by Laurelin
I’ve never thought of myself as a particularly crazy person. I don’t yell or scream at people I’m dating, I’m not jealous, I don’t nag, and I don’t get upset when ex- girlfriends are still in the picture. I was horrified by the female lead in He’s Just Not That Into You, and I am a firm believer in the idea “if it’s not fun, why do it?” Relationships are supposed to be fun. If it’s not fun, why the hell are you still dating? I’m not a crazy girl. Or, at least that’s what I have been telling myself for as far back as I can remember. I guess if you break it down, I’m just as crazy as the next girl. I just hide it damn well.
I have been caught being crazy once about six years ago, and let me tell you, it whipped me into shape. As much as I like throwing myself under the bus when I write these articles, what I did was so absolutely insane that I can’t even think about it without my cheek burning in shame. All I know is that I was busted, and the look on my boyfriend’s face when he caught me red handed was enough for me to realize then and there that acting like an untrusting maniac was the most un-sexy quality a girl can have.
I had stepped out of the room and he had jumped on my computer to check his e-mail, and as I walked back into the room our horrified eyes met over the glow of the screen and my heart fell like concrete into my stomach. The digital age makes it too easy to have access to whatever you want, and I had left whatever I wanted to know about him right up on the screen for him to find. It was all there, e-mails, conversations with ex girlfriends, everything. He should have broken up with me on the spot, and I’m not sure why he didn’t. I guess I got lucky. Unfortunately, that experience engrained something in me, and from that moment on I didn’t act anything but totally laid back about everything, ever. I didn’t ever want anyone looking at me the way my boyfriend looked at me that day.
by Blogbot

SG / Artist Name: Sucette, but I usually use Miss Sucette as my artist name.
Mission Statement: I began to draw when I was a cute lil’ girl. My father is an artist as well. I admired him and I wanted to draw like him. I spent all my childhood drawing, and I never let it go. It’s something that has come naturaly to me since I was a child. I just can’t live without art.
I grew up surrounded by old horror movies (the kind of movies where the car always broke down in the middle of nowhere…) and old cartoons. As a result, I began to create my own world, my own stories. Painting was just a result for me of an overflowing imagination, a way to exorcize my childhood fears.
With my own universe, I create art to propel you in a fantastic world and to talk about what I like the most. Animals, nature, science, and symbolism are central themes for my work. Through my paintings, I contemplate life, death, evolution, technology, loss of innocence, cruelty, and more. The messages I deliver are often tragic. I don’t like to show only what is good in the world. I want you to think about what’s wrong with us, what’s wrong in our world.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“I’ll be real bold and blunt.”
– Travis Barker
I should admit this right off the bat: I’m not a huge fan of Travis Barkers music. The only work of his I’ve really gravitated to is The Transplants; I’m still spinning that disc ever since I interviewed Skinhead Rob nearly a year and a half ago. But Barkers new band +44 is good and a lot of fun. He’s teamed up with another former member of Blink 182, Mark Hoppus, as well as former Transplants touring guitarist Craig Fairbaugh and the lead guitarist of The Nervous Return, Shane Gallagher. I had a very open and honest conversation with Barker about the new band and his trials and travails with the paparazzi and various famous blondes.
Read our exclusive interview with Travis Barker on
Eden Suicide in Yesterday Tea

- INTO: Dogs, tattoos, traveling, London, indie rock, burlesque, choppers, philosophy, animals, weed, shopping, skinheads, piercings, shoes, bar fights, medical fetish, latex clothing, men with sideburns, being fabulous.
- NOT INTO: You.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Blood, traveling, my lovely dog Panna and dogs in general, fixie riding, getting tattooed, pierced flesh, being with my best friends, fat joints, sushi, shopping, driving fast while listening to my iPod, freak shows.
- MAKES ME SAD: Animal abuse, people who pretend to tell me who I am and what I should do, ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends’ new girls, lack of chocolate.
- HOBBIES: Naked modeling, getting tattooed.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Dogs, weed, Coca-Cola, dark nail polish, proteins.
- VICES: Lust, gluttony, pride.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With my dog, piercing, singing loud, on the internet, smoking weed, on a fixie.
Get to know Eden better over at!