Dec 2010 28

by Blogbot

Jensen Suicide wants to make a ton of new friends in her new town and a job that she can have fun at.

What are your resolutions for 2011?

(Leave them in the comments section below.)

Dec 2010 28

by Matt Dunbar

While the holiday season provides an endless bounty for Sinbad fans the world over, action movie nerds such as myself loathe the winter solstice and its attendant festivities. Despite the perfect Christmas-themed taglines for a Dolph Lundgren vehicle (“This Christmas, Earth has no time for peace…”), December usually means a dry spell for protracted car chases, overwrought explosions, and cheesy one-liners delivered with Central European accents.

Thankfully, there is one historical exception to this holiday action drought. Alongside George Bailey’s exuberant dash through Bedford Falls and Ralphie’s ill-fated target practice, nothing evokes the yule-tide spirit more than the sight of Alan Rickman’s flailing arms as he falls to his death off Nakatomi Towers. With due apologies to Lethal Weapon loyalists, the first Die Hard is the best Christmas movie to ever incorporate cocaine, automatic gunfire and lots of dead East Germans.


Dec 2010 28

by Alex Dueben

“She really was a manifestation of my inner thoughts”

– Jen Wang

Jen Wang first surfaced crafting short comics that appeared online and in the Flight anthologies, but her debut graphic novel Koko Be Good is the first work of hers that most people will have encountered. It’s a beautifully illustrated book that centers around three characters, each of whom is tackling, in their own way, what it means to be “good.”


Dec 2010 28

Diessel Suicide in Before The Day’s Gone

  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, photography, clothes, music, movies, food, having good times with people I love, dogs, cats, and every other animal.
  • MAKES ME SAD: When I can’t hang out, stupid fights, lies, stupid people, fake people, the bitter things of life.
  • HOBBIES: Photos, games, design.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Love, hands, eyes, oxygen, internet.
  • VICES: Nintendo, food (cakes and chocolate are my favorites), photos, internet, SG, and TV.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: At university, with friends, on the internet, taking photos.

Get to know Diessel better over at!