by Laurelin
Missy recently posted something on SuicideGirls that got me thinking. She asked us to make videos of how SG has changed our lives, what it meant to us and how it has shaped our pasts and futures. Even though I am not a Suicide Girl (not for lack of trying!), I couldn’t help but think back on everything that SG has brought to my life…
I remember the first time I ran across SuicideGirls like it was yesterday. It was 2005, and I was at Newbury Comics, happily clutching some Tori Amos CD singles and a pair of fuzzy leopard dice to hang from my review mirror. A book caught my eye. There was a topless girl with tiny black pigtails, looking quite surly staring back at me from the cover. “She’s adorable,” I thought. The inside pages carried a strong statement, one that is captivating to alternative women of all ages, races and body types. Most of us have spent our entire lives feeling like we don’t belong. These girls looked like they didn’t fit in either. They were covered in tattoos, some had pink hair, others seemed to have more metal than skin – but in that, they were perfect. And naked. In front of everyone!
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Sharyn, Salome, and Rydell
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Sharyn in NYC]
Q: Here’s my problem. Hoping for some advice. I’m 28, been out on my own for a while, and never had much problem talking to women in college, or high school. But now I find myself losing my confidence and having trouble speaking to women in general. It’s only started over the last few years.
I can carry on a conversation for a little while, and then I feel like I panic or have an anxiety attack and have to cut and run. Not sure why this is happening, or what could be causing it, but I’d like to see if anyone has any insight before I decide I need to see a therapist or get some anti-anxiety meds.
by Brad Warner
Zen Master Genpo Roshi has announced that he is disrobing. To “disrobe” as a Buddhist monk means that you formally quit the Buddhist order and give up your status as a priest and/or monk. Ironically, it was disrobing that got him into trouble in the first place. It seems that Genpo, who is married, had an affair with the woman he was grooming to be his successor.
I never even knew or cared about any of Genpo’s sex scandals (this is not his first) until this one broke. But I have been highly critical of a scam he’s been running for a number of years called Big Mind(r).
by Scott Rothman and Mike Sacks
$1,000 wk/8BR – Come enjoy beautiful East Hampton this summer! Awesome beach house just steps from ocean, with fabulous views throughout. New Weber grill. Plenty of rooms to sob in. Totally did not just rent this and hope I could find 7 other people to spend the summer with me. Tennis nearby. Minutes from town. Jacuzzi. Newly installed phone for late-night therapist and ambulance dialing. New bedding. Bedbug issue semi resolved.
Other amenities include laundry room, weight room, a guy looking to meet some cool buds, wrap-around deck where the seeds of new friendships can be planted, showers no one has rigged to look at you naked, etc.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Squee and Clio
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Squee in Philosophy]
Q: I have this problem…every time I meet a potential girlfriend I end up in the “Friend Zone” and it sucks, hardcore. Just wanted to know how I can avoid this Twilight Zone friend anomaly thing. Thanks.
by Brad Warner
I’ve been included in a Facebook group made up of people who are trying to plan my high school class’s reunion. I’ve never gone to any of the others – if there even were any others. I was living in Japan when they would have happened.
So last week on this FB group someone posted: “It’s Friday night, what would you have been doing on a Friday night in January back when we were in high school?” And people are posting stuff like they would’ve been out at a party at someone’s house, or with a bunch of friends doing donuts in the school parking lot or cruising by McDonald’s, which was the closest thing Wadsworth, Ohio had to a hang-out spot after the local Red Barn closed down (a prize to anyone who knows what a Red Barn was).
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Eevie, Morgan and Fabrizia
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Eevie in Four Twenty]
Q: I have a female roommate whom I’ve lived with for a few months shy of 6 years. The kicker is the first two and a half of those years we were dating. Eventually we both realized we weren’t forever and had a very amicable break up. Since neither of us could afford to live alone, and we could obviously tolerate living together – we’re still great friends – we’ve continued being roommates (we even moved once and are planning another). While she’s been dating fairly regularly since our break-up, I’ve just recently started dating again (been working on me stuff). My question is this: when do I bring up the specifics of my living situation? I’ve been pretty open about my roommate being a lady, but can’t decide when it would be best to mention she is also my last girlfriend. Suggestions?