by Blogbot

[Above: Portrait of AnnaLee Suicide]
Artist / SG Member Name: Eric daStone / lagrangian_point
Mission Statement: I don’t have a mission statement as such, I just like to paint. However, when I first started to paint seriously I tried to paint things that you don’t normally see. This was quite literal back then, painting skeletons, muscles etc, on figures while trying to maintain a life and soul to the figures.
More recently, I have become fascinated with quantum and particle physics — that matter is in fact energy and vice versa — and that everything is virtually made of nothing. I try and paint this reality, although I don’t think I have come close to succeeding yet. Ultimately I try and paint interesting, soulful images.
by Blogbot
We asked our Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter friends if they preferred pie or cupcakes. Over 9,500 responses later, and the results are in…
Vane Suicide in So Cozy

- MAKES ME HAPPY: Puppies.
- HOBBIES: Drawing, watching movies, crossword puzzles, occasional orgies, and worshiping satan.
- VICES: Hedonism and cheating at spider solitaire.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: I’m a full-time dreamer and a part-time alcoholic.
Get to know Vane better over at!
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“I do more Romero than Romero”
– Max Brooks
Who ever thought that Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio would get into a bidding war over the son of Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft? That’s something even Nostradamus wouldn’t have predicted, but it happened. Said bidding war was over the rights to Max Brooks’ wild new zombie book World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, which tips its hat to Studs Terkel’s The Great War — but rather than featuring interviews with people involved in World War Z, the book investigates nearly every aspect of what would happen if there were a real zombie infestation in today’s world. Brooks is definitely an expert on all things zombie, having written the bestselling Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead.
Read our exclusive interview with Max Brooks on