Jun 2011 27

Silencia Suicide in Does Seattle

  • INTO: Loud music, wearing too much black, vegan cookies, religious iconography, sarcasm, impeccable wit, used bookstores, socialist feminism, spontaneity, innocence, love.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Gay men, handwritten letters, black coffee, New York, Portland, Kubrick, Borges, Sioux, a good sense of humor, grandparents, intelligence..
  • MAKES ME SAD: Conservative politics, people who force their views on others, how necessary money is sometimes, “text” typing in e-mail/online messages – scratch that – “text” typing in general (yes, even in text messages), when people refer to tattoos as “ink” or “tatts.”
  • HOBBIES: Lots of things that end with “ing.”
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Paper, black ink pen, background noise, my brain, my heart (all the other organs aren’t as important).

Get to know Silencia better over at!

Jun 2011 24

by Flux

Every week we ask the ladies and gentlemen of the social web to show us their finest ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday; our favorite submission from Twitter and Tumblr each wins a free 3 month membership to

Check out this week’s winners below:

From Twitter:


From Tumblr:


If you haven’t won this week, don’t forget that you can enter each week until you do, so good luck next Tuesday, and happy inking!

A few things to remember:

  • You have to be 18 to qualify.
  • The tattoo has to be yours…that means permanently etched on your body.
  • On Twitter we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!

Check out the Tattoo Tuesday winners of weeks past!


Jun 2011 24

by Aaron Colter

Hey gang, guess what? I found this crumpled envelope that had the Top 5 Breweries list scrawled onto it in red marker. You don’t care, but it means one less piece of shit I have in the fuck-pile that is my living space. So, here they are, as previously promised:


Jun 2011 24

by Mur Lafferty

SuicdeGirls presents the thirteenth installment of our Fiction Friday sci-fi series, Marco and the Red Granny, which is brought to you by SG columnist Mighty Mur a.k.a. cyber commentator Mur Lafferty.

Marco and the Red Granny is set in a not-so-distant future where an alien species, the Li-Jun, has transformed the moon into the new artistic center of the universe, where the Sally Ride Lunar Base soon gains the nickname “Mollywood.” These aliens can do amazing things with art and the senses, allowing a painting, for example, to stimulate senses other than sight. However, humans remain suspicious of the Li-Jun’s emotion-imbued goods, so while their entertainment can be beamed back to earth, a trade embargo prevents anything from being physically imported to the planet.

In the previous installments, Marco, a writer whose career has long been in the doldrums, gets a surprise call from an agent he thought he no longer had informing him that he has received an offer from Mollywood for a much coveted Li-Jun patronage. Keen to catch up career-wise with his ex-GF Penelope, who’d unceremoniously dumped him after being recruited by the Li-Jun two years earlier, Marco hastily jumps on the next shuttle to the moon. Once aboard, he finds himself sitting next to a seemingly unassuming old lady called Heather, who turns out to be The Red Granny, a legend in Li-Jun’s reality show world for being a three-time champion of The Most Dangerous Game (which requires contestants to sign away the rights to their life).

After settling into his new accommodations at House Blue, Marco has a brief meeting with his new patron, a Li-Jun called Thirteen. It’s only then that Marco realizes he’s never been shown the terms of his employment, and a sense of unease sets in. That evening, Marco is taken on a trip to see The Red Granny in action in The Most Dangerous Game. After a bloody battle, the senior reality TV star is again victorious. The viciousness of the game leaves The Red Granny unconscious, and Marco shocked, disturbed, and in need of a stiff drink. Unfortunately stiff drinks are frowned upon by the Li-Jun, so Marco settles for an early night

The next day, Marco learns first hand about the process that enables the Li-Jun to put taste into paintings, music into pie, and stories into (nonalcoholic) beverages. Having had his deepest and most depraved memories dredged and thoroughly probed by the aliens so they can be monitored and recorded, Marco finally sees the terms of his contract. He ultimately accepts the Li-Jun’s too-good-to-refuse offer, and embarks on his new life at House Blue. However, though he’s been handed everything he ever wanted, somehow the reality of it is hollow.

Twenty thousand words into his new graphic novel, with his first deadline looming, Marco suffers from a severe case of writers block, and searches for inspiration in the bottom of a glass that’s actually had something worth drinking in it. To this end, he stumbles across an illicit drinking establishment on the seedier side of the moon which turns out to be run by a collective of folks who are strictly persona non grata as far as the Li-Jun are concerned – The Alcoholic’s Guild. There Marco has an uneasy encounter with a glass or three of gin, his ex-GF Penelope, who is now going by the name Knowledge, and her AG sponsor, Defect. After downing one too many drinks, Marco begins to get a sense of exactly how severe of an infraction the Li-Jun consider the consumption of alcohol to be.

While attempting to conceal his inebriation as he sneaks back into House Blue, Marco is caught red handed by his Li-Jun keeper Seven (it was probably his spontaneous vomiting that gave him away). The punishment is a second bout of mind raping/mapping. Afterwards, with his patronage in jeopardy, Heather gives him a special necklace to calm his nerves and promises to plead his case with Thirteen.

The following morning, Heather takes Marco on a behind-the-scenes tour of the secret areas of House Blue where the Li-Jun infuse emotion into art. The Red Granny also reveals that everything created in Mollywood will soon be permitted to be legally imported back to earth. Duly inspired and placated, Marco is allowed to resume his patronage.


Jun 2011 24

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“Music is now a soundtrack to some other activity.”
– Maynard Keenan

Once you’ve made it to the height of your chosen field, what do you do next? Well according to Tool and A Perfect Circle singer Maynard Keenan, what satisfies him at this point is crushing grapes in his backyard. If that sounds like fun to you CBT fans then you’re missing the point. Keenan has figured it out, he’s taken his love for wine and started his own label and vineyard and is taking some heavy risks with his next music project Puscifier.

Read our exclusive interview with Maynard Keenan on

Jun 2011 24

Callioppe Suicide in Grey Scale

  • INTO: Purity, constellations, the tide, the medicinal values of herbs, divinations, tea readings, wild flowers, nutritional superiority, multiple orgasms, and YOU!
  • NOT INTO: Vanity, arrogance, lies, apathy, junk food.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: The smell of new books, the change of the seasons, sunrises when most of the city is asleep, hot chai tea on cold days, cold chai tea on hot days, arthropods, cephalopods, epiphanies, feeling a connection with other human creatures, tender moments that make my eyes swell with water, quiet mornings, noisy nights, interpretive dance with the boyfriend when no one is looking, silliness, inside jokes, self reflection, self esteem, self worth, cosmic design, morning sex, electrodes, diodes, and potentiometers, paper mache, fruit trees, semantics, tenderness, truthfulness, connectedness, understanding, flora and fauna.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Slaughter houses, dairy farms, veal boxes, battery cages, and cattle prods.
  • HOBBIES: Cooking, crafting, creating.
  • VICES: I keep my nails short so I can dig into life.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In the produce section of your local grocery store.

Get to know Callioppe better over at!

Jun 2011 23

by Blogbot

[Phoenix in Sky Lines]

Artist/SG Name: Phoenix

Mission Statement: My work is all about beauty and conveying emotion. Eyes are an important vehicle of expression and that’s why they are a focal point in my work. I strive for the right balance between vulnerability and aloofness. I’m inspired by music, books, photography, and art.
