Jun 2013 06

by Blogbot

[Above: Tita Suicide as shot by Steve Prue]

This Thursday June 6th on SuicideGirls Radio hosts Nicole Powers and Juturna Suicide will be joined in studio by superstar photographer Steve Prue and the tittysprinkle-tastic Tita Suicide. We’ll be talking about modeling and photography, offering lots of insider tips, and taking some naughty pix!

You can listen – and watch – the world’s leading naked radio show live on Thursday nights from 6 til 8 PM at our new state-of-the-art all digital home:

You’ll also be able to listen to our podcasts via Stitcherdownload the app now!

If you have questions for the SG Radio crew or our guests, you can call in during the live broadcast at: 1-855-TRV-inLA (1-855-878-4652)

For updates on all things SG Radio-related, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

About Steve Prue

Steve Prue is a simple man – he likes coffee, big hair and instant film. Self-taught and hella-amusing, he manages to avoid a day job and gets to work with interesting people every day. Steve’s work can be seen in magazines such as Penthouse, Playboy, ZINK!, Auxiliary, Rebel Ink, Urban Ink, Skin&Ink, Inked, Inked Girls, Village Voice, Time Out NYC, CLUB, FOX, Velvet and other magazines in that “special” rack behind the counter at 7-11, as well as on

Having attended 15 schools by the time he graduated college (North Carolina State – Go Wolfpack!), Steve has a bit of a traveling jones and can be found splitting his time between Boston (wife & cats), Brooklyn (rent controlled apartment & his Ducati) and Los Angeles (lots of naked tattooed women).

Current projects involve working on a book of dirty Polaroids, finding the perfect cup of diner coffee, telling everyone how AWESOME it was to work with a circus elephant, and as usual, continuing to avoid working a day job.

Personal Quote: “The bigger the hair, the closer to God.”

You can see more of his work here at and, and follow him @tmronin.

About Tita Suicide

Tita does a lot of things. Getting naked on the Internet is just one of them. The self described “professional traveler, cupcake galavanter, fitness fan, and pantless wonder” clearly has varied interests, which far from being at odds, are in fact the very glue that holds her together.

A long time professional athlete, Tita’s lifestyle is a balance of discipline, and complete madness. From photo shoots, to producing video and viral content, Tita works in front of, and behind the cameras and computers, as a member of Team Rockstar with Steve Prue. She also helps to run events for SuicideGirls, and other alternative brands, mentors models and athletes, and runs a successful blog over at

Tita currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, but this pint sized ball of fury can often be found at conventions throughout the United States, and Canada. You can follow along with her adventures via social media, where she goes by “Cupcakedujour” for obvious reasons.

Tita’s plans for the future include continuing to contribute online and print content to media outlets, lifestyle and fitness brands, and to find a puppy partner in crime for her chihuahua Zapato.

But first, she’s off to Ink N Iron where she will assist Steve as they shoot content for Rebel Ink, Urban Ink, and various other publications. Tita will also stop in to say hello to her favourite SuicideGirls, work with The Blonde Locks, and shoot with notable photographers and artists based in LA. As usual it will be a whirlwind trip, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

You can see more of Tita on SuicideGirls and at You can also get social with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.

ICYMI: Last week’s show featuring sexy shenanigans from co-host Juturna Suicide and special guests Tita Suicide and Steve Prue. The fabulous Moxi Suicide also joined us by Skype. Plus Nicole Powers rants about the NSA / PRISM snooping scandal!

Video streaming by Ustream

Jun 2013 05

by Laurelin

I still think about him all the time. His name is still often on my lips although we don’t speak much these days. At first every time my cell phone lit up I would imagine his name being in the center of my screen and sometimes it was, and my heart would leap. He doesn’t reach out so much anymore, and I don’t expect it. It was silly, what we had. It wasn’t real; he wasn’t real and neither was I.

He hid things. I pretended not to know things about him and whenever I wanted to ask, I would open my mouth and something different would come out. He often left me speechless, breathless, weak in the knees, yet somehow, I was sure of myself with him until he was gone. With his absence suddenly those feelings turned to powerlessness; I was unsure of the world around me. The world was hazy, veiled.

I wore color contacts; he will never even know the real color of my eyes. Going out with a different guy the other night for drinks I had to laugh, because when I caught him staring at me I felt the words finally bubbling to the surface, a string of the many things I had never said. “Green,” I almost shouted, “my eyes are green.”

“Okay….” The new guy said, and it didn’t matter, but I felt better, almost.

Going home that night I knew that maybe it was best for me to be by myself for a little while. The cobwebs in my head needed shaking, I needed a reality check, not someone else to lean on.

