Apr 2011 04

by Blogbot

In an unlikely alliance, the undead joined forces with the living on the streets of Wisconsin this past Saturday to rise against GOP Governor Scott Walker and his grotesquely unfair anti-union policies.


Apr 2011 04

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Smythe, Leandra, and Casca

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Smythe in There Is A Light]

Q: I have a hell of an issue. I am engaged to be married in June of next year. I love my fiancé and he’s my best friend, but I have some internal conflicts that are itching at me.

First, I need more sex! I am afraid that our relationship will end up being a sexless marriage. We get down about once every two weeks or so. It’s boring and always the same. I have tried to spice it up, but he’s not very much into kinky things. I’ve lost my libido and haven’t been able to get in the mood for about two years now. He wants to have sex and he shows it, but I don’t know how to get my libido back. I’ve even talked to Dr. Drew on the radio and that wasn’t much help. I’m young and I shouldn’t have to schedule sex into my life as he suggested.

Second, I do not consider myself straight. I am sexually attracted to women too, but I am not interested in looking for relationships with women. I’ve had urges to go to gay clubs and enjoy myself and meet some females. My fiancé knows this and wants me to do what makes me happy, but to me this is cheating, even when this is approved by him. Is it bad to want to want to drift to the opposite sex for a fun time and then return back home for comfort and love? How do I satisfy him and myself?


Apr 2011 04

by Brad Warner

That’s right! Here’s your chance to win a date with Brad Warner! You know he’s a dreamboat! You know he’s a famous author! Now here’s your golden opportunity to actually go on a real live date with Brad Warner! Where will you go on your date with Brad? Will he take you to his favorite Thai restaurant? Or perhaps you’ll go on a shopping spree to the comic book store! Who knows?


Apr 2011 04

by Helen Jupiter

“All this meaningless, worthless input beamed into kids brains. Where is…”
– Todd Rutherford

Gram Rabbit is not your average band. They’re not writing the kind of boring, junk pop standards that you hear on the radio or see performed on the ubiquitous “Late Night” shows. Instead, the Joshua Tree-based band is constantly striving to push the boundaries of rock, pop, and electronic music.

Their first two albums, Music to Start a Cult to and Cultivation, were lyrically inspired and musically complex. Their third album, Radio Angel and the Robot Beat, plays like the soundtrack to a darkly-edged dance party, and offers the same adventurous variety of styles and sounds.

You can listen to some of the tracks on their website, then pick it up on CDBaby and throw your own “naked dance party.”


Apr 2011 04

Higgs Suicide in Plus 35 Charisma

  • INTO: Intellectuals, hot cars, hot women, tattoo conventions, physics, cooking big meals, growing veggies in the garden, the environment, and learning anything about everything.
  • NOT INTO: Blind religious devotion, blind patriotism, killing things for no good reason, ignorance, breeding.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Thor comics, being outdoors, Roman art (actually most anything Roman), vaccinations, true connection and understanding, getting and giving messages, opera, having my hair played with, and most other cornball girl stuff except the color pink.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Being disappointed, assholes, gay bashers, traffic, people who narrate their own lives out loud, red tape, unnatural disasters, when people end phrases with prepositions.
  • HOBBIES: Creating artwork, gardening, cooking, reading, traveling anywhere, and PS3 and Xbox.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My husband, my dogs, my camera, Photoshop, books, rain, a dishwasher, connection to the internet, Sharpies, self expression.
  • VICES: Irish whiskey, wine, cigars, classy strip clubs, hot cars, hookahs, and European women.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In the garden, traveling all over Europe, going to museums, and making art.

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