Feb 2011 21

by Fred Topel

“On behalf of all girls with asses, thank you.”
-Lucy Lawless

Lucy Lawless’s most famous roles have taken her to different eras of history. As Xena in Xena: Warrior Princess, she starred in a comedic interprettion of Greek mythology. Now on TV’s Spartacus, she’s in an ultra-violent depiction of Roman gladiators. Her character, Lucretia, runs a gladiator school with her husband Batiatus (John Hannah).


Feb 2011 18

by Missy

Hi this is Missy!

I started SuicideGirls ten years ago and for a good part of those ten years we’ve been trying to create a tv show about our live tour: the SuicideGirls Burlesque Show. Vh1 has been nice enough to give us a shot at it, and so we’re going to start things off by looking for some of the most unique, interesting & beautiful burlesque performers in the US.

If you are a female over the age of 18, eligible to work full time in the United States, and have a background in dance, we would love to meet you!

We are looking for women who are:


Those with tattoos, piercings, and talents such as burlesque dancing, fire twirling, contortion, aerial talents on rings or silks, or anything unique are encouraged to apply.

[Korento and friends in Moulin Rouge]

Open call auditions are being held in Las Vegas, New York and Los Angeles to find dancers for this documentary style series about pursuing your dreams in the world of burlesque.

Please email the following information to the appropriate casting associate for the city you would like to audition in:

  • Name
  • Phone #s
  • Dance style / background
  • 3 Photos (to include close-up face shot & full-body shot)
  • **Depending on which open call you wish to attend,
    the subject of your email should read:
    “Vegas”, “NYC” or “LA”

The casting associates will respond with full audition details.


Las Vegas – February 26th:
Caesars Palace in the Roman Ballroom
Jen –

New York – March 5th – 11 AM – 5 PM
Roy Arias Studios & Theatres
300 W 43rd St, Ste 506
New York, NY 10036
(Between 8th & 9th)
Carrie –

Los Angeles – March 8th – 11 AM – 5 PM
The Basement Dance Center
5259 Lankershim Blvd. Suite C,
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Greg –

If you are unable to make the open casting calls in the cities listed above, but would still like a shot a participating in the show:

Please email:

  • Name
  • Phone #s
  • Dance style / background
  • 3 Photos (to include close-up face shot & full-body shot)
  • **The subject of your email should read:

Good luck!

Really excited to meet you all and see your talent!


Feb 2011 18

by Fred Topel

“You can call me Dani Pudi all you want, with an I.”
-Danny Pudi

The ultimate Community fan encounter might be to be a guest on “Troy and Abed in the Morning” at Greendale Community College. I’ll settle for evening empanadas with Danny Pudi. At NBC’s party for the Television Critics Association, I found Pudi mingling early in the night. We found a corner table to sit at for an interview, and grabbed the hors d’oeuvres that came by.


Feb 2011 16

by Damon Martin

“Can you tell me how to get…how to get to Sesame Street?”

According to the Republicans if you’re following Big Bird, you’re following a leftist liberal who will walk you straight into an abortion clinic while asking for government handouts.

Okay, yes that’s a bit extreme, but Republicans have once again set their sites on cutting spending within the government, while looking in all the wrong places. Much like the Republican House of Representatives before them, the newest legislature has again targeted the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) for elimination, proposing to cut all funds supplied by the Federal Government.


Feb 2011 14

by Fred Topel

“I would draw naked pictures of my mom.”

– Jasika Nicole

A supporting character could easily slip into the background on a show like Fringe, but Jasika Nicole makes sure that doesn’t happen. She plays Astrid Farnsworth, lab assistant to Walter Bishop (John Noble). She’s there whenever Walter is explaining the crazy science of the week, and she serves as a trusted confidante for the eccentric scientist.

If you haven’t been following Fringe, here’s my best attempt to catch you up for the purposes of this interview. The Fringe team – Walter, Olivia (Anna Torv) and Peter (Joshua Jackson) – discovered an alternate universe. Over There, the other Bishop, dubbed Walternate, wants to destroy our universe. He sent Olivia from his world, Fauxlivia, to get close to our Peter, which she did. Now our Olivia is back to sort out the mess of cross-dimensional travel and Peter’s feelings. There’s also an Astrid Over There, and even some alternate copies of characters who died in our universe.


Feb 2011 10

by A.J. Focht

Are you sick of spending your primetime television hours with doctors, lawyers, and detectives?

Original tv series ideas are hard to come by. Most of the shows currently on air are just different perspectives on the same stories. If an original show is bringing in a new audience, you can count on seeing a slew of similar shows pop-up on other networks. However the last decade has brought out some innovative ideas that you will be seeing a lot more of in future seasons.


Feb 2011 10

by Ryan Stewart

“People are living much more hot and racy lives than I am.”

– Peter Hook

The X-Files: I Want To Believe unveiled its theatrical trailer at New York Comic Con and, no surprise, it gives away absolutely nothing about the film. Total secrecy has been enforced from the word “go” on this project and when series creator and director Chris Carter and writer/producer Frank Spotnitz showed up at the Con to talk about the film, they acted at times like lawyers instead of science-fiction writers, parsing questions delicately, often answering in single sentences and sometimes answering a different question than the one asked in order to keep the mystery going.
