by Blogbot
There’s been a lot of talk around the SG office about what to get our men for Valentine’s Day. Girls are pretty easy to buy for; flowers, chocolate, Champagne, lingerie, fragrance, candles, and jewelry may lack originality, but that’s not always a bad thing. However shopping for the man in your life is a little harder. Turns out there’s a reason for that: What they really want can’t exactly be bought in a store.
by Brandon Perkins
In the previous installment of our futuristic fiction series, Please Use Rear Exit, Mikhail, who recently x-ed his GF (Katya), ventures out for his first major post-break up night on the tiles with the boys. Unable to cut the ties completely, and with reminders in the form of text messages still causing his phone and his emotions to vibrate, Mikhail recalls his first breakup with Katya a year ago after temptation moved into the next cubicle at work. Meanwhile, Katya is similarly “enjoying” a night out with the girls. Though she’s putting lot of effort into her “over it” front, beneath the thin veneer, as with Mikhail, her mind’s in turmoil.
***Please Use Rear Exit: Chapter 9 – Mirror, Mirror
The scene in front of the mirror was absurd. Just wanting to touch up her mascara, Katya was finding reflective real estate hard to come by. Nipples were being forced back into tube tops as breasts were pushed together and back out. Faces ducked in close to the glass and everyone clucked away in the background. Spectacularly bedecked fingernails flicked at specs of makeup gone astray. Elbows flailed with more fury than the numerous turns of various lipsticks. A plethora of squinting and straining smiles dominated the mirror, turning the would-be reflection of harsh fluorescent lights into a pitch-black sea of narcissism. Katya couldn’t find a space to look at herself. The commotion upset her stomach more than it already was; acid churned into the swills of Smirnoff and tonic. She searched hopelessly for a sliver of space, if only to make sure that there wasn’t anything in her teeth or hair.
by Alex Dueben
“If I’m not having fun, I may as well go get a desk job.”
– Cherie Priest
Cherie Priest is one of those writers who became an overnight success after more than a decade of hard work. She has two book series going on right now. Her new book is “Bloodshot,” an urban fantasy novel featuring an obsessive compulsive vampire thief nicknamed “Chesire Red” who has an ex-Navy SEAL Cuban drag queen sidekick. It’s a great, fun read with a very different take on vampires than most books offer.
Voodou Suicide in Jacket Weather

- INTO: Vegetarianism, organic, local, art, design, typography, letterpress, tattoos, piercings, comics, video games, bull terriers, dachshunds, snakes, books, learning new things, languages, love, robots, aliens, the printed page.
- NOT INTO: Close minded people, stupidity, illiteracy, religion, newspapers, bad spelling, spiders, crossing the road.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Windy days up in the mountains, sunshine, wine, pot.
- MAKES ME SAD: Animal cruelty, driving in traffic, the thought of death.
- HOBBIES: Reading, designing, typography, archery, video games, comics, laughing, and wasting time.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Family, friends, pot, animals, the outdoors.
- VICES: Carbs, pot. impulsive buying, the internet.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Procrastinating.
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