Dec 2010 24

by Blogbot

1. Snoop Dogg pimps out the Night Before Christmas
Cordozar Calvin Broadus a.k.a. Snoop Dogg puts his own spin on the Christmas classic. According to him, Santa would rather drink Pepsi Max from his cup than have milk with his cookies. He also alleges the white-bearded wonder has quite the potty mouth.


2. Very Bad Santa
Casting further doubt on Santa’s character, this security video catches him in a drunk and disorderly state. Let’s hope this was a post-present delivery celebration, since we’d hate to think he was driving his sleigh under the influence.


Dec 2010 23

by Bob Suicide

Generally, I’m the first person to lecherously nod and mumble “breast physics” when a new game like Soul Caliber comes out – which means I’m the last person to be leading the charge at the feminist forefront that is “hardcore girl gaming.” I have thoroughly entrenched myself in the male-gaming mindset: I want my explosions epic, my ladies sexy, and my multi-players noob-free.

However, every once in a while someone emails me just the right words to make me turn into the feminist Hulk, “Bob SMASH!”


Dec 2010 15

by Morgan

Casual games are often looked down upon in the video gaming community. (For a definition of casual games, check wiki.) But I reject the idea that casual gaming somehow makes a person a less serious gamer or that it is inherently silly. I think one would be hard pressed to refuse to admit that occasionally it’s fun to play something that is entertaining and engrossing but that doesn’t require big time/strategy investments. To that end, I check Big Fish Games and Jay is Games daily to see if there is anything new I want to try out. Here are the top four casual games that I’ve been playing recently, and that I highly recommend.


Dec 2010 09

by Blogbot

La Senza is putting some festive cheer into their stockings with their latest advertising campaign. The Canadian-based lingerie company has assembled a special “choir” featuring scantily clad models of varying proportions who each sing notes that correspond to their cup size.


Dec 2010 08

by Blogbot

This seems to be the season for seemingly stupid interweb cause-based campaigns, with two particularly vapid ones coming to mind.


Dec 2010 03

by Brandon Perkins

In the last installment of our futuristic fiction series, Please Use Rear Exit, Mikhail, who’d just X’ed his GF Katya, had ridden the #720 Brown BTWN bus route to the Low bar, where the saga of their breakup continued via text. As Katya finds oblivion in the bottom of a bottle at home, Mikhail contemplates the relationship that is no more…

Please Use Rear Exit: Chapter 4 – Peyton Manning’s FuckFace

The first time Mikhail broke up with Katya was only a few weeks after they had begun to see each other, barely enough time to be considered an official couple in the first place. It was before he’d go back to her for a much longer and intense session, a second time around. Before he was backed into any sort of corner, when things still felt free or, at the very least, without dire consequences. It was before she began demanding changes in his life. Before he realized how deep in it he actually was. At that early stage of their first dance-less dosey-doh, Katya seemed good for him.


Nov 2010 26

by Blogbot

So you’ve recovered from your turkey/Tofurky coma, and you’ve just finished pimpin’ your pad out with Christmas lights. You’ve got a little creative, you’re feeling smug – then don’t watch the video below, which seriously ups the ante on domestic decorations and will likely make the baubles you were so proud of 5 minutes ago look, quite frankly, slightly shite by comparison.
