by Morgan
Hello again, fellow gamers! This month I’d like to bring you a variety of very different games, ranging from cute to badass. I’ve spent a lot of time this month neglecting WoW but playing some extremely fun games nonetheless. Here’s a selection of the best games I’ve played recently:

1. Touch Cats – iOS devices – Free
Most gamers have some sort of guilty pleasure game they enjoy. For me it’s pet simulation games. Sadly there aren’t many good free ones available. That’s why I was delighted to discover Touch Cats! It’s a basic pet game: you feed, groom and play with the cats you adopt to increase their happiness bar. You can check in on the game once a week or many times a day, though, with the game’s daily goals, checking in a couple of times a day has its rewards. There’s a lot about the game that makes me recommend it. At the top of the list are the missions you can send your cats on. Your cats can regularly search your virtual home for coins and items, and the items can be used for detective and rescue missions the animals can go on to collect rewards (generally clothing items and coins). Connected to this is another plus: the social aspect of the game. You can complete these missions solo or recruit friends and random users to help you. Once you’ve added friends you can also send your cats to visit other kitties in your neighborhood. All in all, Touch Cats is a simple yet adorable and addictive game.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Smythe and Casca
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Smythe in There Is A Light]
Q: There’s this guy that I’ve been into since I meet him. After I broke up with my BF we started to fool around but haven’t kissed or fucked. I thought he was into me and so did everyone else, so I finally told him I liked him. He said that he wasn’t interested in me like that. It’s been about a month since I told him I liked him, and I’m not over it. I don’t even understand why I liked him in the first place, or why he showed that he was into me but said differently. Could you please help make sense of all this? I would like to move on but it seems like I can’t.
by Aaron Colter
Goddamn people are dumb. It’s getting old.
I was reading a news article about Anonymous in which some supposed expert, Gabriella Coleman, made sweeping generalizations about the motives of the loose collective. While discussing the skill sets of those involved, she talked about how some are programmers or security researchers, while others “are skilled at video editing and design.”
My fucking eyes rolled so hard I thought the right one was going to pop clean-out of the damn socket. O RLY? Like fucking iMovie and Photoshop? Like that shit is super hard to figure out?
Embarrassing. The government is arresting kids for playing what is the equivalent of a high school prank on a mass scale (if you’re phishing for a Mr. Big in the hacker world – I hear Rupert Murdoch’s a pretty soft target these days). And it remains to be seen if they’re even arresting the correct people. (In response to the FBI’s arrests, hackers have released loads of data that was obtained from ManTech – a security firm paid over $100 million by our government for clearly failing to protect NATO information.)
But regardless of whether they’ve got the right Guy (pun intended), they’re doing it wrong.
by Keith Daniels
“I absolutely love to sing.”
– Lindi Ortega
Lindi Ortega is a singer-songwriter from Canada with an incredible voice that brings to mind both Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris. She’s been kicking around the music industry for a decade or more, slowly climbing the rungs and paying her dues as backup on tours with Kevin Costner and the Killers’ Brandon Flowers. Despite the recent setback of being dropped from her first major label deal with Interscope, she’s finally getting some well-deserved recognition. Her new record, Little Red Boots, was highlighted on NPR, which is how I heard of it.
She talked to SuicideGirls recently about those little red boots, how getting dropped from a major was a blessing in disguise, and how dinosaurs evolved into birds.
Read our exclusive interview with Lindi Ortegae on
Chride Suicide in Ragin Cajun

- INTO: Mullets and camel toes.
- NOT INTO: Ignorance and sociopaths.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Puppies and nudity. Not necessarily together.
- MAKES ME SAD: Pretentiousness and snobbery.
- HOBBIES: Doing what the fuck I want, when I want.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Camera, iPod, pups, Chuck Taylors, Pyrex dildos.
- VICES: Cajun food, Asian food, Italian food….and cigarettes.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Reading, playing video games, and fanatically cleaning.
Get to know Chride better over at!