by Nicole Powers
“I think I won a wet T-shirt contest in college.”
– Kristen Schaal
Kristen Schaal has much to hide: She’s somewhat pathological when it comes to winning things, has a wet T-shirt attired skeleton rattling around in her closet, and has a proclivity for the sexy bits in Harlequin romance novels. But as The Daily Show’s Senior Women’s Issues Commentator, she was loud and proud in her support of Hillary Clinton for president. Sadly, that didn’t work out so well (though the Secretary of State gig is not such a bad consolation prize).
Bob Suicide in Anything Goes

- INTO: Vegan food, vinyl toys, comics, video games, gadgets, programming – if it’s nerdy I’ve got a +5 addiction to it.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Couches.
- MAKES ME SAD: Lies…and cotton balls.
- HOBBIES: Art, reading, playing video games.
- VICES: Yerba Mate Mint Tea, Saturn Cafe, video games, vinyl toys, Shepard Fairy.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Murfing the interwebs.
Get to know Bob better over at!
by Nicole Powers
“I’d love it if the government functioned properly.”
– Shepard Fairey
Having been harassed and arrested by agents of the United States’ government as he perpetrated his graffiti art from coast to coast, Shepard Fairy has since earned the respect and gratitude of an American president. Using the visual vocabulary of popular revolution, the humble DIY poster and sticker maker-cum-revered gallery and populist street artist used his graphic skill to transform Barack Obama from a presidential hopeful to a visionary icon.
Discordia Suicide in Nothing’s Sacred

- INTO: Sunny days, foam baths, piercings and tattoos, photography, art, long hair and silky skin, bondage, forests, strange dreams, dirty jokes, horror movies, asphyxiation, androgyny, traveling, flirting, and Sega Mega Drive Diablo II.
- NOT INTO: Sickness, envy, and meat.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Making love with someone you really care for, beer, butterflies in stomach, bites, being home by dawn, chocolate, loud music, Jägermeister, and Dark-Hunter novels.
- MAKES ME SAD: Animal cruelty, when the bad guy dies at the end of a movie, feeling powerless, lies, delayed flights, distances, and people with closed minds.
- HOBBIES: Dancing, reading, drinking, trashing around, and sleeping with my cat.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Emotions, music, hygiene, friends, and imagination.
- VICES: Cigarettes, but I’m quiting – since 2005.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With the ones that make me happy.
Get to know Discordia better over at!
by Damon Martin
It all started with 1994’s independent smash hit Clerks and just a few short years later Kevin Smith was well on his way to being the Quentin Tarantino of pop culture nerd films. Now as 2010 closes, Smith may very well be embarking on his final films before moving on to concentrate on other projects including his vast podcasting and public speaking empire.
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter and Tumblr, and they win a free 3 month membership to It really does get harder and harder to choose a favorite…
Check out this weeks winners!
by Ryan Stewart
“A lot of my life depends on what male actors are gonna be doing.”
– Elizabeth Banks
If you’re Sam Raimi, you have an interesting little dilemma to solve. One constant of the three Spider-Man films has been the Betty Brant character, a Peter Parker-smitten secretary who pops in for a couple of quick minutes to bat an eyelash at Peter or take a dig at her Daily Bugle boss, J. Jonah Jameson, before disappearing again. No one suspected, when the last film completed lensing in early 2006, that by the time pre-production on a fourth one rolled around, Elizabeth Banks, the actress who plays Betty, would have mushroomed into a bonafide A-list actress with starring roles in Oliver Stone’s W. and Kevin Smith’s Zack and Miri Make a Porno under her belt. The rumor mill has been heating up lately with talk that Raimi may pursue the obvious solution of expanding the Betty Brant role into a lead part in Spider-Man 4, but for now it’s just talk.