Dec 2011 01

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“What’s so terrific is that we did break those boundaries of sexuality and homosexuality and all kinds of things that were so taboo.”
– Sharon Stone

As the star of such ’80’s classics as Action Jackson and Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol, Sharon Stone was the object of many film geek’s fantasies. She increased that demographic when she became an international star with the lead in Basic Instinct and later her Oscar nomination for Casino. Now Stone is reprising her role as the bisexual murderess Catherine Tramell in the sequel Basic Instinct 2.

Read our exclusive interview with Sharon Stone on

Nov 2011 30

by A.J. Focht

Possible SPOILERS from the Dark Knight Rises have hit the web. The spoilers revolve around the films prologue. If they are correct, there may be some major changes to Bane’s background story. The leak is unconfirmed and, therefore, it’s best to file this one under rumors.

Adding on to the series of disastrous events to befall The Wolverine, the film is being delayed again, and this time there is no speculation to when it may release. Maybe this should be a sign to scrap the project and let the series rest for a while.

Some big news for Ender’s Game fans, Asa Butterfield, star of the new box office hit Hugo, confirmed via Twitter that he will be playing the role of Ender. There had been reports he was offered the role, and he is very excited to take it. The movie is being directed by Wolverine Origins director Gavin Hood, and is scheduled to release in March of 2013.

Men in Black III is officially a go. The first teaser posters for the film have been released. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones have returned as Agents ‘J’ and ‘K’. The posters don’t tell us much more than the fact the project has hit the marketing stage.

Star Trek 2 has received a new release date for May 2013. But that’s not all. Oscar winning composer, Michael Giacchino, is back on for the second film. And finally, it is confirmed the film will be shooting in 3D.

One last note about the movies, if you didn’t already think Twilight is hazardous to your health, it’s now been confirmed. Cases have been reported of viewers going into epileptic seizures during the birthing scene. Anyone susceptible to seizures should therefore avoid seeing Breaking Dawn.

Some great news for Bluntman & Chronic, Neil Gaiman has confirmed he’s agreed to voice Alfred in the cartoon via Twitter. The news of a cartoon is exciting enough, but to know that Neil Gaiman is on the project is just fantastic.

MTV Geek has released their Top 10 Comic Book Writers of 2011. It’s no surprise that many of the DC New 52 writers have made the list as well as a handful of independent comics. Deservingly, Animal Man writer Jeff Lemire has taken the top spot.

Before you go, enjoy David Tennant reading a bedtime story with penguins on CBeebies, courtesy of Geek Mom.

Nov 2011 30

by Susannah Bresll

“I prefer to think of myself as an Oki Dog wrapped in pastrami wrapped in a tortilla.”
– Xeni Jardin

Xeni Jardin is a journalist, a blogger, and a TV pundit. As a co-editor of BoingBoing, one of the most popular blogs on the Web, Jardin serves as an Internet-based coolhunter for the futuristic, or, as Defamer puts it, a “sexpot Wired reporter sent from 15 minutes in the future to send back information about our inferior technology to some alien race.” In addition to writing for Wired, Jardin files reports on subjects ranging from robot battles to zero gravity flight for NPR’s “Xeni Tech” and opines regularly on the latest high tech gadgetry for CNN and Fox News. Part Fritz Lang’s Maria in “Metropolis,” part Marilyn Monroe on a cellphone, in Jardin, as the LA Times advises, we may behold the wizard of blogs.

Read our exclusive interview with Xeni Jardin on

Nov 2011 29

by Aaron Colter

It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything about #OccupyWallStreet, and even longer since I first posted about the movement’s inception. Since then, a lot of things have happened, most of which are still too difficult to cope with intelligently or even handle on basic level. The world is awaking, bursting at the seams of what it means to be a society. It’s exciting, but frightening as well, confusing as always.

I hope to unpack all of those thoughts soon. Put them into the right places so that I can have a better grasp of what Occupy means, why in some ways it was a tragedy, and why it’s still hopeful. Most importantly, why its failure is a personal failure.

