Dec 2010 24

by Blogbot

1. Snoop Dogg pimps out the Night Before Christmas
Cordozar Calvin Broadus a.k.a. Snoop Dogg puts his own spin on the Christmas classic. According to him, Santa would rather drink Pepsi Max from his cup than have milk with his cookies. He also alleges the white-bearded wonder has quite the potty mouth.


2. Very Bad Santa
Casting further doubt on Santa’s character, this security video catches him in a drunk and disorderly state. Let’s hope this was a post-present delivery celebration, since we’d hate to think he was driving his sleigh under the influence.


Dec 2010 24

By Edward Kelly

Hank and Britt made their promises. For Hank, it was an understanding with his ex-wife that he would move on. He tore down the evidence he had against Ocean Beach’s movers and shakers and put up a new target: the head honcho behind it all. Britt, meanwhile, promised to be a father to his ex-fiancée’s baby, no matter if the kid is biologically his or not. He asked her to wait until he gets out of prison and watch his dog in the meantime. She agrees.

With their personal lives wrapped up, Britt climbs into the beat up truck and Hank drives him to prison. The two, in typical Terriers fashion, joke about not wanting to be late for Britt’s “first day.” As they reach a crossroads, Hank offers a proposition: what if they hang a left, hit the freeway, motor down to Mexico and spend the rest of their days on the lam. All those promises they just made to their respective women and the community at large? Forget ’em. Mexico or prison. Those are the options. And then: end credits.


Dec 2010 24

by Alana Joy

Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter and Tumblr, and they win a free 3 month membership to Since it’s Christmas eve and we’re feeling giving: we’re picking TWO winners from each place: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Dec 2010 24

by Tamara Palmer

“Your trade secret is that you’re killing people?”

– Howard Straus

In the 1920s, Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy, a methodology of boosting the immune system largely led by an organic diet that has been at controversial odds with conventional medicine for decades — despite a difficult-to-ignore track record of helping people survive cancer and other terminal illnesses.

The Beautiful Truth is a documentary which explores this treatment regimen. It was directed and shot by Steve Kroschel, an accomplished wildlife cinematographer and natural history filmmaker. This is his third film about the Gerson Therapy, but this time his subject hits closer to home; Garret, the 15-year-old boy who serves as the film’s central figure, is Kroschel’s son.


Dec 2010 24

Cheri Suicide in Reading Corner

  • INTO: Shoes, booze, boys with tattoos. Weed, Ink, yoga, love & passion.
  • NOT INTO: Haters, negativity.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Good metal shows, meeting new people, animals, traveling.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Hunting 🙁
  • HOBBIES: Skateboarding, painting, music, smoking pot. 🙂
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My iPhone, my dog, skateboard, smokes, mascara.

Get to know Cheri better over at!