Feb 2011 23

by Darrah de jour

“Can I just vent for a fucking moment?

I was not allowed to leave my recovery program until I was a “healthy” 120 lbs.

Tonight, the “Biggest Loser” was awarded $250,000 for being 117 lbs.

What the FUCK is wrong with this picture????”
(Anonymous blogger)

With the hypocritical and oppressive ‘beauty machine’ of America in full-swing, girls are getting “thinspiration” off food blogs and Pro-Ana sites; detouring off the deep end instead of finding their way into recovery. Even Portia de Rossi’s memoir Unbearable Lightness and the stick figures of Black Swan can serve as a “how to” for low self esteem. And this begs the question. Women – aren’t we just too dang valuable to level our self-worth by countable ribs?


Feb 2011 15

by Laurelin

The idea: Seven days of sobriety. This might not sound like a big deal to you guys, so imagine it this way: comparatively, I might as well be asking you 9-5ers for a week without coffee, or a week without food. Beer is my friend, my evening companion, my job and my love. My friends and I rarely have a night out without it and never a shift at work without serving it. Lucky for me, the night that my beloved Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl, beer and I spent a bit too much time together, and I was more willing than ever to give Sober Week a try. Here’s what happened.


Feb 2011 02

by Laurelin

Boston is one of the oldest cities in the entire United States. Boasting such a long history one can’t help but feel proud as a resident to be a part of something that just feels… bigger. But let’s focus on what’s really important. Take a seat Tea Party, because Boston is also home to some of the best dive bars on the East Coast. There are really too many to name, but these are my favorites: Boston’s Top Five. I wish I didn’t have to choose, but let’s be honest, no one wants to read a novel dictated by my liver, and man, mine is really starting to hurt. If there is any special mention to be had, it’s to my research team: Lindsay, Meg, Dave and Sara, this is for you guys.


Jan 2011 28

by Ryan Stewart

“Making wine… it just went from obscurity to sexy.”

– Jody Savin

It’s commonly referred to as the “Judgment of Paris,” a blind wine tasting staged thirty-two years ago that pitted a number of French reds and whites against some upstart competitors from California’s Napa Valley. The organizer of the event, a British wineshop proprietor named Steven Spurrier, made no secret of his belief in the superiority of the French labels and was shocked (as was the whole wine world) when the results came back and Napa had bested all competitors.


Jan 2011 20

A while back I really wanted to make up some waffles, but realized I didn’t have any milk. After a little bit of googling, I found some recipes for beer waffles. I scratched my head for a few minutes and decided that, wow, that sounds kind of amazing. I made them up and am definitely sold on beer waffles; I even like them more than with milk :]


Jan 2011 18

by Laurelin

I always thought that my job in the service industry was a sign of failure. All the people I know from high school and college and well, life, are all married with kids, working these 9-5 salary jobs with benefits and things like pinstripe pantsuits and heels. Not me. I pay for my benefits through the state, I sleep past 11 AM almost every day, I don’t go into work until the sun goes down and I wear jeans, a black shirt and filthy sneakers every day. Bartending is MY full time job, but honestly, sometimes I just feel plain lazy.

However, as the economy failed and I watched every job but my own go down the tubes I felt pleased; my “career” was flourishing and there was no chance that people would ever stop drinking. I started feeling lucky — in the world of liquor, people drink when they’re happy and they drink when they’re sad. No matter what the occasion, people drink. Bartending means serious job security.

However, things change in a heartbeat. A bar is run just like any other company, and when things go sour internally the company is bound to crash and burn. I have been in the unfortunate position to have front row seats to the epic demise of my bar. It’s going down, and I can honestly say that the staff doesn’t even care to fight for it. Pour on the gasoline and take a picture, because garbage burns fast, and it stinks.


Jan 2011 07

by Jensen

Yumz. So quite a while back I saw these cheeseburger cupcakes on Food Network or some shit like that, and kind of fell in love. They are good because you can make them as homemade or, um, not homemade, as you’d like. If you use all store bought stuff, people are still going to say “holy balls, these cupcakes look like cheeseburgers!” and if you make it all homemade, people are going to say “holy balls, these cupcakes taste amazing and look like cheeseburgers!” so either way you’re good. For this, I’m using all store bough box mixes and such, but if you’re in a Susie Homemaker mood, definitely make them from scratch :].
