by Ryan Stewart
“If you want to live a rock star lifestyle, that’s your prerogative.”
– Jonah Hill
Famously discovered by Dustin Hoffman, whose children were fans of his one-man plays in Manhattan’s East Village, Jonah Hill was already going places in the comedy business when he had the good fortune to acquire a second mentor in comedy mogul Judd Apatow — the rest is history.
After killing with smallish parts in Apatow-directed comedies The 40 Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up, the acerbic young comedian (then 24) landed a lead role specifically tailored to his strengths in Superbad, a teen bromance more foul-mouthed and uninhibited than any of the ’80s comedies that inspired it.
by Brett Warner
“The history of all previous societies has been the history of class struggle.” – Karl Marx
“It’s always about the money, isn’t it?” – Coach Eric Taylor
There is a scene late in the fourth season of NBC’s Friday Night Lights in which a sixteen year-old high school student named Becky Sproles confronts the football team’s star running back, Luke Cafferty, with some bad news: “I’m pregnant, and it’s yours, and I need an abortion…It’s really expensive, it’s like $300. And I don’t have all of it right now, but I can come up with half if you can come up with the other half.”
Television critics were quick to praise the show for its brave pro-choice stance, but Friday Night Lights adheres consistently to its “quasi-Marixst understanding that economics dictate everything.” (Ginia Bellafante, NY Times) Despite their clear eyes and full hearts, the residents of fictional working class town Dillon, Texas wind up losing quite a bit over the course of four football seasons; their televised drama reflects the struggles, worries, and economic woes of a significant percentage of the United States for whom the recession is far from over.
MeelaJane Suicide in iPad

- INTO: Colors, beaches, chillin’.
- NOT INTO: Mean people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My family and friends.
- HOBBIES: Skool, kickin’ back, swimming.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My phone, my iPod, my Chapstick, pot, my hair straightener.
- VICES: Smokin’.
Get to know MeelaJane better over at!
by Suri Suicide

[Kaylie McDougal a.k.a. Tigermassacre]
Artist / SG Member Name: Kaylie McDougal / Tigermassacre
Mission: “I’m from a small, southern town. All I ever dreamed of was getting out and seeing the world. After getting out and seeing very small pieces of the world, I can honestly say I’ve yet to feel truly at home anywhere. But I’m still looking. Besides my love of travel, the only other constant in my life has been my love of art – in particular, drawing comics.
by Nicole Powers
“She’s a bit of a skank.”
– Rufus Dayglo
It’s been a couple of years since Tank Girl made her dramatic comeback. Since then she’s been kicking a lot of physical and metaphorical butt. After a hiatus of over a decade, the punk rock comic character is making up for lost time, with a slew of new adventures in book and comic form.
Created by anarchist wordsmith Alan Martin and artist Jamie Hewlett, Tankie (as she is affectionately known to those in the know) first made her debut in the pages of UK comic magazine Deadline in 1988. Her “fuck you” attitude instantly resonated with Britain’s disenfranchised, Thatcher-abused youth, and it wasn’t long before Hollywood came calling. However MGM’s 1995 film, which captured the look but not the spirit of the comic strip, pretty much stopped Tank Girl in her tracks.
By Edward Kelly
Fall is here, finally (but tell that to the oppressive heat wave Los Angeles is currently experiencing), which means it’s time for the kids to go back to school, for football to start up again, to bid adieu to the dog days of summer TV dreck, and to grant a warm welcome to new and returning shows. Thankfully, it looks like this season has some strong contenders, and while I’d love to fully recap and nerd out over each one of these individually, I don’t think I’m allowed to (plus, there are actual TV critics who will do that for you). So, instead, I thought I’d offer up my top seven favorite moments of this premiere week. Why seven? Because I’m just nutty for prime numbers.
Leopoldine Suicide in Bilitis

- INTO: Art and architecture.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Californication, Scrubs, Les Planches courbes de Yves Bonnefoy, Harold et Maude, La Fille sur le pont, Cry-Baby.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My panties, Frou Frou, my jeans, my toothbrush, love, love, love beauty products.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Studying architecture and shopping.
Get to know Leopoldine better over at!