by A.J. Focht
The thought of any remake is normally enough to make me cringe. When a cult classic like Evil Dead gets set for a reboot, my first reaction is to grab my torch and pitchfork. But with both Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell involved in the project, it’s hard not give it my support. Campbell recently commented on the movie, reassuring horror fans that they aren’t just ‘farting out a sequel.’ He had this to say about the project and the new director:
by Blogbot
A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Eden in Eat My Dust]
This week, Eden Suicide tells us why the Tattoo Group has made its mark on her.
Members: 10,764 / Comments: 118,201
- WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I find really interesting to read the different reasons behind this life changing choice. Tattoos can tell you a lot about who wears them. And I love to see pictures of tattooed people!
- DISCUSSION TIP: Learn how to use the SG search button and how to use Google Image search to find reference material.
- BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “I have a camel… on my toe.”
- MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: “New Tattoos” – and “Tasteless Tattoos” is growing really quickly
- WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Everyone who loves tattoos, people with tattoos, tattoo artists, or are just tattoo curious.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“We’re so in debt its not even funny”
– Alex Ebert of Ima Robot
Ima Robot is an excellent band whose music mixes a variety of genres. You can call them rock, you can even call them rap, but you must buy their new album, Monument to the Masses. I recently had a chance to speak with the band’s very prolific vocalist, Alex Ebert.
Read our exclusive interview with Alex Ebert of Ima Robot on
Damsel Suicide in Le Chat Noir

- INTO: Musicians, artists, dirty talk, good baby makin’ music, post-sex cuddling, 5:00 o’ clock shadow, chicks with dreads, reading tarot cards, guys with strong arms, nipple rings.
- NOT INTO: Butch chicks, spiky hair, cut off T-shirts, jocks, high maintenance Barbie doll bitches, preppy boys, dudes who chew tobacco.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Feeling appreciated.
- MAKE ME SAD: Abandonment.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Penelope, my cell phone, sweatpants, marijuana, my camera.
- VICES: Hostess cupcakes and dirty porn.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With Penelope, and perving on hot naked bitches.
Get to know Damsel better over at!