by Tara Diane
If you’re anything like me (not likely; you’re probably way cooler) then you had no idea you could make mozzarella cheese, at home, in about an hour, without very much work. When I saw cheesemaking kits online, I decided they would make great Christmas gifts, but I wanted to try it out first. Below are the basics (loosely laid out) on how to make mozzarella cheese at home!
By Edward Kelly
Chances are you won’t know what I’m talking about. If you think Jerry and Tom refers to a certain incorrigible cartoon mouse and his constantly in-pursuit cat foe, then, no, you don’t know what I’m talking about. And that’s okay. Because hopefully it will become clear what this movie means, at least to me. Jerry and Tom is a film from 1998 and it stars Sam Rockwell and Joe Mantegna. They play two hit men who spend their time talking a lot and whacking people. Honestly, it isn’t a great movie. It’s not bad either. It’s just, y’know, whatever. Which is kind of unfortunate for me. Because five minutes after it ended I realized that I am now, officially, an adult.
by Andrea Larrabee
“The goal is the journey”
– Benji Madden
Though they may have joked about the trappings of fame in their 2002 breakout hit “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” brothers Benji and Joel Madden of Good Charlotte appreciate everything their success has brought. Having come from a broken home – and suffered the financial and emotional hardship that resulted from it – they also know the value of family, a theme which lies at the heart of their latest release Cardiology.
Vice Suicide in Trash

- INTO: Tattoos, music, love, life, animals, seasons, night clubs, mini skirts, shoes, make up, learning, Great Danes, dancing, dressing up, sushi, sarcasm, San Francisco, good people, procrastinating, porn, and tequila.
- NOT INTO: Strawberry milk, creepy men, sleeping alone, and contests (as I never win).
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, Asher, George, and fruit snacks!
- MAKES ME SAD: Roadkill ‘ dead animals.
- HOBBIES: Music, crazy dancing, singing (not well).
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Toothpaste, soap, water, lipstick, and fruit snacks.
- VICES: Sugar, envy, and self-doubt.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Eating, sleeping, and being awkard.
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