by Daniel Robert Epstein
“I wanted Jane Eyre to look more punk rock”
– Dame Darcy
Dame Darcy is best known for her Fantagraphics comic book series Meatcake. But now she has taken on the ambitious project of adding illustrations to the Charlotte Bronte classic Jane Eyre for The Illustrated Jane Eyre. I got a chance to talk with Dame as she was traveling the country doing signings and shows with her band Death By Doll.
Read our exclusive interview with Dame Darcy on
Glitch Suicide in Sakura

- INTO: Zombies, freaks, glasses, girls, art, aromatherapy, anime, geekiness, corsets, vampires, vintage, horror, anarchism, nature, baths, cult flicks, comics, burlesque, calligraphy, bubble tea, cemeteries, Yerba Mate tea, supporting local business, kissing, almond milk, lotions & potions, feminism, diversity, sci-fi, mannequin body parts, flea markets. Books, different perspectives, conspiracy theories, awkwardness, bitter comedians, kinky porn, atheism, questions, revolution, action, science, thought patterns.
- NOT INTO: Conservatives, racism, misogyny, fake breasts, war, animal cruelty, materialism, people who are afraid to be themselves, repression, meat, religion.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Boobies, kitties, robots, tea, cartoons, pretty ladies, drugs, bikes.
- HOBBIES: Painting, bike cruising, dancing, walking, traveling, going to shows, making out, .applying makeup, philosophizing, writing, being kinky, drinking tea, fantasizing..
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sex, eyeliner, sneakers, hair dye, fruit, and lip balm!
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Cuddling kitties, walking, reading, rocking out, having sex, exploring my body, conversing, dreaming, cooking, watching movies.
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