Wit Suicide in Busy Bachelor

- INTO: I like to go on adventures. I recently went to the rain forests of Belize. I love scuba diving. I’m a complete nerd for biology. I’m in love with my hammock and Harry Potter. I love food and cooking.
- NOT INTO: Roaches, clowns, feet, or dope addicts.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Being with friends and loved ones.
- MAKES ME SAD: Rejection.
- HOBBIES: Scuba, reading, video games, tokin’.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Cell (it sucks), cigarettes (though I’m “quitting”), eyeliner (well a girl’s gotta look good), my hammock, my friends.
- VICES: I don’t always think before I speak, which results in me being loud and very blunt. Also I tend to go on rants about the biological correctness of statements – my friends hate it.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Workin’, schoolin’, tokin’, and sleepin’.
Get to know Wit better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Blogbot
Let’s talk about sex, love, body dysmorphic disorder, and self-acceptance. This Sunday our very special in-studio guests will be author Monah Li (Beauty and the Feast – a Hollywood Memoir of Binging, Purging and Healing), gender writer and commentator Yashar Ali, and SG’s Red, White and Femme post-feminist columnist Darrah de jour. Prostitute and porn star turned academic and sexologist Annie Sprinkle – who has much to say on the subject of our society’s fat-phobia – will also be calling in.
Tune in to the world’s leading naked radio show for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let yo momma listen in!
Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on Indie1031.com
Got questions? Then dial our studio hotline digits this Sunday between 10 PM and midnight PST: 323-900-6012
And cyberstalk us on Facebook and Twitter.
by Yashar Ali
“I’m not going to talk to you when you’re acting this way.”
Whenever I ask my women friends about this phrase and what it means when they hear it from the men in their lives, they always have a strong reaction. One of frustration, anger, and annoyance.
You know how it makes you ultimately feel. This statement is about communication, a way to shut down the potential conversation that should happen. Men typically use this phrase as a way to avoid an uncomfortable or awkward moment — usually a situation in which they are being held accountable for their actions.
More significantly, this phrase is about taking control. When someone says this sentence, they are defining the situation on their terms — a man’s terms.
It’s gaslighting.
But this phrase is related to a larger issue I’m exploring: why is the tone, tenor, nature, path, and dynamics of the relationships (and not just romantic relationships) that women have with men, so often on the man’s terms?
The man setting the terms of a relationship may seem obvious when we think of romantic relationships, or perhaps, even work dynamics, but I want to engage in a larger exploration about all the kinds of relationships that women have with men, from male relatives, to male friends and co-workers.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“Why wouldnt I want to play music until I was 80?” – Exene Cervenka
Exene Cervenka is the gold standard for what all punk rock musicians should be. She is uncompromising, self deprecating and a real renaissance woman. She of course came to fame in the 1970s with the seminal punk band X. Since then Exene has had numerous other bands and her latest, Exene Cervenka & Original Sinners, has just released their second album titled Sev7en. It features Jason Edge and members of the band The 7 Shot Screamers.
Read our exclusive interview with Exene Cervenka on SuicideGirls.com.
Rowdi Suicide in Waking Up With

- INTO: Smoking a lot, drinking Bloody Marys, and doing something crazy!
- NOT INTO: TV and sitting inside.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Nature, pot, art, and coffee.
- MAKES ME SAD: Mean people.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Pot, coffee, and paint.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In a tattoo shop.
Get to know Rowdi better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Nicole Breanne
I took a week off from this blog because politics was a bit slow, and the only story was about Ron Paul – and I didn’t want to write about Ron Paul. This is a blog, not a democracy and I’ll write what I want (and what my editor will print!). But now I’m forced back to work to write about someone even worse. Not that Ron Paul is bad – he’s just nuts and I feel like if I write about him I’ll fall down a rabbit hole of crazy. Like I’ll be transported into a David Lynch film where nothing really makes sense, and then Robert Blake shows up – and shit, I’m not mentally stable enough for that right now! Although, I have always wanted to be Patricia Arquette. See, right now I’m just procrastinating, I’m bringing up random things I could write about for days (David Lynch, Rabbit Holes) because I don’t want to be writing about Newt Gingrich…did I mention I’m listening to Tom Waits…I really love him…I feel he’s not recognized enough as an artist and more people should get down with Tom Waits on, don’t you?
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“I hope that what people see when they watch Syriana is that I’m pointing the finger at myself.”
– Stephen Gaghan
Stephen Gaghan won an Oscar for his screenplay for Traffic. After crafting the screenplay for that dense multiple storyline filled story implicating everyone, even the US government, in the world’s hard drug trade, Gaghan decided to do the same for Big Oil with Syriana.
Syriana follows George Clooney as a career CIA operative as he begins to uncover the disturbing truth about the work he has devoted his life to as an up-and-coming oil broker. [Matt Damon] faces an unimaginable family tragedy and finds redemption in his partnership with an idealistic Gulf prince [Alexander Siddig]. A corporate lawyer [Jeffrey Wright] faces a moral dilemma as he finesses the questionable merger of two powerful U.S. oil companies.
Read our exclusive interview with Stephen Gaghan on SuicideGirls.com.