Lil Suicide in Inocencia Iluminada

- MAKES ME HAPPY: My homies.
- MAKES ME SAD: Heartbreakers, haters and posers. I HATE LIARS!
- HOBBIES: I love dance, draw, snowboard, skateboard, and listen to all styles of music.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My homies, and music.
- VICES: Better not to know them 😉
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Stoned and sometimes hungover.
Get to know Lil better over at!
BelleBane Suicide in Hold This Thread

- INTO: Aliens, robots, kittens, cartoons, WW II, words, dreams, cute panties, laughter,love, and random nonsense.
- NOT INTO: Jerks, healing tattoos, scary clowns, hangovers, things that smell like popcorn, waiting long, roller coasters, and lying.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Blueberry Muffins.
- HOBBIES: Spending money that I don’t have.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Eyeliner, fresh ink, a good lay, pizza, and pink lemonade.
- VICES: Boys with tattoos, girls with tattoos, watching people get tattooed, and convincing others to get tattooed.
Get to know BelleBane better over at!
by Damon Martin
No means no, but not if you read the original text of Rep. Chris Smith’s bill, which he introduced to Congress on Jan 20. The “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” which he championed sought to further limit government funding of abortions, while also redefining rape under the law by wording the bill to say funding would only be allowed in cases of “forcible” rape.
by Blogbot

This past Saturday Sash and Milloux Suicide modelled for a special two hour live figure drawing session at Gallery Nucleus to celebrate the opening of their Poster Peepshow exhibition, which features pin up art from the past and present.
by Erin Broadley
“We’re all just a bunch of sojourners, aren’t we? Just troubadours.”
– Dave Mustaine
“That’s terrible,” Dave Mustaine says to me, his eyes fixed on my sleeveless, inked forearm. “I’m looking at your tat. I get it. A musician broke your heart.” Not quite… Well, wait… Yes. One did. I shift in my seat; the Megadeth frontman has just outed me. I resist the urge to move my arm from sight; the tattoo — a beamed eighth note anchored by two halves of a heart — is as subtle as a scarlet letter. This wasn’t how I expected our conversation to start — about vulnerability, or about me — but then again, Mustaine has never been one to mince words. He knows what I know — that if you live in Hollywood long enough, especially if you work in the music industry, your heart will endure its fair share of beatings.
by Morgan
Casual games get little love from the serious gaming community. Morgan Suicide gives these unsung mini masterpieces the attention they deserve. Here’s a selection of her current faves.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Casca, Perdita, and Shotgun
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Casca in Professor]
Q: My question is one that plagues almost anyone who is interested in someone else: should I keep trying or should I just give up? About 3 months ago I met a girl that I have fallen madly in love with. She is a few years older than me and works at a music store that I went in to. Fom that day on I have dreamed about her every night that I have slept. Every weekend since then I have found reasons to go in there and buy something just so I could talk to her. I gave her concert tickets a few weeks after meeting her (I had to work that night so I couldn’t use them) and she gave me her phone number. I texted her the next day to ask her if she enjoyed the concert, and she replied back telling me she did.
Here is the problem. Any time I go in there I feel that things are good between us. I feel that we are friends as we joke around and talk. However, when I would ask her if she wanted to hang out or have lunch she would tell me that she would text me to let me know, but would never actually do so. Or she would tell me to text her, and then I wouldn’t get a reply. I have told her that I was interested in her as more than a friend, and I asked her if she had a boyfriend. She told me that she didn’t have one, but that she “wasn’t really looking for one now,” and that we could still be friends.
To me she is my dream girl. She is smart, funny, cute, artistic and musical, and perfect to me. I would do anything in my power to be perfect for her. I don’t know if I should I keep going in there to try to hang out with her, or if I should just give up and forget about her? I want to be friends with her, but according to my friends she hasn’t shown any interest in me. However, when I go in to see her, I feel that there may be something there and there is a part of me that tells me that she is worth fighting for. I know this sounds like high school drama, but it has been driving me crazy.
Hopeless Romantic