Still, I think about him all the time. Some people come and go like a summer breeze, and others leave wreckage in their wake, loving and leaving like a storm whipped up off the ocean back home in Rhode Island. The sky turns black as night and flashes with lightning, splintering the sky like cracks in ice just before it breaks. The thunder is so loud you can feel it in your chest; you can breath it in. The storms are over as quickly as they began and when the clouds clear you are acutely aware that while it felt like time stopped, it in fact, did not.

Whoever I was with this guy doesn’t matter now. The clouds have scattered and time has left him only in my memory. The only thing that’s clear after this storm is that going forward from here, I can’t settle for anything less than total devastation.


May 2013 29

by Blogbot

This Thursday May 30th on SuicideGirls Radio hosts Nicole Powers and Juturna Suicide will be joined in studio by rock supergroup Heaven & Earth. When we saw them play live recently at the record release party for their new album Dig they blew us away, so we’re thrilled that they’ve agreed to play a very special acoustic set for us. This is a show you won’t want to miss. Prepare to have your world seriously rocked!
You can listen – and watch – the world’s leading naked radio show live on Thursday nights from 6 til 8 PM at our new state-of-the-art all digital home:

You’ll also be able to listen to our podcasts via Stitcherdownload the app now!

If you have questions for the SG Radio crew or our guests, you can call in during the live broadcast at: 1-855-TRV-inLA (1-855-878-4652)

For updates on all things SG Radio-related, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

ICYMI: Here’s the recording of last night’s show feat. an interview with – and an incredible live acoustic set from – Heaven and Earth.

Video streaming by Ustream


May 2013 26

by D.S. Wood

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says to media, May 24, “I do not use crack cocaine.”

He says, “Nor am I an addict of crack cocaine.”

He says, “I cannot comment on a video that I have never seen or does not exist.”

He chalks it up to being judged by the media without any evidence. He calls it nonsense, a comment not far removed from the last time he addressed allegations against him, eight days ago now, when he called it ridiculous.

Eight days now into the “Holy God, the Mayor of Toronto clearly smokes crack because three folks say they seen video of it, seen it real good” scandal, yet there is still no video we can watch.

Latecomers, the night of May 16, Gawker’s John Cook said he saw video of Mayor Evil Chris Farley smoking crack.

The same night, the Toronto Star’s Kevin Donovan and Robyn Doolittle said they saw the same video.

Neither party obtained a copy of said video to show you, mind you. But that didn’t stop them from writing it up, hoping no one would ask for… you know… proof.

Eight days later, stuff’s happened — is happening.

None of said stuff is the alleged video surfacing.

Most of said stuff amounts to one large, lit sign we’re probably not going to see a video. Ever.

Gawker’s efforts to get its hands on the alleged video involve a crowdfunding campaign it calls a crackstarter — which currently stands around $25K shy of the $200K they claim the shady Somali drug dealers in possession of the alleged video are demanding.

However, there’s a snag. John Cook, folks:

“The last time we established contact with the people who are in possession of the video was this past Sunday, and we have not been able to reach them since.

“As we mentioned when we launched the campaign, folks who are involved in the crack trade tend not to be the most reliable people in the world. This has proven to be the case when it comes to the owner of the video of Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine.”

So who bet on, “Deal with dealers proves problematic” as the most likely possible outcome? Anybody?

It’s either that or the crackstarter hits its goal, and someone gets on a plane with $200K to be delivered to shady Somali drug dealers, and I’m not quite sure why it would be figured — by anyone, like, ever — that could possibly work out for the better.

The “this past Sunday” Cook spoke of was seven days ago now, by the way. The video — if there is a video — is likely gone, because the person trying to unload it probably wanted to do so before it became monologue-fodder for late-night television comedians.

Gawker and the Star blew their loads much too early and much too loudly.

And if this is all real and is indeed a thing, well, exactly how many crack dealers do we figure a person has? Just saying.

There is no one who wants to be that guy right now. Least of all that guy.

None of this is to say that even without proof this video exists there hasn’t been damage done. There has.

Ford told at least one lie at that press conference, May 24.

Everyone figures it was, “I do not use crack cocaine nor am I an addict of crack cocaine.”

And… you know… maybe.

But the one we know for sure is, “It’s business as usual at city hall.”

It’s not.

Ford has been a ghost this past week, leaving others to cover in his absence.

He was fired as volunteer football coach for Don Brosco Catholic high and he fired his chief of staff Mark Towhey in some form of fit — media outlets say it’s because Towhey tried to make him go to rehab and he said… well, you know.

Half of his council is screaming for his head. The other half is concerned where his head is at.

And coverage of news that cannot be proven to be news continues.

Professional spectator and deadline artist, D.S. Wood (@maddesperado) is a Canuck journalist and, on occasion, also a writer of Other Things.

