Apr 2011 11

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Rydell and Atlea

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Rydell in Changing Seasons]

Q: I’m 18, going to be 19 in a few months. I have been in relationships were there was a lot of controlling. My ex didn’t want me talking to certain people and especially had a problem when I would talk to my brother. Me and my brother are very close, and my ex felt my brother was going take me away from him. Now that me and him broke up it’s like I don’t have the same confidence and self-esteem I had before I was with him.

I find myself finding guys like him. Why is it hard for me to find a good guy? Sometimes I don’t know if I am straight. Sometimes I think I’m bi. Because of everything I have been through I find myself drinking a lot. Right now, I have a drinking problem but it’s so hard for me to stop. I drink my problems away, or so I think. I feel I’m in a place where no one would know or care where I’m at.


Apr 2011 11

by Keith Daniels

Even if you actively ignore all news about politics, your panicky uncle probably mentioned something on Facebook about the potential for the federal government to shut down last week over budget disagreements between House Republicans and Democrats. Crisis has been averted, temporarily, but the budget battle touched core issues for both sides and so it’s doubtful we’ve seen the end of it.

Republicans want to de-fund Planned Parenthood, National Public Radio, and the agency that is charged with the protection of the environment of the only planet on which we live. They’ve basically become comic book super-villains. Democrats, to their credit, actually had the gonads to refuse to budge when it came to protecting women’s access to reproductive care and the health of the, y’know, planet. Republicans won deep spending cuts across the board, but the Democrats held on those few core issues – for now. I know. I’m shocked too.


Apr 2011 11

by A.J. Focht

Details are starting to emerge on the follow up to 2009’s J.J. Abrams-directed Star Trek reboot. Screenwriter Robert Orci recently took some time at WonderCon to talk about what direction the franchise will likely boldly go, while promoting his upcoming movie Cowboys vs. Aliens.


Apr 2011 11

by Erin Broadley

“I call it method songwriting.”
– Imani Coppola

Imani Coppola is less concerned with writing a hit single and more concerned with, as she puts it, creating music that feels like having a line of coke blown up your ass. This ballsy, Brooklyn-based beauty coolly disregards designer-imposter pop stars who claim to push boundaries, when in truth, the only boundary they’re testing is our ability to stomach any more empty calorie pop songs.

However, Coppola is no stranger to the major label machine. The 29-year-old singer and multi-instrumentalist signed with Columbia Records during her freshman year in college, churned out a hit MTV single “Legend of a Cowgirl” off her 1997 album Chupacabra, and was then dropped – sadly, an all too familiar story for new talent these days. But that was then, and this is now.


Apr 2011 11

Carrina Suicide in Porch Kitten

  • INTO: WWII history, airplanes, riding dirt bikes, house destruction parties, furry creatures, Irish whiskey, cooking amazing dishes.
  • NOT INTO: Aimless people, and salmon.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Dissent, Marc Jacobs bags and Moschino pumps.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Boys who can’t fix things, unwarranted sobriety, disloyalty.
  • HOBBIES: Pwning shit in general, studies, entropy, biology, thermodynamics, writing, literature (fine or not).
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My dog, family, freedom, the capacity to learn, food/air, meat.
  • VICES: Mania, drunken debauchery, inhibiting my lung capacity, being a lush in general.

Get to know Carrina better over at!