BelleBane Suicide in Hold This Thread

- INTO: Aliens, robots, kittens, cartoons, WW II, words, dreams, cute panties, laughter,love, and random nonsense.
- NOT INTO: Jerks, healing tattoos, scary clowns, hangovers, things that smell like popcorn, waiting long, roller coasters, and lying.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Blueberry Muffins.
- HOBBIES: Spending money that I don’t have.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Eyeliner, fresh ink, a good lay, pizza, and pink lemonade.
- VICES: Boys with tattoos, girls with tattoos, watching people get tattooed, and convincing others to get tattooed.
Get to know BelleBane better over at!
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“We’re all just a bunch of sojourners, aren’t we? Just troubadours.”
– Dave Mustaine
“That’s terrible,” Dave Mustaine says to me, his eyes fixed on my sleeveless, inked forearm. “I’m looking at your tat. I get it. A musician broke your heart.” Not quite… Well, wait… Yes. One did. I shift in my seat; the Megadeth frontman has just outed me. I resist the urge to move my arm from sight; the tattoo — a beamed eighth note anchored by two halves of a heart — is as subtle as a scarlet letter. This wasn’t how I expected our conversation to start — about vulnerability, or about me — but then again, Mustaine has never been one to mince words. He knows what I know — that if you live in Hollywood long enough, especially if you work in the music industry, your heart will endure its fair share of beatings.