by Aaron Colter
I didn’t ask to be born. None of us did. But there are still some really good things in life. Think about it! Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens . . . and boobs. Anyway, it’s my birthday, so I think about these things, and dying. Out of all forms of entertainment, music makes me feel the most of alive. We should all go to a concert soon, together, and make-out. Until then, here are some songs that get the blood pumping.
by Nicole Powers
“It was an important film to be made.”
– Chris O’Dowd
Chris O’Dowd’s breakthrough role was playing uber geek Roy Tenneman in the Emmy Award winning British sitcom The IT Crowd. His character is well endowed in the information technology department but not so blessed when it comes to social skills. It’s safe to say, however, that in real life the exact opposite is true.
The highly personable Irish actor, who’s starring in three upcoming films – The Boat That Rocked (written by Richard “Bridget Jones” Curtis), Hippie Hippie Shake (with Sienna Miller and Derek Jacobi), and Gulliver’s Travels (with Jack Black and Emily Blunt) – displayed a distinct lack of prowess when it came to dealing with digital phone technology during SuicideGirls protracted attempt to interview him.
The first time Chris called in, he’d just embarked on a hike in the cell phone black hole that is Hollywood’s Runyon Canyon park. Thus our conversation was unintentionally aborted just as it had begun. It would take a total of five phone calls, including two more entirely aborted ones, before our interview was complete.
Read our exclusive interview with Chris O’Dowd on
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter and Tumblr and they win a free 3 month membership to
Check out this weeks winners!
Trinidad Suicide in Simple Pleasures

- INTO: Literature, photography, vegan cooking, art house films, poetry, good art, bikes, cute dogs.
- NOT INTO: Misogyny from either men or lesbians.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sunny days.
- MAKES ME SAD: Meat eaters, consumerism, ignorance.
- HOBBIES: Cooking, taking pictures, writing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Camera, vibrator, notebook, lip gloss, cupcakes.
- VICES: Forgetfulness.
Get to know Trinidad better over at!
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“I dont care about censorship”
– Billy Connolly
Little did I know that the Scottish guy that took over Howard Hessemans role on Head of the Class, Billy Connolly, would go on to become one of the funnier comedians working today. But over the past ten years Connolly has gotten more acclaim as an actor in films like Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Last Samurai and SuicideGirls favorite Boondock Saints. But his new film, Fido, showcases Connollys best role yet. Fido is set in an alternate universe in 1950s America. A mysterious gas came down to Earth and turned all dead people into zombies. After the great zombie war, secure towns have been established, and with the help of a special collar, zombies can become servants, and in some cases, peoples lovers. Connolly plays Fido, a zombie that has been brought into a family where the father is terrified of zombies. But the little boy in the family, Timmy, is being ignored by father and decides to adopt Fido as a pet. I got a chance to interview Billy Connolly during the Fido junket in Manhattan.
Read our exclusive interview with Billy Connolly on
Luana Suicide in Blanket Weather

- INTO: Dancing around my house in my undies.
- NOT INTO: Ignorant people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My dog Kingston, good food, great company.
- MAKES ME SAD: Judgment.
- HOBBIES: Reading, laying in the sun with my fruity drink, sketching, Mario Cart Wii, eating, good sex.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, Chapstick, a pen, laughter, sex.
- VICES: Weeeeeeeeed.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Eating, playing with my puppy, reading, watching good movies, cooking, being with family/friends.
Get to know Luana better over at!
by Mike Hammer
“I came up with a term that maybe it should be called, but now I cant remember…”
– Sage Francis
Sage Francis tears holes in hypocrisy and mainstream hip-hop with his thoughtful stories of the human condition. The wordsmith spits rhymes that make you think, make you smile, and flow beautifully over high-tempo beats. His new album, Human the Death Dance, is a hip-hop work of art that mixes cutting edge beats from indie rap producers like Alias and Reanimator and Ant, as well as Sage’s insightful personal and pop cultural rants. The 16-track disc is what Sage calls a wrap up album of all his previous work.
I sat down with Sage in Cleveland, Ohio to hear some things about the indie hip-hop scene, his abnormal MySpace page, the first rhyme he ever wrote, greedy publishing companies, and more.
Read our exclusive interview with Sage Francis on