by Blogbot
Described as “the most irresponsible book written on the subject of sexuality since The Berenstain Bears Host a Key Party” by late night icon Conan O’Brien, Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk is arguably one of the most unhelpful sex manuals on the market today. Authored by The Association for the Betterment of Sex (which is comprised of a gaggle of current and former Daily Show, Conan O’Brien, Vanity Fair, and Onion writers), it features at best plain bad advice and at worst utterly inaccurate facts. On the plus side, the 232 page compendium of copulation disinformation is as amusing as it is misleading.
In an effort to perpetuate their procreation propaganda The Association for the Betterment of Sex and Broadway Books have kindly allowed us to reprint the excerpt below. Please note: SuicideGirls will not take responsibility for unwanted pregnancies that may result from following any of the instructions below.
By Malloreigh
The joke is pretty common – “bacon is vegetarian” or “I’m vegan/Jewish except for bacon.” Bacon – thinly sliced, fatty, fried flesh of pigs – is a force to be reckoned with, and probably, for some vegetarians, a meat that’s very sorely missed. I won’t lie to you and say that the following vegan bacon recipes are exactly like real bacon. However, they may satisfy some bacon-urges, and will complete your brunch plate.
by Nicole Powers
“I don’t want to be culturally irresponsible.”
– Janeane Garofalo
“I do try like hell to not be ashamed. But, sometimes I am, I have to admit,” says New Jersey-born comedienne, actress and activist, Janeane Garofalo. We’ve been talking for close to 45 minutes – mostly about TV, politics, the media, and the toxicity of contemporary pop culture. As I switch the tape recorder off and the conversation winds down, we briefly discuss what Garofalo herself turns to in order to unwind, which is the source of her current state of angst.
“Sometimes I fall dreadfully short, behavior-wise, activity-wise. Sometimes I’ll watch bad television, sometimes I’ll read crappy magazines and I’m ashamed, because I’ve done it,” she admits. The New York resident, who recently released a new stand up DVD entitled If You Will, is currently living outside of her comfort zone in a Los Angeles hotel while filming the Criminal Minds spin-off Suspect Behavior (which also stars Academy Award winning actor Forest Whitaker).
Silvi Suicide in Silvi Strikes Back

- INTO: Photography, psychology, cuddles, laughing until it hurts, sleeping in, music and singing at the top of my lungs in the car.
- NOT INTO: Lifted trucks.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Any baby animal, days spent at the beach, making out, Coldstone ice cream.
- MAKES ME SAD: Ignorance.
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