Mar 2011 31

by Alana Joy

The CEO of GoDaddy, Bob Parsons, has posted a video of his vacation in Zimbabwe online. Normally not something that would cause controversy, it’s the slaughter of an innocent elephant being glorified that has the internet in an uproar. The video opens with “For the second year in a row, I spent ten days hunting problem elephant in Zimbabwe.”

The video below contains scenes of graphic violence against animals. Viewer discretion is advised.

Parsons, accompanied by local tour guides, shows where crops have been trampled by these “problem elephant” on his self-proclaimed “humanitarian” expedition. “Many die each year from starvation and one of the problems they have is the elephants, of which there are thousands and thousands, that trash many of their fields destroying the crops. Of everything I do this is the most rewarding. This video shows one typical night and day.” This is how he rationalizes what comes next…


Mar 2011 25

by Erin Broadley

“There’s as much chaos in planting vines…”
– Maynard James Keenan

Ghost towns have a bad reputation: Shop doors creak, saloons swirl with phantoms of unloved prostitutes, rotting jail cells are haunted by remorseless outlaws, and the dusty streets are patrolled by spirits of hardened deputies.

For some, ghost towns are merely creepy roadside attractions; for others they are American landmarks brimming with history’s shadows and latent inspiration. The abandoned mining settlement of Jerome, Arizona is one of the oldest and largest American ghost towns. Until recently, its roads lay ruined and its doors were boarded up. It quietly waited for some headstrong thrill-seeker to dust it off and polish its potential. Now a vibrant artist community, Jerome is the place that Maynard James Keenan calls home.


Mar 2011 24

by Darrah de jour

32-year-old model Mia Tyler comes from rock royalty. The fashion designer, actress, author and now music manager is the daughter of Aerosmith front man (and American Idol judge) Steven Tyler and the late-Warhol muse and Bowie video chick Cyrinda Foxe (she and Tyler sustained a rocky marriage from 1978-1987). But, Mia is a rebel of her own making. She stands for living out loud – and loving your body exactly as it is! *That’s not to say she doesn’t have some amazing body mods!*

An advocate of “plus-size” modeling, she’s appeared on the runways of New York and Paris and in Vogue. As she says, “Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and packages. Including ME!”

I had an exclusive interview with the bold brunette – and she had some revealing insights about female friendships, forging your own path and her favorite pastime with sister, Liv.

Read (and rock) on…


Mar 2011 17

by Laurelin

Relationships are funny. I remember thinking when I was dating my ex that two people couldn’t be more perfect for each other. I was so lucky to be with my best friend and I couldn’t imagine facing the world with anyone but him by my side. As time went on I think I realized that maybe that was part of our problem – maybe we were always just meant to be friends. The world started looking a little different to me when I finally pinpointed that what I had always viewed as one of our strengths was actually a fatal weakness.


Mar 2011 04

by Blogbot

In this vid (originally posted on The Feast by their Bay Area Food Ed Tamara Palmer) the chocolate makers behind the scientifically and ethically-minded artisan brand TCHO explain how they can operate the essential functions of their factory remotely via a custom iPhone App. The space age Willy Wonka responsible for implementing the technology is TCHO’s creative director and CEO Louis Rossetto, who was one of the founders of Wired Magazine.


Mar 2011 03

by Laurelin

Missy recently posted something on SuicideGirls that got me thinking. She asked us to make videos of how SG has changed our lives, what it meant to us and how it has shaped our pasts and futures. Even though I am not a Suicide Girl (not for lack of trying!), I couldn’t help but think back on everything that SG has brought to my life…

I remember the first time I ran across SuicideGirls like it was yesterday. It was 2005, and I was at Newbury Comics, happily clutching some Tori Amos CD singles and a pair of fuzzy leopard dice to hang from my review mirror. A book caught my eye. There was a topless girl with tiny black pigtails, looking quite surly staring back at me from the cover. “She’s adorable,” I thought. The inside pages carried a strong statement, one that is captivating to alternative women of all ages, races and body types. Most of us have spent our entire lives feeling like we don’t belong. These girls looked like they didn’t fit in either. They were covered in tattoos, some had pink hair, others seemed to have more metal than skin – but in that, they were perfect. And naked. In front of everyone!


Feb 2011 24

by Blogbot

This Sunday (Feb 27th) SG Radio’s very special guest will be Bay Area folk rock singer/songwriter Garrett Pierce. In town for a March 2nd Silverlake Lounge show, he’ll be playing songs live in-studio from his forthcoming album, City of Sand.

Taking SG Radio’s carefully cultivated ‘bring-a-bottle’ vibe to the next level, Garrett- who also happens to be a wine expert – will be pairing his rustic yet sophisticated, fresh and zesty songs with wines that best express his music, and will be leading a tasting live on air between songs.

We’ve posted the tasting menu below, so you can purchase the wine (or similar finds) ahead of the show and join in the fun at home!