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When is a video of Rob Ford (allegedly) smoking crack not really a video of Rob Ford (allegedly) smoking crack?
Damage Done: Sister Of The Missing Man Mistaken For Boston Bomber Speaks Out

May 2013 26

by Nahp

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

This week Nahp tells us why she’s into Health & Fitness.

Members: 1,906 / Comments: 10,150

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I love it because since last year I’ve been working really hard to get a healthy lifestyle. I started to eat really good and have been exercising, and since January of this year I’ve started to workout really hard to achieve my goal. In this specific group, I find a lot of advice and tips on healthy food and workouts that are very helpful to me at this time of my life. It’s like a bible!

DISCUSSION TIP: It’s a place to discuss healthy lifestyles. Share experiences, ask questions and discuss anything related to health and fitness.

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: I there’s not a heated discussion thread, but a thread that is really loved for many people is “Anyone up for a challenge?” A lot of people post there every day so you can see how people approach their goals, and how the other members encourage them to achieve them. It’s amazing!

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “’I wanna be this and I wanna be that’ – WELL THEN GRAB FUCKING NUTS AND BE IT!!”

WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Every single person who is interested in achieving their physical and mental goals and/or are interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


May 2013 25

by Damon Martin

What if you were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease and only had six-months to live? What would you do? Would you quit your job? Would you tell the people in your life that matter the most exactly what they meant to you? Would you travel the world? Would you just crawl into a hole and wait to die?

Being handed a death sentence is nothing anyone can fathom until it’s happened to them, but those questions are answered through a new comic, Death Sentence by Montynero and Mike Dowling – see trailer:

As the tagline reads: “The virus is going to enhance you and then kill you. There is no cure.” Verity Flett was one of the unfortunate souls diagnosed with the debilitating disease known only as the G+ virus, and her story along with several others will play out on the pages of Death Sentence. She was kind enough to speak with us about her role in this new ongoing saga:

Damon Martin: As you understand it, what exactly is the G+ virus?

Verity Flett: It’s an STD that enhances your abilities – but kills you in six months. I’ve got it worse than most and I’m trying to find out why.

DM: There are no words that can describe what it’s like to literally be told you only have months to live, but if you were to tell us what went through your mind on that day what was happening?

VF: Disbelief. Numbness. Fear. Then I got angry. You look at all the other fuckers wasting their time – cheating and lying – and you think…why me? What did I do?!! But fuck it, six months is six months. I’m not done yet.

DM: I haven’t seen someone walk out of their job in a more epic way this side of Kevin Spacey in American Beauty. You certainly left yours in an interesting way. Any regrets?

VF: Fuck regrets! Are you high?! Dude’s lucky I didn’t knock him out!

DM: With time running out, was there any one thing you wanted to do or accomplish?

VF: I wanna paint. I always figured there’d be time, but…shit kept happening! And there’s someone I’d like to see. Make things right, if I can.

DM: What can you tell us about what happened at the Royal London Hospital?

VF: Man…those poor people! If I could go back, I would. But it wasn’t me who instigated that shit! One second we’re chatting and the next they’re all on me with handcuffs and a needle. What the fuck would you do? I felt all this heat, all these frequencies on my skin – and I rejected the lot. Threw it right back out. I don’t have a fuckin’ clue how it happened it and I hope to god there’s no repeat.

DM: If you had one message for all the other people out there with the G+ virus what would it be?

VF: Run.

To read Verity’s story and about the rest of those infected, check out Death Sentence #1, hitting stores on October 9, 2013. The series will also be available to read on the iPad, iPhone, Web, Android and Kindle Fire, exclusively through the comiXology app and For more information follow @comicstitan.

May 2013 24

by D.S. Wood

Who in the hell didn’t already believe Rob Ford was on crack anyway?

I’m not sure it would even make the Top 10 Most Ridiculous Things Toronto’s Mayor, Evil Chris Farley, Has Done. It’d explain some of them, maybe…

But an allegation made based on a video nobody has been able to produce to date does not, necessarily, a crackhead mayor make.

Late May 16, New York City-based news blog Gawker, posts the story, “For Sale: A Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Smoking Crack Cocaine.”

In the story, John Cook writes about flying to Toronto to hang out with shady Somali drug dealers who showed him cell-phone-shot video footage of, apparently, Rob Ford huffing on a crack pipe. Cook did not return with the video, but said shady types wanted six figures for it.

So he wrote about what he saw. He doesn’t say it could be Ford in this video he cannot produce, instead he asserts it categorically is:

“The man in the video is Rob Ford. It is well-lit, clear. Ford is seated, in a room in a house. In one hand is a clear, glass pipe. The kind with a big globe and two glass cylinders sticking out of it. In the other hand is a lighter. A slurred voice off-camera is ranting about Canadian politics in what sounds like an attempt to goad Ford.

