by Blogbot
Radeo Suicide hopes to escape from Frogger and the Bat Cave – with a little help from her friends Alissa and Frolic.
What are your resolutions for 2011?
(Leave them in the comments section below.)
by Blogbot
Radeo Suicide hopes to escape from Frogger and the Bat Cave – with a little help from her friends Alissa and Frolic.
What are your resolutions for 2011?
(Leave them in the comments section below.)
You film minions are a voracious breed. I gave you a Horror Top 10 in October, which you greedily devoured. Unsatiated, you tore open another vein with the Holiday Top 10 in November, and now you want more. So I bring you The Film Strain’s Top 10 Tragically Underrated or Ignored Films of 2010. As with my previous lists, it is impossible to be 100% definitive and catalog all the films that got created this past year. Some of the films that I’ve included are big names, but considered failures by the studios. Many of them were tragically ignored by the masses and quietly slinked into DVD/Blu-Ray releases. Some may be completely unknown to many film lovers, so write them down. Here are 10 from 2010 that just did not get the respect and viewer love that they should have, but all of them actually got released in theaters somewhere.
by Fred Topel
“Darren and Mickey and I all decided that we were going to keep our distance…”
– Evan Rachel Wood
Evan Rachel Wood has a lot to say about a little role in The Wrestler. She only appears in two scenes in the movie, but they are pivotal. She plays the estranged daughter of Randy “The Ram” Robinson (Mickey Rourke), a professional wrestler who continues to prove hes an unreliable dad as he has flings with strippers and groupies on the road. Off the set, rumors were that Rourke and Wood were having a fling of their own.
Get to know Valhala better over at SuicideGirls.com!