By Malloreigh
If there’s anything that’s legitimized veganism among the masses lately it’s been the explosive popularity of vegan baking. A vegan cupcake baker won Food Network’s Cupcake Wars, and Isa Chandra Moskowitz’ pair of cookbooks featuring rich, delicious vegan cookie and cupcake recipes have been a success with vegans and non-vegans alike.
That said, even if it weren’t for the sudden boom in the acceptability of vegan baking, this cookie recipe would still be a hit. The delicate flavor of lavender flowers gives this a particularly grown-up taste, but even without the floral hints, these cookies are gobbled up in record time no matter where I bring them. I think the relatively small amount of sugar makes them feel guiltless to eat.
Bonus side note: I came up with the idea of combining the flavors of lavender and cinnamon sugar while showering. My soap smells like snickerdoodles and my facial exfoliant is scented with lavender oil. The combination was surprisingly exciting.
by Blogbot
It’s debatable whether Die Antwood is plain special or a bit special-ed if you catch my drift. And that’s kinda the point. It may be shit, it may be genius, it may be carefully manicured shit genius, or it may simply be genius shit. As founding member Ninja says, “Is this Die Antwoord fucking terrible, like fucking retardedly the worst thing ever or the most amazing thing in the entire universe?”
The subject of much (BoingBoing-fueled) speculation and a bizarre music vid – Enter the Ninja – which spread like Ebola over the interwebs, it’s been hard for even the most curious to decide either way. But this month the elusive Cape Town rap/rave meets “zef-so-fresh” trio (comprised of rapper Ninja, vocalist Yo-landi Vi$$er and DJ Hi-Tek) will finally drop their pants and show us what they’re made of. (For the record: District 9 director Neill Blomkamp “fucking” loves them, and Davids Lynch and Fincher are said to be fans.)
by Nicole Powers
“People are losing their skill to express themselves.”
– Chuck Palahniuk
“Chuck Palahniuk needs little by way of introduction on SuicideGirls, our very name being an hommage to the author of Fight Club, Choke and Snuff. We caught up with him by phone to talk about his latest novel, Tell-All. It’s a fictional gossip-laced memoir told in the voice of Hazie Coogan, the female assistant to “the glorious film actress” Miss Katherine Kenton who resides in Hollywood’s very real past – a glamorous world populated by the likes of Lillian Hellman, Darryl Zanuck, David O. Selznick, Clark Gable and Bette Davis, who are all names Tell-All’s characters love to drop. During our conversation with Palahniuk, we spoke about society’s need for the culture of celebrity, the nature of name-dropping, and the ultimate name to drop.
AnnaLee Suicide in Specimen

- INTO: Living a good life.
- NOT INTO: Cars, television, cigarettes, meat, drinking culture, negativity, superficiality and people with no imaginations or desires…
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Books, tea, solitude, ornithology, natural history, baking cakes, my cat, sleeping, the sea, old-fashioned museums, etymology, entomology, walking, cycling, equality, understanding, compassion, passion, good manners, hermit crabs, olives, peace, quiet, the sky, meteorological phenomena, drawing, painting, churches, nature taking over, wall paintings, bees, stoicism, cinema, hot baths, gardens, wild places, lochs, rivers, anything wet, perfume, cardigans, being a stranger in new cities, unusual encounters with other creatures, marmalade, moths, butterflies, being productive, cold climates, wallpaper, sewing, the changing seasons, red hair, pickles, whiskers, paws and cats purring.
- MAKES ME SAD: When my family are unhappy. How little we care about non-human animals, our planet and each other. People not living life as well as they could. The fact that work, productivity and consumerism overtake life. Wasting time. Negativity. Physical and mental illness. Intolerance.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: A book, a quiet place, fresh air, hot tea and of course music.
- VICES: Book buying, but that’s probably not too unhealthy…I am also addicted to expensive chocolate, that is ever so slightly unhealthy.
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