by Jay Hathaway
“The thing you loved as a kid is the thing you should do when you grow up.”
– Paul Pope
Paul Pope has built a reputation as a visionary artist and writer on the strength of some of the most acclaimed graphic novels of the past decade, including Heavy Liquid and 100%. His multiple-Eisner-winning story, Batman: Year 100, immersed the dark knight in the same kind of near-future dystopia that makes his creator-owned work so thrilling. If you saw The Dark Knight this summer, you saw a motorcycle that looks remarkably similar to the one Paul designed for Year 100.
Damsel Suicide in Rock The Boat (also featuring Praesepe Suicide)

- INTO: Musicians, dirty talk, good baby makin’ music, post-sex cuddling, five o’ clock shadow, chicks with dreads, reading tarot cards, guys with strong arms, nipple rings.
- NOT INTO: Butch chicks, spiky hair, cut off t-shirts, jocks, high maintenance Barbie doll bitches, preppy boys, dudes who chew tobacco.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Feeling appreciated.
- MAKES ME SAD: Abandonment.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Penelope, my cell phone, sweatpants, marijuana, my camera.
- VICES: Marlboro Smooths and dirty porn.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With Penelope, making clothes, working on photography and graphic design stuff, making music, and smoking weed.
Get to know Damsel better over at!
by Auren Suicide
“I’m becoming the artist that I’ve always wanted to be.”
– wiL Francis
Best known as the lead singer of Seattle’s enormously popular bandz Aiden, wiL Francis has embarked on his first-ever solo project under the pseudonym William Control. After several years of success with Aiden, he found himself on the precipice of personal disaster. But instead of succumbing to drink (he’s sober), suicide, or worse, shitty emo ballads, he has unleashed his inner drum machine and transferred his anguish into a record filled with deliciously dark, undeniably ’80s, four-on-the-floor dance hits.
Phecda Suicide in Rinse Off

- INTO: Dinosaurs, video games, donuts, puppies, being in the sunshine, going to zoos, being in love, good friends.
- NOT INTO: Animal abusers, womanizers, raw onions, snow, dumb broads.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: The sun, my puppy, my boyfriend, zoos, video games, donuts.
- MAKES ME SAD: When animals die in movies, and when my boyfriend is gone on tour far, far away.
- HOBBIES: Video games, running, reading, watching documentaries, skateboarding.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Macbook Pro, Blackberry, water, music, and love.
- VICES: Love. Most definitely love.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Watching Netflix documentaries or on Xbox.
Get to know Phecda better over at!
by Carrie Borzillo
“If you fuck with me then that’s it.”
– Sharon Osbourne
Sharon Osbourne has been a lot of things over the years. She’s been a tough-as-nails manager, a famed rock wife, a concert promoter, a cancer survivor, a mother of three complex children (and leader of a pack of sometimes unruly dogs), a television personality with multiple shows, and now she’s added the title of headmistress to her bag of tricks.
by Nicole Powers
“My job is to flirt.”
– Jesse Hughes
Jesse Hughes loves women. I mean, he really loves women. If you read the first of our Eagles of Death Metal interviews with Joshua Homme, you may have got the impression that the boys, who grew up together in Palm Desert, are shameless flirts. That’s doubly true with Hughes, the second half of this fun-loving act.
Smurfasaur Suicide in Pink Nouveau

- INTO: ET, My Little Pony, toy collecting, comics, anime, cameras, photography, painting, raves, dancing, retardedly huge things and retardedly small things, Hello Kitty, drug references on little kids shirts, the beach, vintage things, vegans, extreme mods.
- NOT INTO: Attitude problems!
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Toys, raves, beaver lighters, music, Care Bears, comics, conventions, TV, getting tattooed.
- MAKES ME SAD: People who lack respect.
- HOBBIES: Everything. I’m a serial hobbiest/collector – no, really, it’s getting scary.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sugarfree Red Bull, dancing, cigarettes, spell check my sketchbook.
- VICES: Sugarfree Red Bull.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Surfing the web, and working.
Get to know Smurfasaur better over at!