“‘Pierre Trudeau was a faggot!’ is the one phrase the lodges in my mind. Ford, pipe in one hand and lighter in the other, is laughing, and mildly protesting at the sacrilege. He seems to keep trying to light the pipe, but keeps stopping to laugh. He is red-faced and sweaty, heaving with each breath.

“Finally, he finds his moment and lights up. He inhales.”

Later late May 16, the Toronto Star posts breaking news, reporting Gawker reported the story.

Later still, late May 16, the Star posts new breaking news, stating two of their reporters — Kevin Donovan and Robyn Doolittle — have seen the video. Two and a half weeks earlier, in fact.

They don’t have the video either.

So they write about what they saw. They play the accusation a little safer. It could be Ford, sure looks like him:

“It appears to show Ford in a room, sitting in a chair, wearing a white shirt, top buttons open, inhaling from what appears to be a glass crack pipe. Ford is incoherent, trading jibes with an off-camera speaker who goads the clearly impaired mayor by raising topics including Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and the Don Bosco high school football team Ford coaches…

“…Throughout the video Ford’s eyes are half-closed. He lolls back in his chair, sometimes waving his arms around erratically. He raises a lighter in his hand at several points and moves it in a circle motion beneath the glass bowl of the pipe, then inhales deeply.

“The reporters were allowed to watch and listen to the video three times. After, both reporters separately made written notes of what they saw and heard. Both reporters, prior to watching the video, studied numerous city-hall-related videos of Ford and, to the best of the reporter’s abilities, they separately concluded the man in the video was Ford.”

To recap:

Gawker basically runs with “Can’t prove it but he done it — I seen it!”

Meanwhile, the Star basically retorts: “Samesies. But first!”

Later than later still, late May 16, folks from Gawker and the Star and concerned Pajama People on behalf of both argue who should or shouldn’t be calling the story exclusive — basically, who saw harder this thing neither party can produce.

Also. They agree to disagree on which Trudeau “is a faggot.”

The Star went ahead and ran it front page, morning of May 17. A story about a video they do not have.

Then ran react stories all day May 17, asking important folks what they think about a video they haven’t seen.

End of day, the Star’s website has an entire section dedicated to its dozens of stories about this video scandal they can’t prove.

Given the Star’s folks claim they saw the video May 3 and Gawker’s guy says he started his hunt a week and a half later it seems likely the Star was sitting on it until proof they could present presented itself.

When someone else suddenly made the story public it seems likely they panicked and unloaded what they had.

Other news outlets play chase, writing about the video they not only don’t have, but also haven’t seen.

Meanwhile, Gawker is trying to crowdfund six figures to buy the video. They call it a crackstarter.

Pride in journalism.

It’s not that I do not believe there’s a video of Rob Ford smoking crack — it strikes me as entirely plausible there’s a video of Rob Ford smoking crack.

Oh, to be the man to top the Toronto mayor who used his mayoral might to declare war on the weather, hung out with biker gangs for photo ops and once expressed to reporters his fear Kenyans would turn him into soup.

(Note: See Mad Mel Lastman)

Ford is that man. That silly, silly and well-documented man. And writing it’s because he might be a crackhead and calling it news is not much different than writing about snow in winter and calling it news.

No, it’s not that. We do that.

It’s that professional media outlets are now the better bit of a week in, reporting the video exists without the ability to prove the video exists. Yeah, it’s relevant, and on Day One, sure, I will take a person entrusted with the truth at their word. Day Three or Day Six or Day Nine? I’ll need a little more than pinky swears.

The further removed from Day One we become, still having no video, the less credible the people claiming there is a video seem.

The Star knew that — I would assume that’s why they were sitting on the story until Gawker threw down.

They wanted the video. Or something that proves the existence of the video.

Because there needs to be a video.

Otherwise it’s shoddy journalism — there’s little point pulling the trigger before the gun’s loaded. Reporters ask Ford for comment first thing, May 17. Ford calls the story “ridiculous,” says it is just the Star attacking him, as is their rep to do, gets into his car and is gone.

That’s all he has to do, because there is no video — not one that matters.

The only video that matters is the one that can be produced, and that video does not yet exist — it might never exist.

Unless, of course, Gawker’s crackstarter hits $200K.

And then, then all of those dollars have to be delivered to shady Somali drug dealers and I’m sure that’ll go smashingly well and we’ll see a video of Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack straight away.

Professional spectator and deadline artist, D.S. Wood (@maddesperado) is a Canuck journalist and, on occasion, also a writer of Other Things.

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