Jun 2011 03

by Flux

Every week we ask the ladies and gentlemen of the social web to show us their finest ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday; our favorite submission from Twitter and Tumblr each wins a free 3 month membership to

Check out this week’s winners below:

From Twitter:


From Tumblr:


If you haven’t won this week, don’t forget that you can enter each week until you do, so good luck next Tuesday, and happy inking!

A few things to remember:

  • You have to be 18 to qualify.
  • The tattoo has to be yours…that means permanently etched on your body.
  • On Twitter we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!

Check out the Tattoo Tuesday winners of weeks past!


Jun 2011 03

by Aaron Colter

There’s been a collective pants shitting in the comic book industry this week as DC Comics announced that they would relaunch nearly every series this September as a #1 issue, making the content available for download on the same day as print versions hit stores.

Shop owners are crying the death of the industry, and other publishers are trying to play catch-up. Meanwhile, DC Comics is taking a huge gamble on its latest venture. It’s no secret that the company has been playing second-fiddle to Marvel Comics, now backed by the giant Disney corporation, and cleaned house to make room for new executives from a more traditional background that owners Warner Bros. found necessary.

As harsh as it may sound, DC Comics can’t be supported by serialized issues that are sold to only a few hundred thousand costumers, at best, every month. The real money made by Batman, Superman, and all the other beloved characters, is in stupid shit, like T-shirts, movies, action figures, cartoons, and anything else you can slap a logo on to make it appeal to children and nerds.


Jun 2011 03

by Mur Lafferty

SuicdeGirls presents the tenth installment of our Fiction Friday sci-fi series, Marco and the Red Granny, which is brought to you by SG columnist Mighty Mur a.k.a. cyber commentator Mur Lafferty.

Marco and the Red Granny is set in a not-so-distant future where an alien species, the Li-Jun, has transformed the moon into the new artistic center of the universe, where the Sally Ride Lunar Base soon gains the nickname “Mollywood.” These aliens can do amazing things with art and the senses, allowing a painting, for example, to stimulate senses other than sight.

In the previous installments, Marco, a writer whose career has long been in the doldrums, gets a surprise call from an agent he thought he no longer had, informing him that he had received an offer from Mollywood for a much coveted Li-Jun patronage.

Keen to catch up career-wise with his ex-GF Penelope, who’d unceremoniously dumped him after being recruited by the Li-Jun two years earlier, Marco jumps on the next shuttle to the moon. Once aboard, he finds himself sitting next to a seemingly unassuming old lady called Heather, who turns out to be The Red Granny, a legend in Li-Jun’s reality show world for being a three-time champion of The Most Dangerous Game (which requires contestants to sign away the rights to their life).

After settling into his new accommodations at House Blue, Marco has a brief meeting with his new patron, a Li-Jun called Thirteen. It’s only then that Marco realizes he’s never been shown the terms of his employment, and a sense of unease sets in. That evening, Marco is taken on a trip to see The Red Granny in action in The Most Dangerous Game. After a bloody battle, the senior reality TV star is again victorious. The viciousness of the game however, leaves The Red Granny unconscious, and Marco shocked, disturbed, and in need of a stiff drink.

Unfortunately stiff drinks are frowned upon by the Li-Jun, so at the 2Two2, a bar specifically created for humans, Marco has to console himself with a fisheye – a drink that tastes of oranges and spice, and contains the story A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As soon as he finishes it, a second drink appears in front of him. When he asks who bought it, the barkeep points to a woman across the room who looks suspiciously like Penelope. Deciding to call it a night, Marco is escorted home to House Blue.

The next day, Marco learns first hand about the process that enables the Li-Jun to put taste into paintings, music into pie, and stories into (nonalcoholic) beverages. Having had his deepest and most depraved memories dredged and thoroughly probed by the aliens so they can be monitored and recorded, Marco finally sees the terms of his contract. Having accepted the Li-Jun’s too-good-to-refuse offer, Marco feels that though he’s been handed everything he ever wanted, somehow the reality of it is hollow…


Jun 2011 03

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“All of us want to offend every single person.”
– Cherry Chevapravatdumrong

You may not recognize or be able to pronounce the name Cherry Chevapravatdumrong but over the next few years she will become one of your favorite writers. Already a valued member of the Family Guy writing staff Chevapravatdumrong has written some of my favorite recent episodes such as “Sibling Rivalry” where Lois decides to gain a lot of weight and “Prick Up Your Ears” which has a Christian group take over sex education class at James Woods High School. Chevapravatdumrong has teamed up with SuicideGirls favorite Alex Borstein to write the new Family Guy book, It takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One, which is the companion book to the upcoming episode where Lois becomes mayor of Quahog.

Read our exclusive interview with Cherry Chevapravatdumrong on

Jun 2011 03

Radeo Suicide in Lost In Space

  • INTO: You.
  • NOT INTO: Weak hand shakes.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Costello my corgi, couch forts, surprises, superstitions, and fortune cookies.
  • MAKES ME SAD: When my remote control boat doesn’t work.
  • HOBBIES: Irony.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Computer, sweet tea, ice cream, phone, and a little TLC. I’m easy to please.
  • VICES: I only listen to love songs.

Get to know Radeo better over at!