by Damon Martin
Imagine the terror of hearing the news that your baby has been kidnapped by an Irish Republican Army operative, and you’re left to deal with the emotional implosion while trying to grasp how exactly you’ll fight, scratch, claw or kill to get your son back.
by Ryan Stewart
“Movies don’t matter anymore.”
-Steven Soderbergh
“If I’m such a commodity, how come nobody went to see The Good German,” Steven Soderbergh asks at one point during our conversation. He’s being half-facetious and half-serious when posing the question. At 46, Soderbergh has already earned every professional accolade a film director can, including the Palme D’Or for his debut, Sex, Lies and Videotape, and the Oscar for his drug war opus Traffic. His frequent collaborators now include George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Brad Pitt (who is starring in his forthcoming adaptation of the controversial state-of-baseball tome Moneyball). Yet Soderbergh remains a stubbornly anonymous filmmaker, difficult to nail down in terms of style or subject, removed from the public eye, and without a cult following that can be roused to seek out his smaller, more experimental films.
Kirin Suicide in Redhead

- INTO: I love spending time with my pets because they do the silliest things, punk music, seeing new movies, men that cook, men that do martial arts, getting into debates, and overt intelligence with a side of modesty.
- NOT INTO: Oh there are so many things, like getting up before the sun to go to work, mean people, and bad drivers.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sleeping in on Saturday morning with the cats on the bed, warm pitas and hummus, and hot tea.
- MAKES ME SAD: People that think hunting is a great sport, major spelling an grammatical errors, and when my router takes a dump and I can’t use the internet.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sleeping pills, my cats, new clothes, chocolate, and a good book.
- VICES: SUGAR!!!!!!! Anything sweet, adorable kitten faces, and good books.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Reading, reading, and more reading, watching cartoons, and now I have Netflix so I can watch all sorts of things – screw you cable company for ripping me off!
Get to know Kirin better over at!
by Nicole Powers
“I’m genuinely a fan of most of the people I trash.”
– Kathy Griffin
On the surface Kathy Griffin’s “reality” show, My Life on the D-List, may be about the comedienne’s relentless quest for A-List acclaim. However, in reality (of the real variety), Griffin’s Emmy Award-winning Bravo show pokes fun at and undermines the very institution she purports to covet above all else: fame.
Furthermore, while other reality stars make a virtue out of their genuinely mean spirits in a desperate attempt to make the most of their fifteen minutes, Griffin delivers the wickedest lines with the kind of underlying warmth that lets all that “get it” know that no malice is intended.
Patton Suicide in Cuddle Slut

- INTO: Art, broccoli, bats, body piercings, tattoos, Halloween, loud music, tight pants, dancing, quantum physics, workaholics, astral projection, needles, monsters, insomniacs, wormholes, math equations, machines, alternate dimensions, coupons, anatomy, Tetris, zombies, sharp objects, shiny things, comfy tees, and short shorts.
- NOT INTO: Neediness, egos, arrogance, hustlers, skanks, injuring myself while barefoot, grocery shopping, being cold, batteries dieing, alarms going off, spilling things, people interrupting/speaking unintelligently, pretentious attitudes, egos, cops, and doppelgangers.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sweet tea, holding hands, kisses on the forehead, getting tucked in, Ugg boots, bats, sketchbooks.
- MAKES ME SAD: Brooms, iPod running out of power, stepping on things while barefoot, burning my hair with my cigarettes, nosebleeds, laundry, icebergs, the ocean.
- HOBBIES: Drawing, reading, painting, singing songs to myself, causing general pandemonium, dancing, being naked.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sunglasses, my cat, cigarettes, loud music.
- VICES: Buying too many art supplies I wont use, putting bats on everything, coffee.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Daydreaming, working non-stop, untangling my hair, pulling out eyelashes that stab me in the eye, pretending I’m a princess.
Get to know Patton better over at!
by Missy
I have been a HUGE Belle and Sebastian fan since my best friend put “The State I’m In” on a mix CD we played incessantly on a cross country road trip.
When their new album, Write About Love, came out and had a song called “Suicidegirl” on it, I had a complete fan girl moment which indie rockers are supposed to be too cool for.
When I told the other girls we were all so honored that we decide we had to do something to let them know how much we loved it. Carrina, Cheri and I got together with Mike Marshall who made our other movies and created our video ode to Belle and Sebastian.
by Jay Hathaway
“In the indie rock world, there’s never really any collaborating outside…”
– Matt Johnson
Matt Johnson of Brooklyn dance-punk duo Matt and Kim has been giving whirlwind interviews all afternoon, ten minutes at a time, but he still has energy to chat with SuicideGirls about his band’s new album, Sidewalks. The first single, “Cameras,” is so catchy that it’s led Matt to tell the press, “We don’t write songs anymore. We write anthems.”