For now, if you’re supportive of the moment, continue to do what you can. Some of us in the comic scene have decided to come together for a Kickstarter project called Occupy Comics. Top names in the industry are creating their own interpretations and stories from the Occupy movement for a book that will be collected next year. For now, funds raised will be donated by the artists to various efforts around the world to help the Occupy movement continue. There are only a few days left to contribute if you’d like to help out or get a book.

Creators involved include: Darick Robertson (Transmetropolitan), Dan Goldman (Shooting War), Amanda Palmer (Evelyn, Evelyn), Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night), Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead), Riley Rossmo (Cowboy Ninja Viking), Tim Seely (Hack/Slash), Zoetica Ebb (SuicideGirls, Biorequiem), Steve Rolston (Queen & Country), Tyler Crook (B.P.R.D.), Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), both Brea Grant and Zane Grant of the SuicideGirls comic series, and many more. Plus, several other top creators will be announced soon!

If you’re into the idea, please contribute to the Kickstarter. And if you have an idea of your own for how to keep the Occupy movement alive, please make it a reality.

Thanks for reading.

Stay safe, stay positive.


Nov 2011 29

by Missy

“It’s tough not having more people to relate to you as a women.”
– Karen O

The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs have just released Show Your Bones, the follow up to their hugely successful 2003 album Fever to Tell. Born out of the New York garage scene, the single ““Maps”” put them on the map and they haven’t looked back since. I caught up with the incredible Karen O before the band embarked on their latest tour.

Read our exclusive interview with Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs on

Nov 2011 28

by Blogbot

Since its launch in 2004, Facebook’s genius has been its ability to express complex relationships between people and things in a simplified graphical form in a way that is easy to grasp with just a couple of minutes browsing at any one time. Thus, its storytelling format is clearly ideal for condensing convoluted shit like life, the universe, and everything into an easy to read feed. A new book, authored by Wylie Overstreet, rather successfully does just that, telling the entire history of the world in just 153 not-too-dense pages. Here, in this excerpted first chapter, we breeze through the pertinent points of a few billion years, learning more-or-less everything we need to know about a period of time bookended by the birth of the universe and the birth of man.


In August 2010, Wylie Overstreet published a satirical article called “If Historical Events Had Facebook Statuses” on Within a month, it had received 3 million views and had been “liked” by 120,000 Facebook users. In The History Of The World According To Facebook (published by It Books), Overstreet expands this concept into a full-length history of the world, from its creation up to the present day, as if Facebook had existed all along and Abraham Lincoln had written a status update about “taking the missus to the theater” on April 15, 1865 and Ben Franklin had done the same alerting his network that he′d signed the Declaration of Independence (“Bring it,” replied John Adams). Filled with hundreds of real-life historical figures and thousands of not-at-all-real Facebook statuses, comments, and actions, and parodying Facebook users′ proclivity to over-share and use lazy jargon (“lol,” “rofl,” “fml,” etc.), this is the definitive humor book for those who spend too much time online.

Excerpt from The History Of The World According To Facebook by Wylie Overstreet reprinted by kind permission of It Books. Copyright © 2011 Wylie Overstreet.

Nov 2011 28

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“On my radio show I just play what I want. With my band I just do what I want. On the talk show I just want to talk about what I want. Isn’t that what the whole idea is, live and uncut.”
– Henry Rollins

A lot of people out there think that’ it’’s not a good idea for these ranting and raving pundit types to have their own TV shows. Well now we’’ve got our very own incensed host on TV, Henry Rollins with the aptly named Henry Rollins Show. For those who may not know of Henry, both of you, Rollins cuts an imposing figure in the hardest of rock concerts as a seminal member of Black Flag and founder of Rollins Band. A man covered in as many famous tattoos might seem an unlikely candidate for a talk show until you hear Rollins speak. Whatever comes out of his mouth is the truth. Rollins is an astonishingly well read man who is at just as much at home acting alongside Al Pacino as he is vomiting in a Siberian train bathroom.

Read our exclusive interview with Henry Rollins on