by Matt Dunbar
Bankruptcies and bailouts. Widespread unemployment. A once booming and diverse economy now exclusively based on the production of Shakeweights and whoopee cushion Smartphone apps.
The so-called “Great Recession” has created a new normal in many aspects of day-to-day American life, ranging from unexpected “leisure time” and delinquent mortgage payments to convincing VISA, MasterCard and Manuel’s Easy Credit Anybody Qualifies Loan Shop/Korean Barbecue that you’re legally deceased. But perhaps most alarming of all these changes is the completely unnatural, perverse and depressing phenomenon that many in our generation (read: humanities majors) are currently experiencing – moving back in with our parents.
“Marijuana is going to be a part of American culture.”
– Steve Elliott
On November 2, Prop 19 will go to the ballot in California. The proposed law would take legalized marijuana consumption beyond the realm of medicinal use only. It would allow individuals aged 21 & over to grow and posses limited quantities of marijuana, and local governments to authorize and tax its sale. Supporters say the pragmatic measure would free up much needed jail space and police time, and help balance California’s budget. If you live in California, please consider voting YES on Prop 19.
HelenJade Suicide in Page Me

- MAKES ME HAPPY: Boyfriend, spooning, tea, Russell Howard, cider & black [English cider & blackcurrant cordial), zombies, gore, photography, Amaretto, metal & ink, cookies, mac & cheese.
- HOBBIES: Photography.
- VICES: Smoking & being spoilt.
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