: War, hate.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Good people and beautiful surroundings.
- MAKES ME SAD: Money and what it does to people, society and relationships.
- HOBBIES: Photography, drawing, painting, motorcycle-ing, mandolin-ing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sketchbook, the Dennis Hopper “Easy Rider” hat, record player, my camera, my bicycle.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With my head in the clouds day dreaming.
Get to know Archie better over at!
by A.J. Focht
Omni Consumer Products is helping to ensure that the city of Detroit will always have a Robocop to watch over them. In lieu of an active cyborg patrolman, they are settling for erecting a statue of Robocop in Detroit. Omni Consumer Products is a real company, which takes its name from a company of the same name featured in the Robocop franchise. When Pete Hottelet, owner of OCP, discovered there was a fund-raising effort in the works to build the statue in Detroit, he matched the $25,000 already raised, bringing the grand total of funds to in excess of $50,000.
by Fred Topel
“I’m in an interracial marriage, which was illegal not that long ago.”
-Chris Gorham
At this year’s Sundance Film Festival, there were two films in which a religious fundamentalist threatened the lives of gay or gay sympathetic characters. Kevin Smith’s Red State got the most attention with a full on religious protest out side the screening. However, The Ledge also explored a similar idea.
In The Ledge, Gavin (Charlie Hunnam) crosses paths with his neighbor Joe (Patrick Wilson), a Christian who vocally fights against a gay lifestyle. Gavin is an atheist and lives with a gay roommate, so he gets in Joe’s face. Joe ends up forcing Gavin to climb onto a ledge and jump, providing the tension in writer/director Matthew Chapman’s film.