by Blogbot
“You either can do it, or you can’t.”
– Destin Pfaff
Destin Pfaff came into the business of love reluctantly. It’s not that he doesn’t believe in the power of attraction, or the institution of marriage. (For the record he’s engaged, and the happy couple have a 7 month-old son.) It’s just that a career in sales didn’t appeal, and it never really occurred to him that one could make a living — and a good one at that — selling access to something that most people hope to find for free, namely a soul mate.
BetteJean Suicide in Selfie

- INTO: Eating sushi with no pants on.
- NOT INTO: Playing basketball or hockey with girls. You all are way to aggressive. I get the crap kicked out of me every time.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: The internet, pretty tattoos, cuddling, my cats.
- MAKES ME SAD: When the bottom of my jeans get wet from puddles. Fuck that!
- HOBBIES: Laughing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My husband, my camera(s), Adobe Bridge, comfy underwear, Mt. Dew.
- VICES: Sugar.
Get to know BetteJean better over at!
by Daniel Robert Epstein
David Arquette made a name for himself in the Scream trilogy and since then has had a long career in television and film. But for his directorial debut, The Tripper, Arquette has gone back to the horror genre, this time infusing it with political overtones. The Tripper is about a Ronald Reagan-obsessed serial killer that targets a bunch of hippies.
Casanova Suicide in Morton

- INTO: Surfing the web, drinking, partying with friends, sleepovers, pillow fights, cats, long drives (especially at night), living life and smiling every day…all day.
- NOT INTO: Fighting, politics, hangovers, doing dishes, small yappy dogs.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My friends, my family, my kitten, shopping, eating junk food all day while sitting on the computer blogging about how much fun last night was…even if I can’t remember it.
- MAKES ME SAD: Saying goodbye, sad movies, finding out my milk has expired, pulling my iPod out only to find it’s dead.
- HOBBIES: Making jewelry, vintage shopping, blogging about living richly for cheap, surfing the web for any various reasons. I also collect masks.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My Computer, my Kitten, my credit card, my Vans Era sneakers, and my sunglasses.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sitting on the computer or partying. If I’m not doing one of those two things…something is probably wrong with me LOL!
Get to know Casanova better over at!
by Ryan Stewart
“I’ve been defeated by hecklers many times.”
– Patton Oswalt
There are only a handful of comedians whose album releases qualify as cultural events, but Patton Oswalt is one of them. Tracks from his new CD, My Weakness is Strong are already being dissected by comedy enthusiasts in coffee shops around the country and picked apart on social networks like Twitter for the exquisite one-liners, the acutely-lobbed political grenades, and moments of inspired lunacy that compare to his memorable tangle with a screaming heckler on his last album, Werewolves and Lollipops. That CD, released during the death throes of the Bush administration, was widely hailed for its stance of supreme indignation and undercurrent of soul-weariness that mirrored the national mood at the time, and cemented Oswalts reputation as a comedian who loses no ground by going topical and getting angry.
Baz Suicide in Little Ghost

- INTO: Truth.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Red Wine, chocolate, shopping, music, the beach, orgasms.
- MAKES ME SAD: Cellulite, allergies, addictions, sneezing, not having an orgasm.
- HOBBIES: Singing, touching myself, touching him, touching myself again.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My guitar, my cellphone, my dildo, my shampoo and my mp3.
- VICES: I’m such a drama queen.
Get to know Baz better over at!