Jul 2011 11

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Salome, Dorsal, and Morgan

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Salome in Pop Art Clash ]

Q: I am 25 years of age. When I was 18 I used to be the kid that played every sport you can imagine. I was not a jock though. I never made fun of kids. In fact I would get along with everyone – skaters, stoners, gangbangers, etc. At 18 I had a chance to play college basketball and I went to get a physical. I complained I had a little pain in my back when I ran and so forth, so the doctor suggested I get an X-ray. I come to found out I have Scheuermann’s disease and spinal stenosis. The first thing I said was, “Can I still play ball?” The doctor said “no” because if I took too hard of a hit I could get paralyzed. I said, “Well shit you that just ruined my life.” The doctor also told me he couldn’t perform surgery because it would just make it worse.

I had to start taking pain meds, and they seemed to mess up my system. I won’t go into detail because it’s not very fun to be honest, and I do not want to gross you out. Let’s be honest, me telling this story is kinda hard…My point is, I ended up having a surgery where I have a bag on my stomach. Now the real question is this: How the hell am I going to get a girl with this on me?

I have not taken a date in over a year. I have had no sex in over a year, just for the fact I don’t want to make a girl uncomfortable. I know I could be the greedy guy and not tell her at all and just pray she doesn’t notice in the dark, but I am really not like that. The other question is, should I just be upfront with the girl on the first date and tell her all this? If I do, it seems like too much info. But then after the first date, what happens if we really hit it off? I’d feel like I would be letting her down if I told her on the second date and she wasn’t chill with it.

I’m in a catch 22 here ladies. I have thought about this for a long time. Hope you can go ahead and give me an answer. I really want a girl’s point of view.


Jul 2011 11

Zoli Suicide in Video Chat

  • INTO: Making fun of myself, playing the drums, cooking, traveling, eating lots and lots of good food, meeting fun and interesting people, HOT pink, sex, make-up, fashion, BDSM, beautiful women, and much, much more!
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: I find enjoyment in many many things…I enjoy a good conversation, someone I can sit and do nothing with, being a total goof-ball, spontaneity, etc.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Drama, homophobia.
  • HOBBIES: Playing drums, cooking, traveling, spinning poi.
  • VICES: Caffeine, cigarettes, sex.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free time? What is this free time you speak of? Ha ha!

Get to know Zoli better over at!