by SG’s Team Agony feat. Tekky, Perdita, and Leandra
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Tekky in Caution]
Q: I have been on and off with this guy for 10 months now. We haven’t really been in an actual relationship. I moved in with him once to try things out, but he basically broke that off on Valentine’s Day. Now we have more of this friends with benefits thing going. But we fight. We fight for about a week, then for two weeks we are okay and together. I have to see him almost everyday. I really care for him. I’m also hurt at the same time. What should I do?
by Greg Palast
Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist gave debtors’ prison a bad rap. Too bad. I’d say that locking away GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a penitentiary for deadbeats seems like a darn good idea.
Let’s talk about how we ended up in this pickle, bucking up against the “debt ceiling.” From 2001 to 2008, a Republican President took an annual surplus of $86 billion left for him by Bill Clinton and ran up the budget deficit to over half a trillion a year ($642 billion in 2008). Altogether, George W. Bush blew up the national debt by over $3 TRILLION — then left the bills to Barack Obama.
For eight years, Bush spent like a drunk monkey. The world was the GOP’s Bergdorf’s and they had our credit card. If there was a shiny new war on the shelf, they just had to have it: Iraq, Afghanistan, and let’s not forget the Fantasy Wars, the half a trillion dollars a year on fancy-ass weapons for a war that won’t happen. (Example: the Virginia Class submarine. The V-class was designed to attack Soviet subs. There are no more Soviet subs, but Bush ordered three dozen anyway — at $1.8 billion each.)
And tax cuts? Don’t get me started!
by Jay Hathaway
“People are more homicidal than they used to be.”
– John Linnell
John Linnell and John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants have been making music for 30 years, and they still haven’t run out of things to say. While other bands with that kind of longevity just go through the motions and secretly hate one another, the Johns somehow manage to get along and keep making good records.
Their 15th record, Join Us, has been three years in the making. During that time, They Might Be Giants have been putting out wildly successful kids’ albums, and Join Us marks their return to “adult” rock n’ roll.
We were lucky enough to spend some time on the phone with John Linnell, trying to figure out what this record is all about. It turns out that after 30 years, a band can just make music without having to explain themselves. Join Us is a They Might Be Giants record: you’ll either get it, or you won’t, and Linnell is totally okay with that.
Read our exclusive interview with John Linnell on
Dali Suicide in A Place In The Sun

- INTO: Art, fashion, food, snowboarding, traveling, meeting new people, lightning, paradoxes, nonsense, sci-fi movies, well done tattoos, laughing at life’s oddities, the Cincinnati Bengals, San Jose Sharks, Oakland A’s, and the Bay Area.
- NOT INTO: Picky eaters, bad tattoos, grass, not experiencing new things, close mindedness, the Steelers.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My two cats MaryJane and Spiderman, my white bunny YoJimbo Ninja, adoption of children or animals, going to a new place, eating bomb ass food, wearing a pair of beautiful sky high platform shoes with a sick outfit, spontaneous days.
- MAKES ME SAD: Roadkill, deforestation, oil spills.
- HOBBIES: Snowboarding, rock climbing, Bikram yoga, running, swimming, eating, sleeping.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Love, laughter, good food, good company, and good style.
- VICES: Shoes and booze.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Running, yoga, sleeping!
Get to know Dali better over at!