by Blogbot

Artist/SG Member Name: Grompf
Mission Statement: I’m a comic artist, but feel more comfortable by making illustrations as opposed to comic books. One drawing tells more of the story than countless pages of comic strips. I hope my art inspires people to create their own stories…
Most of my work is dedicated to Miss Satan, a character I created few years ago. She’s circus and burlesque artist and she produces her show anywhere she can. I’m really influenced by folk tales and nonsense, which is why Miss Satan is surrounded by animals and characters from folk tales, and few human beings.
I love drawing freaks. Most of the time they look ugly, sad and defenseless, they some kind of Pokémon to me (one day I will create a collectible cards game with all of them).
I’m really influenced by my environment. I was born and raised in a little city in the countryside of France (far from big cities), the type of place where marriages are celebrated between cousins. I know that I have consanguinity in my genes – that’s certainly why I draw freaks — but I’m still very attached to this place.
by A.J. Focht
Last week the comic world was rocked as DC announced they were rebooting their entire universe. DC has since released more details, as well as first edition covers. The Batman universe is getting a lot of coverage, with Batman getting three titles: Batman, Batman: The Dark Knight, and Batman and Robin as well as appearing in the first issue of Detective Comics. Other Bat related titles include: Batgirl, Nightwing, Catwoman, Batwing, a long awaited Batwoman, and one of my personal favorites, Birds of Prey. Meanwhile Superman is starring in Action Comics first issue (wearing some farm boy getup) as well as getting his own reboot with Superman #1, both Superboy and Supergirl are getting renumbered in September as well. All of your favorite super teams including Justice League and Teen Titans are being released then as well. All the heroes are getting fashion updates, including Wonder Woman who finally gets a makeover and a pair of pants.
by Keith Daniels
“The Religious Right will continue to wage this war against women until we as secularists stand up with the feminists and say, ‘No more.’”
– Rebecca Watson
I first heard of Rebecca Watson in her role as the lone female host on The Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast, on which she appears as one of a quartet of co-hosts led by Dr. Steven Novella, but she first gained notice within the skeptic community because of her work with the collaborative blog she founded,
Skepchick advocates for the interrelationship between critical thinking, science, secularism, and feminism. One of the most passionate, articulate, and fearless secularists in the public eye, Rebecca divides her time between Skepchick, the SGU podcast, and frequent speaking engagements at atheist and skeptic-oriented conferences and conventions. In 2009 Skepchick started its own convention, SkepchickCon, which occurs annually as part of the larger CONvergence at the end of June in Minneapolis.
We spoke recently about Skepchick, the Religious Right’s war against women in the United States, and the difficulties women face even within the secular community.
Read our exclusive interview with Rebecca Watson on
Jamity Suicide in After The Work

- MAKES ME HAPPY: My boyfriend, romantic stuff, love letters, a romantic dinner somewhere, candles, swimming at night, flowers, pillow fights, biting, kisses on the roof, rain, foamy baths, massages, unexpected tenderness, drawing, watching movies, beautiful clothes, sunsets on a rooftop, summer nights, chocolate, sunshine, sea, beaches, girls!
- MAKES ME SAD: Being sick, racism, monthlies, lost friends, fighting with my parents, wasting time, killing animals.
- HOBBIES: Dancing, burlesque, watching movies, cooking something horrible, missing someone, painting walls, riding my bicycle, giving hugs.
Get to know Jamity better over at!