Aug 2010 11

By Nicole Powers

You may not recognize his name, but as the man who figured out how to make online adult entertainment pay, Chris Mallick has had a profound effect on our world. “Third-party billing” is not exactly a sexy phrase, but the concept Mallick masterminded revolutionized the way the invisible masses achieved satisfaction, and gave e-commerce its kick-start.


Aug 2010 10

by Andrew E. Konietzky

* This review is for the ORIGINAL version and not the ‘Merican version.

Tomas Alfredson’s film has been marketed over here as a pretty standard horror film, but I wouldn’t classify it as horror. There are horrific elements of course, but the film is more than that. It is a coming-of-age film and a love story. It is also a film about loneliness, resilience, and the pain of being a kid.


Aug 2010 10

by Lisa Brady

We all know that when it comes to us ladies we take a little longer to get ready and carry our entire lives on our oversized, could-be-a-carry-on-item, purses. But for someone with a slightly more complicated life, everyday routines and the contents of a purse can be a whole other ballgame.


Aug 2010 10

by Nathalie Moody

There’s just something about summer that gets us all in a hot mess. Pheromones and libidos ablaze with the sudden heat and stickiness of the June, July, August months. For us Seattlites, the surge of summer energy seems to come about more intensely, like a great volcanic eruption that in reality, haunts and threatens us everyday.


Aug 2010 10

Malloreigh Suicide in Sauced

[Click the header for BIG!]

  • INTO: Ethical (local, cruelty-free) consumption, dancing, politics, late-night adventures, flirting, climbing trees and buildings, firsts, shared experiences, laughing, unusual connections, logic (formal and informal), cultural/social/ethical theory, politics, saving the world.
  • NOT INTO: “With great power comes great responsibility” unless you’re a multinational corporate entity, then you’ve got a free pass to fuck everyone without their consent. I don’t believe in that shit.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: New people, kitchens with couches in, learning, passionate weather, breakups, anything that makes apathetic people feel alive, riding my bike really fast at night, crushes, dive bars with vegan options, books and movies that change the way I put words together.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Grumpiness, apathy, too much makeup, unrecognized privilege combined with political zeal, not having any text messages when I come out of class.
  • HOBBIES: Self-analysis, efficiency, the internet, cooking, conversation.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT:Glasses/contact lenses (-7.5L, -6.75R), my camera, my bicycle (51cm/9kg fixed gear conversion), Lush Aromacreme, contact with other human beings.
  • VICES: Staying up all night with girls who are bad for me.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free time is not a concept I use. All of my time is free time; I try not to dedicate any of my time to things I don’t want to be doing. It follows that I am always financially lacking, but happy; and I rarely skip class. A good sign.

Get to know Malloreigh better over at!

Aug 2010 09

Aug 2010 09

by Eric “Butter” Levy

When was the last time you sat down and made a mix tape, eh? Was it for someone special? Someone who caught your eye? Was it for yourself? For a friend? For that mile long walk home or that far away road trip? When was the last time you got a mix tape someone else made for you? Are you one of those who has no clue what a mix tape is, too young to remember the heyday of tape and its decline to the CD… only to be replaced once again by digital files?
