by Laurelin
Driving down the quaint streets of Chatham on Cape Cod is always a reality check for me. The gorgeous colonial style historic homes with vast lawns and wrap around porches lay quietly by the sea, so perfect in their rustic yet modern décor, looking as though a horse drawn buggy would be a better fit in the driveway rather than a SUV. I have always wanted a home like that. I want something old fashioned by the water, somewhere were I can drink sangria on the porch with my husband and look out at the sea. I could stare at these houses forever, just dreaming of a life that right now, seems so out of reach.
I left a seaside town to move to the city, traded the ocean in my backyard for a concrete ocean and non-stop traffic, horns and sirens. Constant college party screams and shouts lull me to sleep instead of the waves and the cry of seagulls. Instead of tasting salt in the breeze, you might get the occasional AC water drip from the apartments above you. I am used to this city life now, and I do miss it when it’s gone, but I can’t see myself retiring and settling down here forever. For me, right now, this is what I have convinced myself I need. This city has always catered to my single needs. Even when I had a boyfriend this city did nothing to help “us” live a quieter happy couple life. We’re late nighters. Our only consistency in life was the same bar stool we would sit in after work. We had no place in a place like the Cape. We didn’t belong there, we belonged here in this tragedy.
It’s a much different story than just city life vs. country life. To me it’s like two different worlds. Move me to one of those houses on the Cape without me feeling like I’m completely done with this city bar scene and I would be lost. My only question –– is it going to be enough? What am I waiting for? More money? The perfect person to bring with me? If I wanted that life so badly things would have been different. I could have moved home to Rhode Island this year but I couldn’t do it. I was supposed to move to San Diego this September, but the thought of leaving Boston just became too horrifying for me. It was just easier to stay, to keep doing what I’m doing. Why stir the pot when things are pretty much alright the way they are? This city has become the ultimate enabler, allowing me to live a crazy life from which I want no rescue.
by Flux
Every week we ask the ladies and gentlemen of the social web to show us their finest ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday; our favorite submission from Twitter and Tumblr each wins a free 3 month membership to
I guess we still have Comic Con on the brain, because this week’s winners are both incredible geek tattoos. Check them out below.
From Twitter:

@VincentAuletta has a xenomorph from the Alien films taking up residence on his arm.
From Tumblr:

subsammich‘s Boba Fett is just an outline and is already one of the coolest tattoos we’ve ever seen.
If you haven’t won this week, don’t forget that you can enter each week until you do, so good luck next Tuesday, and happy inking!
A few things to remember:
- You have to be 18 to qualify.
- The tattoo has to be yours…that means permanently etched on your body.
- On Twitter we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!
Check out the Tattoo Tuesday winners of weeks past!
by Mur Lafferty
SuicdeGirls presents the final installment of our Fiction Friday sci-fi series, Marco and the Red Granny, which is brought to you by SG columnist Mighty Mur a.k.a. cyber commentator Mur Lafferty.
Since it’s Marco’s last stand, we’re not going to give you a recap as we have in weeks past. If you’ve missed any chapters, you’ll find links to them all after the jump. If you’ve not been reading, you really should. It’s an action-packed sci-fi adventure that’ll blow your mind, and leave you pondering the ramifications of corporate and/or government controlled media, entertainment, and art long after you’ve hit the last line. For those who’ve kept up, we hope you’ve enjoyed the ride. Keep fighting for freedom of expression, and trust that ultimately the pen (and the programmer) will always prevail against the sword.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“Never try and be what youre not”
– Marco Pirroni
Marco Pirroni is a legend in his own time. Now some of you may be saying “But I don’t know who the fuck Marco Pirroni is?” Well you may not know his name but you’ve heard his music. Pirroni was major part of the punk scene in the late ’70s in his native England. He first played with Siouxsie and the Banshees in 1976 along with Sid Vicious and later he joined Adam & the Ants penning five number one singles. Since then Pirroni has worked with dozens of other musicians but he is forever looking forward and never backward. His latest band is The Wolfmen where he has teamed up with another ex-Ant Chris Constantinou.
Read our exclusive interview with Marco Pirroni on
Ajilee Suicide in Study Hour

- INTO: Music, make up, sleeping, BBQs, Asian food.
- NOT INTO: Egotistical assholes, small talk.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Having milk in the fridge, my cats getting along, lounging around in bed, Sephora. M.A.C., amazing new tunes, baths, fixing things.
- MAKES ME SAD: My boy being on tour all the time.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Chapstik, gum, makeup, iPod, and a good pillow!
- VICES: Makeup, anything mint, gum.
Get to know Ajilee better over at!